Welcome to South Dakota State University and thank you for considering
the Graduate Programs in the SDSU Graduate School. Attending graduate
school at SDSU is a wise choice. As South Dakota’s Land-Grant University,
you will be provided with opportunities in 30 Graduate Programs that
encompass areas such as agriculture, engineering, social sciences, health
sciences, education, biological sciences, nursing, computation, and
geospatial sciences.
Graduate-level courses and exciting research programs abound at SDSU.
The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching recently
classified SDSU as the state’s only Research University with high research
activity. Graduate education and research programs provided by seven
academic colleges provide outstanding opportunities for advanced education
and respected credentials.
South Dakota State University offers MS, MA, MEd and PhD programs, as
well as a Doctorate of Pharmacy degree. Many of the Master’s-level
programs offer a choice of thesis, design paper, or course-based pedagogies.
Each graduate student works closely with a faculty committee to develop a
research program and plan of study to match the student’s interests.
Research opportunities are expanding at SDSU. Of course, research is a
core part of SDSU’s land-grant mission. SDSU is a Space Grant as well as a
Sun Grant university with programs in remote sensing, geospatial sciences
and engineering, and renewable energy. Our involvement in numerous
EPSCoR programs provides linkages to several federal research programs.
Lately, the South Dakota Governor, state legislature and Board of Regents
have enhanced research through the South Dakota 2010 Initiatives.
This Graduate Catalog is a valuable resource to learn about SDSU’s
graduate education programs. SDSU’s web page (http://www3.sdstate.edu)
is also an important resource to learn about individual departments and
faculty. Information specific to this semester’s graduate students is available
at http://www3.sdstate.edu/Academics/GraduateSchool.
If you have any questions about the Graduate School at SDSU, please feel
free to call 605/688-4181, stop by to visit the campus, or send an e-mail to
sdsu.gradschool@sdstate.edu. We look forward to assisting you.
Kevin D. Kephart
Vice President for Research
Dean, Graduate School