2008-2009 Graduate Catalog 
    Jan 15, 2025  
2008-2009 Graduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Doctor of Philosophy Degree Requirements


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Admission Requirements


The application file must be complete with the application form, application fee, transcripts, letters of recommendation, and other materials as required by specific programs before processing the application will begin. Applicants for the Doctor of Philosophy degree, 60-credit plan, will usually have a Master’s degree. This degree must be awarded from an approved, accredited institution. In those cases where applicants do not have a Master’s degree, departmental requirements will apply, either requiring completion of a Master’s degree or permitting an individual to move directly into a doctoral program, 90-credit plan. Applications for domestic, international or non-degree seeking students are found at http://www3.sdstate.edu/Academics/GraduateSchool/FormsandDocuments/.

Advisory Committee


After consultation with the student, the head of the major department will designate a major advisor. As soon as possible, but no later than the completion of 50 percent of the credits toward graduation, the major advisor will recommend to the Dean/Associate Dean of the Graduate School members of an Advisory Committee as follows:

  1. The major advisor who acts as chairperson of the committee.
  2. The head or representative of the major department or of a department in the area of the major.
  3. An additional member of the major department or a related department, or a professional with an outstanding academic record and/or knowledge in the field from outside the University.
  4. The minor advisor or a representative from an area where the supporting courses will be taken if a minor or supporting area is required. If a minor or supporting area is not required, an additional member should be recommended from the major department or a related area.
  5. The Graduate School Dean will select a fifth member from a department representing an area not closely related to the major or minor department or supporting area. This member represents the Graduate Faculty, ensuring that its rules and regulations are followed by the Committee and acting as the student’s advocate, if necessary.

The above five members shall be members of the Graduate Faculty except when an outside representative is used in “C” above. Additional members of the committee may be requested by the student or the major advisor and assigned to the committee by the Dean of the Graduate School.

The Advisory Committee is responsible for assisting the student in a timely fashion to develop a suitable graduate program, provide guidance and counsel, evaluate student progress, and certify the completion of the degree requirements to the Dean of the Graduate School. The Advisory Committee, in a timely fashion, approves the plan of study and any revision(s) of it, approves the dissertation proposal, reviews the dissertation, evaluates the student’s progress, conducts the comprehensive examinations and the final examination, supervises the validation of courses, and ensures that professional standards have been met in completing the degree requirements. The “Guidelines for Preparation of Doctorate Plan of Study” and the “Graduate School Plan of Study Doctor of Philosophy Degree” are both available at http://www3.sdstate.edu/Academics/GraduateSchool/FormsandDocuments/.

Plan of Study Information


After the Advisory Committee is formed, the major advisor will schedule a meeting with the student to develop a plan of study and to consider a research area for the dissertation. The plan of study must be prepared using the form provided by the Graduate School and approved by the Advisory Committee and the Dean/Associate Dean of the Graduate School prior to completion of 50 percent of the credits toward graduation. Delay in submitting a plan of study may result in disapproval of courses taken prior to approval. The student cannot take the comprehensive written examination prior to approval of the plan of study. Changes in the approved plan of study must be requested using the form provided by the Graduate School, and must be approved by the Advisory Committee and the Dean of the Graduate School. While devising the plan of study, refer to the “Academic Information” section in this catalog in addition to the following information.

Plan of Study Credit Requirements


Total Credits Required- A minimum of three academic years of full-time work beyond the Bachelor’s degree (minimum of 90 semester credits, 90-Credit Plan) or a minimum of two academic years of full time work beyond the Master’s degree (minimum of 60 semester credits, 60-Credit Plan) are required for the Doctor of Philosophy degree. Where consideration is given to a Master’s degree it must be in the area of the major, minor or a related area, be an academic program from a regionally accredited institution, and be declared at the time the Plan of Study is submitted. The Advisory Committee may require more credits than the minimum listed above if it believes the extra requirements are in the best interest of the student.

Major Courses - At least 60 credits of the 90-Credit Plan or 40 credits of the 60-Credit Plan required for the degree must be earned in the major. Dissertation and transfer credits may apply. Not all courses need to be in a single department or area, but all courses applying to the major should be closely related to the major area.

Minor or Supporting Courses, if required - At least 15 credits of the 90-Credit Plan or 10 credits of the 60-Credit Plan required for the degree must be earned in a minor or in supporting courses (coursework chosen from two or more fields). Transfer credits may apply. All courses applying in the minor or supporting fields must be taken outside the major department or area, unless courses in the major department are considered sufficiently diverse by the Advisory Committee. If the degree program does not require a minor or supporting area, additional coursework from the major or related areas must be substituted for the 15 credits (90-Credit Plan) or 10 credits (60-Credit Plan).

Graduate Credit Requirement - At least 50 percent of the credits on a Plan of Study must be in courses open only to graduate students (600-series or above).

Additional Requirements - The Advisory Committee may require more credits than the minimum indicated above if it feels it is in the best interest of the student.



Proposal - The student in consultation with the major advisor or dissertation advisor shall prepare a written dissertation proposal for approval by the Advisory Committee.

Requirements - The dissertation should represent at least one academic year of full-time research (18-30 credits). Most programs require 30 dissertation credits or more. Of no specific length, the dissertation should advance or modify knowledge in the major discipline and demonstrate the candidate’s mastery of the subject. The dissertation should meet discipline standards as required by the Major Department and be in the format required by the Graduate School as specified in “Instructions for Dissertation.” When submitted, it must include an abstract of no more than 350 words.

The dissertation should be an integrated document reporting philosophic inquiry. The students are encouraged to develop one or more journal articles from their dissertation. Some departments may require that the journal articles be a part of the dissertation. However, the dissertation should be a single document rather than a compilation of individual manuscripts. For more information, go to http://www3.sdstate.edu/Academics/GraduateSchool/ThesisDissertationSubmittal/.

Use of Human Subjects or Vertebrate Animals in Research - After receiving approval to proceed with a dissertation, students must also seek approval for the use of human subjects or vertebrate animals in research, if applicable, from the appropriate committee. These approvals must be secured before beginning the study. For more information, visit the Research Compliance website at http://www3.sdstate.edu/UniversityResearch/ResearchCompliance/ or contact the SDSU Research Compliance Coordinator in the Office of Research & Sponsored Programs, SAD 124, 605/688-6975.

Binding - When the final approved copy of the Dissertation is completed, four copies are submitted to the Library for binding. The cost for binding these copies is the responsibility of the student. Two copies, one on at least 50 percent rag content paper (cotton bond), and an additional abstract, printed on at least 50 percent rag content paper (cotton bond) must be returned to the Graduate School with a receipt from the Library showing the binding costs paid at least five working days prior to Commencement.

Electronic Dissertation Submission - All doctoral candidates are required to submit their dissertations in the appropriate format for electronic publication. Students should contact the Graduate School for appropriate guidelines or go to http://www3.sdstate.edu/Academics/GraduateSchool/ThesisDissertationSubmittal/.

Continuing Dissertation Enrollment


Failure to maintain registration or enrollment will move the student to inactive status. Reinstatement requires re-application to the Graduate School and approval by the Advisory Committee.



Interim Evaluation - Upon completion of approximately 50 percent of the coursework on the plan of study, the Advisory Committee will meet to evaluate the progress of the student, provide advice and counsel, and recommend continuance or termination of the program. Because the Doctor of Philosophy is a terminal academic degree, student performance includes an evaluation of progress in the program and academic performance. The Advisory Committee may recommend in writing to the student and Dean of the Graduate School termination of the student in the program.

Comprehensive Written and Oral Examinations- Comprehensive examinations must be administered after coursework on the plan of study has been substantially completed. The comprehensive written examination is followed, on satisfactory completion, by an oral examination. These examinations are to test the student’s breadth of knowledge and his/her ability to integrate this knowledge.

The student arranges with his/her committee the time and location for the comprehensive written and oral examinations. The student will submit the “Comprehensive Written Exam” form to the Graduate School at least ten working days prior to the examination date. The submission of this form initiates the necessary paperwork to be provided by the Graduate School to the student and committee members. Copies of the written examinations must be kept on file in the major department. Upon successful completion of the comprehensive written examination, the student will arrange with his/her advisor and committee members to take the comprehensive oral examination and will submit the “Comprehensive Oral Exam” form to the Graduate School at least ten working days prior to the exam which initiates the necessary paperwork to be provided by the Graduate School to the student and committee members. The comprehensive examinations must be completed at least two months before the Final Oral Examination. Upon satisfactory completion of the comprehensive examinations, the student is formally admitted to candidacy for the PhD degree. If the student does not receive the PhD degree within three years after becoming a candidate, Comprehensive Examinations must be repeated. For comprehensive examinations forms, go to http://www3.sdstate.edu/Academics/GraduateSchool/FormsandDocuments/.

Final Examination - This examination is conducted by the Advisory Committee after notifying the Graduate School using the “Doctor of Philosophy - Final Oral Exam” form ten working days prior to the examination. While the Advisory Committee determines the character and length of the examination, sufficient time should be devoted to the dissertation, including literature review, to evaluate the ability of the student to defend the research. In addition, questions to test the student’s general knowledge, judgment and critical thinking powers are usually asked. The final oral examination cannot be taken earlier than two months following successful completion of the comprehensive examinations and must be completed ten working days prior to Commencement.

In both examinations, the Graduate Faculty Representative and all but one of the graduate committee must pass the student.

Time Limitation


Obsolete Program- If the Doctor of Philosophy degree is not completed within eight years from the time of admission to work toward the degree, a reconsideration of the student’s program will be required. In such cases, the rules of the Graduate School in effect at the beginning of the ninth year will become effective for the student.

Obsolete Coursework- Courses completed more than eight years before completion of the doctorate are regarded as obsolete coursework. Such courses may be used in the doctoral degree program if validated. Validation is allowed at the discretion of the Advisory Committee and department involved and can be accomplished by passing validation requirements in the subject matter area. Validated obsolete coursework cannot exceed 50 percent of the coursework (excluding dissertation credits) listed on the plan of study and must be certified by the Advisory Committee on a form provided by the Graduate School.

Doctor of Philosophy Checklist*






When Due


Application for Admission to Graduate School approved


One month before initial registration


Designation of Major Advisor


Upon acceptance into Graduate School and degree program


Designation of Advisory Committee*


Within first semester of graduate work or prior to 12 semester hours of graduate work


Approval of plan of study* by Advisory Committee submitted to Graduate School


Within the first semester of graduate work or prior to completion of 50% of credits toward graduation


Approval of written Dissertation Proposal by Advisory Committee


Before beginning research


Interim Evaluation by the Advisory Committee


Not later than halfway through the coursework on the plan of study


Forms for Comprehensive Examinations* submitted to Graduate School, Candidacy for PhD Degree


Near completion of coursework and at least 2 months prior to final oral examination


Filing of Graduation Application


By date set by Graduate School, student anticipates completing all work and taking oral examination


Form submitted from advisor to Graduate School requesting Final Oral Examination*


At least ten working days prior to final oral examinations


Dissertation due to Graduate School and Advisory Committee


Both paper and electronic versions due by date set by Graduate School


Final Oral Examination


By date set by Graduate School


Corrected Copies of Dissertation due to Graduate School


By date set by Graduate School

*Graduate School forms are available at the Graduate School (SAD 130) or on-line. Go to http://www3.sdstate.edu/Academics/GraduateSchool/FormsandDocuments/.