2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]
Music (B.A.) - Music Studies Specialization
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Program Coordinator/Contact
David Reynolds, Director
School of Performing Arts
Oscar Larson Performing Arts Center 123B, Box 2830
Program Information
This program takes advantage of the types of courses central to a liberal arts education. Although the degree is not tied to any specific career aspiration, students often use the degree as preparation for careers in musicology, composing, music librarianship, and private studio teaching. The flexibility of the curriculum is also used by students desiring a performance-based course of study and to prepare for graduate school.
Student Learning Outcomes
Music Studies students will:
- Analyze, synthesize, and create music as a means of supporting developing careers in music education and/or performance. (Cross-curricular Skill: Inquiry and Analysis)
- Be able to perform as soloists, ensemble members, and/or chamber musicians at appropriate levels for their concentration. (Cross-curricular Skill: Teamwork)
- Integrative Learning (Cross-curricular Skill: Integrative Learning)
- Demonstrate proficient knowledge of the information literacy as pertained to research method—specifically when it comes to researching and writing about music. (Cross-curricular Skill: Information Literacy)
- SLO 5 (Diversity and Inclusion) will be assessed through learning opportunities presented in the first-year MUS 119 course, reinforced through discussion of MUEN programming, and through progress in projects associated with MUS 130, World Music. Data will be collected and analyzed every three years and stored in the Music office. Benchmark for success is that 80% of students will demonstrate proficient knowledge of the diversity of values, beliefs, practices, and ideas embodied in the discipline of music. (Cross-curricular Skill: Diversity, Inclusion and Equity)
Music Program Application Requirements
- Admission as a music major in any of the music degree programs requires the successful completion of an audition in the student’s major area of applied instruction.
- Music majors in all degree programs must choose one area of applied instruction in which to specialize. Further, students must meet the applied proficiency standards of the program in that area. To that end, students must:
- successfully complete a jury examination each semester.
- apply for and be granted approval to advance to upper level applied study (300-400 levels).
- complete a minimum of 6 hours of upper level (300-400) applied study
- Piano proficiency is required of all majors. Several approaches to meeting the requirements are available. See the Student Handbook published and available from the program for more specifics. The piano proficiency must be passed before the senior recital may be scheduled.
- Voice or instrumental proficiency is required of all keyboard majors.
- Ensemble Requirements:
- All music majors must participate in at least one major ensemble each semester they are enrolled as a regular university student (Internship and Student Teaching semesters excepted). See the Student Handbook for more details.
- Participation in small ensembles is strongly encouraged for all majors and minors.
- A minimum of five pedagogy courses is required for students in the B.M.E program, and while the required pedagogies develop proficiencies within the areas of specialization for B.M.E. students, a functional knowledge of instrumental or vocal techniques outside the specialty is also essential. For instrumental B.M.E. majors, this must include one semester each of string, woodwind, brass, and percussion pedagogies. Six semesters will assure the broadest preparation through multiple levels of woodwind and brass pedagogy. In addition, instrumental B.M.E. majors must take MUS 270 /MUS 271 general voice for instrument majors. For vocal B.M.E. majors, the four required semesters of vocal pedagogy are augmented by MUS 270 /MUS 271 general instrument for voice majors.
- Recommendations for enrolling in student teaching will be issued by the Music Education Coordinator following an interview with the student and his/her advisor.
- Recommendations for music entrepreneurship students wishing to enroll for the Internship experience must be issued by the program Coordinator.
- A senior recital is required of all music majors.
- Majors and minors must enroll for Recital Attendance (MUS 185 ) each semester they are enrolled for applied music lessons.
Academic Requirements
A grade of “C” or above is required in all major MUS, MUEN and MUAP courses.
Course Delivery Format
The program offers coursework in classroom, studio, and performance settings. The program allows for internship experiences and independent studies.
Requirements for Music Major - Music Studies Specialization: 120 Credits
Bachelor of Arts in Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences System General Education Requirements
College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Requirements
Bachelor of Arts Requirements: 9+ - Modern Foreign Language Including the 202-Level Credits: 6+
- AHSS 111 - Introduction to Global Citizenship and Diversity Credits: 3
- One declared minor outside of the major prefix OR a second major OR a teaching specialization. The minor may be a traditional minor within one department or it may be interdisciplinary involving more than one department. The minor can be in a different college. The minor must be declared no later than the student’s third semester of enrollment.
- Capstone course in the major discipline
- Upper division coursework Credits: 33
System General Education and/or major coursework may satisfy some or all of the above requirements. Consult program advisor for details. See the College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences for additional information about Bachelor of Arts specifications. Electives
Taken as needed to complete any additional degree requirements. Total Required Credits: 120
1 MUS 185 must have concurrent enrollment with all MUAP courses. 2 MUAP 483 must have concurrent enrollment with final MUAP 4XX. Summary of Program Requirements
Bachelor of Arts in Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | System General Education Requirements | 30 Credit Hours | College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Requirements* | 9+ Credit Hours | Major Requirements | 52 Credit Hours | Electives** | 35 Credit Hours | *System General Education Requirements, Major Requirements, and Supporting Coursework may satisfy some or all of the above requirements. **Taken as needed to complete any additional degree requirements. Academic Advising Guide Sheet
The goal of the academic advising guide sheets and sample plans of study is to promote undergraduate student success by guiding all students to timely completion of an undergraduate degree. Students are not limited to the course sequence provided for their academic program. Instead, the sample plan of study is one possible path to completing your degree and is meant to be used as a guide for planning purposes in consultation with an academic advisor. The plans also help students prepare for meetings with their academic advisor and track their progress in their selected academic program. |
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