General Information
An act of the Territorial Legislature approved in 1881 provided for the establishment of what is now South Dakota State University. The institution granted its first Master of Science degree in 1891, its first Master of Education degree and Doctor of Philosophy degree in 1958. All graduate work was supervised by a committee until 1957, when the Graduate School was established.
A Graduate Council of nine elected members from the Graduate Faculty assists the Graduate Dean. The council includes the Graduate Dean (chair); Associate Dean, one member each from Animal Sciences, Biological Sciences, Education and Counseling, Engineering Sciences, Health Sciences, Physical Sciences, Plant Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities. The Dean of the Library serves as an ex-officio non-voting member.
The Graduate Faculty is composed of the University President, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Vice President for Administrative Affairs, college deans, heads of departments in which graduate courses are given, and other faculty, chosen on the basis of their training and experience, in accordance with the policies of the Graduate School. All matters of policy and standards are acted on by the Graduate Faculty. In addition, Graduate Faculty are authorized to serve as advisors to graduate students or on their examining committee and to teach courses for graduate credit.
The Graduate School provides an atmosphere for qualified students to obtain rigorous advanced education in a variety of fields in preparation for service and leadership in their professions and society. It also promotes scholarly pursuits and scientific research for the advancement of knowledge within a climate of freedom of inquiry. This Catalog deals only with the graduate programs of the institution. For material on undergraduate programs and for general information concerning South Dakota State University, refer to the General Catalog (Undergraduate Catalog), available in the Admissions Office, Administration Building (SAD 200), or at
This Catalog is printed to provide information about the graduate programs of South Dakota State University. Every effort has been made to provide as complete and accurate information as possible; however, it should be noted that changes may occur at any time. Students are allowed to fulfill the degree requirements in effect at the time of initial enrollment as a degree-seeking student, provided the student completes the degree requirements within the stated time frame through continuous enrollment. If a student needs to re-apply into the degree program, the guidelines in effect at the time of re-application must then be followed. It is the student’s responsibility to become familiar with and complete the requirements for the degree being sought.
South Dakota State University is a Land-Grant University and as such subscribes to the land-grant philosophy of education, research, and extension as its three-fold mission. The Graduate School is a separate administrative unit composed of selected scholars within the University.
Listed below are the specific accreditation boards and memberships involving SDSU Graduate Programs:
Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs - Counseling and Human Resource Development (MS)
Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education - Pharmacy (PharmD)
American Association of Veterinary Lab Diagnosticians - Animal Disease Research and Diagnostic Lab
Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Ed. - Athletic Training (MS)
Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education - Nursing (MS)
National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education - College of Education & Counseling
North Central Association Higher Learning Commission
South Dakota Department of Education - Counseling & Human Resource Development (MS), Curriculum & Instruction (MEd), Educational Administration (MEd), and Reading Specialist (MEd) |