2008-2009 Graduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]
Mathematics and Statistics
Degree Offered:
- PhD Computational Science and Statistics
- MS Statistics
- MS Mathematics
- Statistics specialization
Graduate Minors in Statistics are offered for both MS and PhD Candidate
Department Head: Professor Kurt D. Cogswell
Graduate Coordinator: Assistant Professor Donald Vestal
For additional information contact:
Mailing address: SDSU Box 2220C Phone: 605/688-5426
Harding Hall — SHH 121 Fax: 605/688-6814
WWW: http://mathstat.sdstate.edu
E-mail: Kurt.Cogswell@sdstate.edu
Graduate Faculty
Ross P. Abraham, Professor, PhD, University of Houston, 1997 Group Theory
Matthew Biesecker, Assistant Professor, PhD, Utah State, 2004, Mathematical Biology
Ding-Geng Chen, Associate Professor, PhD, University of Guelph, 1995, Biostatistics, Ecological Informatics
Kurt D. Cogswell, Professor, PhD, Northwestern University, 1996 Dynamical Systems
Dwight H. Galster, Associate Professor, PhD, North Dakota State University, 2001 Statistics
Weiming Ke, Assistant Professor, PhD, University of Memphis, 2005, Biostatistics
Ross Kindermann, Professor, PhD, University of Illinois-Urbana, 1978, Probability, Stochastic Processes
Daniel J. Schaal, Professor, PhD, University of Idaho, 1994 Ramsey Theory, Combinatorics
Robert C. Schmidt, Professor, PhD, Iowa State University, 1987 Numerical Analysis, Numerical Linear Algebra