Student Handbook 2020-2021 
    Feb 14, 2025  
Student Handbook 2020-2021 [Archived Catalog]

Student Services & Support

Please click on a heading below to be taken to that section of the handbook:

Admissions Math Help Center Student Outcome Data
American Indian Student Center Multicultural Center Support Desk
Army ROTC MyJacks Card Sustainability
Bookstore New Student Orientation Technology
Career Development Office of Diversity, Inclusion, Equity & Access Testing Center
Cashier’s Office Parking Services Transfer Policy
Chemistry Resource Room Print Lab & Imaging TRIO Student Support Services
Continuing & Distance Education Registrar University Police Department
Dining Services

Residential Life

University Student Union
Disability Services Students’ Association Verification of Student Identity
Financial Aid & Scholarships
  Student Complaints
Veterans Affairs
Hilton M. Briggs Library
  Student Conduct
Wellness Center
International Affairs
  Student Employment
Wintrode Student Success Center
Jack’s Cupboard
  Student Legal Aid
Writing Center
  Student Ombudsperson  


Studnets sitting near the union.


Enrollment Service Center


Admissions Email

The Office of Admissions at SDSU often serves as the first “face” of the university for visiting students and their families. The office encompasses recruitment, visit planning and admissions processing staff. Each year Admissions hosts a variety of on and off-campus recruitment programs that allow prospective students to learn more about the opportunities available to them at SDSU. Admissions seeks to further the overall goals of the Division by providing students with high-quality visit experiences, customer service and communication that will foster optimistic and accurate expectations about SDSU and increase students’ potential for success when they arrive on campus as new Jackrabbits. New student scholarships are awarded through the Admissions Office.


American Indian Student Center

920 Campanile Ave 


American Indian Student Center Email

The American Indian Student Center (AISC) is committed to providing a welcome home-place to support those who have courageously chosen to walk the path of higher education. The AISC understands that a vital part of our function involves nation building and works to encourage students to recognize and develop their voice and help prepare Native students to respond to the call to return home. The AISC also offers retention advising, recruitment for Native American students, and cultural programming.


Army ROTC (Reserve Officers’ Training Corps)

DePuy Military Hall - 1150 Campanile Ave SDSU Campus


Army ROTC Email

The Army Reserve Officers’ Training Corps provides leadership training, mentorship and physical fitness to students looking to be future leaders in the US Army, Army National Guard and the Army Reserve. Various scholarships are available for qualified applicants. If you want to challenge yourself, mentor others and become a leader in the premier leadership program in the world, stop by and find out how to become an Army Officer through the South Dakota State University Army ROTC program.



Student Union


Bookstore Email

The SDSU Bookstore, located within the University Student Union, sells books, textbooks and school supplies along with a wide variety of SDSU and Jackrabbit apparel and merchandise. The SDSU Bookstore also houses HoboTech, an Apple Authorized Campus Store. HoboTech carries a full lineup of Apple computers and accessories. HoboTech’s qualified staff is available to answer Apple related questions and to offer one-on-one training sessions if desired.

The University Bookstore offers interest-free financing for up to 24 months up to $4000 on iPad and Mac.
This offer is available to qualified SDSU employees who are full-time or part-time 9 or 12 month employees. Choose from one of the three payment plans.
1. Six months: Purchases greater than or equal to $300
2. 12 months: Purchases greater than or equal to $300
3. 24 months: Purchases greater than or equal to $600
More information about this payroll deduction plan or hour of operation please visit our website


Career Development

Student Union 136


Facilitating the transition from student to professional and helping students and employers connect are two goals that drive the services of the Office of Career Development. Whether an incoming student trying to choose a major, a sophomore preparing to attend a career fair, a junior searching for an internship, a senior applying to graduate school, or a master’s student interviewing for an entry-level job, Career Development is here to help, both in person and online. FOCUS 2 Career is an online assessment tool that empowers students to make informed decisions about their major, education and career path. SDSU students may use the code “jacks” for 24/7 access. Handshake is an online career management tool that students can use to search for jobs, internships and career fair information, plus sign up for on-campus interviews, schedule appointments with career coaches, and more.  Students should use their MyState credentials to log into Handshake.


Cashier’s Office

Morrill Hall 136


Cashier’s Office Email

SDSU Cashier’s Office manages tuition and fee related processes and questions including: assisting students with questions about their accounts, providing information on all charges and payments applied to student accounts, processing student payments and refunds, and managing student accounts receivable related holds. The Cashier’s Office is also the depository office for the funds of all University departments.  The Cashier’s Office will establish cash funds for University departments when it is necessary.


Chemistry Resource Room

Avera Health and Science Center 246


Assistance in chemistry is coordinated through the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and staffed by graduate students. Resource Room hours vary by semester and are posted on the Chemistry & Biochemistry website as well as on the door. Call the department, 605-688-5151, or visit the Chemistry Resource Room on the second floor of the Avera Health and Science Center (SAV 268).


Continuing & Distance Education

West Hall 120


Continuing and Distance Education Email

The Office of Continuing and Distance Education works to broaden the reach of SDSU, with a commitment to providing quality education no matter where students reside. The office serves students on campus and across the globe. In addition to online education, the Office of Continuing and Distance Education coordinates the program offerings at several off-campus locations. The off-campus centers effectively extend the reach of SDSU by offering the same quality education to students who want to earn their degree while living and working in their home community.


Dining Services

Student Union 073


Campus Dining is a large part of the college experience. Their goal is to make each customer’s dining experience the best it can be by providing good, nutritious food in a relaxed atmosphere. They also strive to deliver superior service each day. As you browse the Campus Dining site, you will get a taste of the innovative creations they have in store for you at their locations on campus which include Larson Commons, The Market, Chick-fil-a, Dairy Bar, Einsteins Bros Bagels, Erbert and Gerbert’s, Extreme Pita, Panda Express, Java City, Starbucks, Weary Wil’s, and Jacks’ C-Store.


Meal Plan Options/Costs


Disability Services

Student Union 271


Disability Services Email

The Office of Disability Services recognizes that disability is a natural part of the human experience and an aspect of diversity that is integral to society and to the campus community. To this end, the office collaborates with students, faculty and staff across the University community to create usable, equitable, inclusive and sustainable learning environment. To receive accommodations, students must contact the office and complete the Student Information Form. Some of the accommodations Disability Services can provide are alternative text formats, sign language interpreters, notetakes, assistive technology, alternative accommodations for exams, extended time for testing and referrals to other resources.

ADA Information


Financial Aid & Scholarships

Enrollment Service Center



Financial Aid Email

The Financial Aid Office administers student financial assistance programs, including federal and state financial aid, SDSU scholarships and governmental agency awards. Students must complete and submit the FAFSA to be considered for most state and federal assistance. The SDSU Financial Aid Office is available to answer your FAFSA questions.

Financial Aid

View our Financial Aid Policy for an explanation of the different types of financial aid available to students and for information about financial aid processing.

Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards

Federal regulations require the University to define and evaluate Satisfactory Academic Progress (“SAP”) for federal student financial aid applicants to ensure that the federal aid given to a student is used in a constructive manner and that the student is maintaining satisfactory advancement toward achieving a degree. This policy and its procedures set forth the SAP standards for students receiving financial aid at the University.


SDSU offers a variety of academic scholarships. Awards are based on academic achievement, participation in activities and leadership. Returning students can fill out the continuing student scholarship application each year to deem their eligibility for SDSU scholarships by logging on to their MyState to complete and submit the application. The freshman scholarship application can be submitted by setting up an SDSU Self Service Account.

Work Study


Work Study Email

The Federal Work-Study Program provides eligible students the opportunity to earn money for educational expenses. To be considered for Federal Work-Study, students must complete the FAFSA on or before March 1 indicating that they are interested in Work Study and meet additional need-based requirements established by the University. Students are responsible for obtaining employment to earn their Work-Study funds. Students are encouraged to inquire directly with any departments or facilities which they are interested in working at. If students should need assistance obtaining a Work-Study position, they can contact the SDSU Department of Labor Office at (605)688-6668.

Hilton M. Briggs Library


Hilton M. Briggs Library Email

The Hilton M. Briggs Library is a center for learning, research, preservation, and discovery. It is committed to inspiring academic excellence, collaborative endeavor, creative scholarship, student engagement, and lifelong curiosity. The Briggs Library houses the University Archives and Special Collections and the Senator Thomas A. Daschle Congressional Research Study. The library is a welcoming environment with staff who provide in-depth research assistance. Resources for student use in the building include group study rooms, conference and seminar rooms, over 400 individual study carrels, 70 public access computer stations, scanners, photocopiers, and microform readers, as well as vending machines including Caribou Coffee.



Research Guides

Reserve a Study Room


International Affairs

Briggs Library 119


International Affairs Email

The Office of International Affairs is the comprehensive home for international student and scholar services, international undergraduate admission, study abroad planning and community connections programs. All services and activities are intended to help enrich the experience of international students here at SDSU and to expand global engagement for all students, faculty and staff.

Resources include:

  • International Student Orientation
  • Interpreting Immigration Regulations
  • Advising
  • Issuing Official Documents
  • Maintaining Records


English Language and Culture Institute

The primary mission of the English Language and Culture Institute at SDSU is to prepare and educate English language learners to engage in academic contexts in the American higher education system, engage in civic and critical dialogues, and become empowered global citizens.  Improve academic and professional English proficiency in the Intensive ESL Program.

Study Abroad

Study abroad programs come in many different forms. Short-term programs are one to six weeks up to full semesters or an academic year. Find programs, schedules, financial information, faculty and parent resources and more.

Study Abroad and U.S. Department of State Travel Warnings Policy


Jack’s Cupboard

SE Side of Ben Reifel Hall

Jack’s Cupboard combats food insecurity by ensuring those students who struggle financially to purchase food are provided this free resource supported by students, faculty and staff. It is available to all students with a student ID and a bag to collect food items (although Jack’s Cupboard can supply students with a bag, if needed). Hours of operation can be found on the Jack’s Cupboard website or the Jack’s Cupboard Facebook page. Students, with a meal plan, can also donate block meals for Larson Commons by visiting Card Services in the Student Union.  Students with leftover flex dollars or monetary donations can contribute at Card Services as well.  Jack’s Cupboard has a Foundation account and students, faculty, and staff are invited to make a monetary donation at the Foundation for support of the Cupboard.  Donations of nonperishable food items are accepted at Jack’s Cupboard during hours of operation, at the Housing & Residential Life Office weekdays from 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. or at the University Police Station (24/7). or in the Student Union (by the Information desk) whenever the Union is open.


Math Help Center

Architecture, Mathematics & Engineering building 292

The Math Help Center provides free walk-in tutoring for students in MATH 021, 101, 103, 114, 115, 120, 121, 123, 125, and STAT 281. Hours are posted on the website. No appointment is necessary. It is a great environment for working on your math homework. Their tutors will help you when you have a question. 


Multicultural Center

Student Union 271


Multicultural Center Email

The Multicultural Center at South Dakota State University develops campus initiatives that demonstrate the valued practice and philosophy of multiculturalism within the university community. Programs and activities developed by the office promote high achievement among the increasing number of minority students at SDSU. The office enhances the University mission by broadening the social, cultural, educational, and recreational experience of students. The Multicultural Center provides academic advising, tutorial services, study space, computer resources, personal support, weekend programs, and social activities. For more information on programming, please view the calendar of events.


MyJacks Card

Student Union 140


Card Services Email

The Campus Card Office at SDSU supports the SDSU community daily life and student success through an identification and transaction system that enhances security, adds convenience, provides seamless operation across campus and furthers the reputation of the University. MyJacks ID cards allow students access to their dining plan, Hobo Dough, and campus events, as well as door access to certain halls and buildings.

Lost/Stolen Cards

Mobile App for MyJacks Card

MyJacks Card Policy

This policy and its procedures set forth the protocols to ensure proper protection of identity of the cardholder, personal funds, card system equipment, and the integrity of the door access security system for the MyJacks Card.


New Student Orientation


New Student Orientation Email

By choosing SDSU, you’ve opened yourself up to endless opportunities and a fantastic future. And it all starts here – with New Student Orientation. We have great programs designed to help you prepare for life at State, from academics to extracurricular, and everything in between.

Apply to be an Orientation Leader


Office of Diversity, Inclusion, Equity & Access

Morrill Hall 124


The mission of the Office of Diversity, Inclusion, Equity, and Access (ODIEA) is to enrich the university community’s understanding and appreciation of diversity, practice of inclusion, advancement of equity, and integration of access. ODIEA is committed to promoting diversity in every sector of SDSU and the Brookings community. ODIEA leads and facilitates the development of institutional policies and protocols intended to create a more representative, equitable, and inclusive university. The ADA Coordinator, as part of the ODIEA, guides SDSU’s efforts to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and move towards seamless access and inclusion of individuals with disabilities. As the primary planning coordinator for SDSU disability-related initiatives and procedures, the ADA Coordinator helps to address accessibility issues, conduct trainings, inform compliance-related decision making, and be a resource for questions and concerns about university-wide services, policies, and accommodations for individuals with disabilities, including students, faculty, staff, employees, and visitors.. For more information about diversity events around campus, please view the calendar of events.

LGBTQA+ Resources

GSA Office - Student Union 055

Parking Services

1601 Stadium Road - SDSU Campus


Transportation Services Email

The SDSU Transportation Services Office is responsible for the administration and enforcement of the Parking & Traffic Regulations. To order a parking permit, view and edit vehicles associated to your permit, or to view, appeal or pay citations, please login to your Online Parking Account.

Parking Rules & Regulations

The SDSU Parking Rules and Regulations have been recommended and approved by the SDSU Parking and Traffic Committee, the Vice President of Finance & Business and the final approval of the President of South Dakota State University. To better familiarize yourself with parking on campus and to avoid citations, please review the Parking & Traffic Regulations prior to parking your vehicle on campus.


Printing Services

Yeager Hall


Printing Services Email

SDSU Printing Services provides complete printing solutions for the campus community and its affiliates. We offer excellent service at competitive prices. Our experienced professionals are dedicated to providing quality work for the SDSU community.

With the advent of desktop publishing programs, creating publications such as newsletters, brochures, posters, flyers, etc., has become much easier. Generally a project designed in-house does not necessarily mean it is “print ready”, nor does it mean it meets the graphic standards of university materials. 

The Office of University Marketing and Communications is charged with overseeing logo usage and university trademarks, for both internal and external audiences.  Projects being produced at Printing Services must first be routed through University Marketing and Communications to be approved or files prepared for printing.

A recent extension of the Print Lab, the SDSU Imaging Center is housed in the same building and uses state-of-the-art technology to bring new imaging capabilities to campus. 3D printing, laser engraving, mechanical cutting and printing on adhesive substrates are just a few of the options available to help students create more realistic and professional projects, and accommodate the innovation of new ideas to support the faculty and staff as well.  

Printing Services is also in the process of installing, tracking and maintaining a number of networked student facing print devices throughout campus. Students can ‘print” files to the cloud and securely release them by swiping their Myjacks card at the print terminal.  This is commonly referred to as “follow me” print. Files can also be deleted thereby saving students the cost of printing them.



Enrollment Services Center


Records and Registration Email

This one-stop-shop for university records stores all official information on enrollment and grades. But that’s not all we do.  Aside from keeping track of 12,000-plus students, the Office of Records and Registration also coordinates class schedules, maintains WebAdvisor (every student’s online portal of information), processes transcripts and assists students in the very important task of updating their own information, including address and name changes.

Records and Registration Forms


Residential Life

Caldwell Hall 167


Residential Life Email

Residential Life provides students with opportunities to grow personally, become globally aware, succeed academically, and realize answers to their questions in a residential campus setting. Residence halls include furnished rooms, lounge areas, kitchens and laundry facilities. In addition, the residence halls are located close to most academic buildings, dining options, and SDSU activities and events. The residential experience is also a great way to meet other students; with an open mind and an open door, students can develop lifelong friendships.

Apply for Housing

Housing Costs/Options

Residential Life Handbook

Living Learning Communities

Living-Learning Communities at SDSU provide an environment for residents to connect their academics with life outside the classroom. Students who are accepted to live and participate in these communities have the opportunity to live with others whose academic interests match their own, be supported both academically and socially through intentional programs geared toward their learning community, and interact meaningfully with faculty and staff members.


Student Complaints

South Dakota State University’s primary objective is to assist students meet their academic goals through a positive and rigorous academic experience.  In the case that a student has a concern, the University’s procedures should be followed to address these concerns and/or complaints.  We strive to resolve these issues at the University level quickly and fairly.


Students’ Association

University Student Union 128, Box 2815


The Students’ Association is the official student government association of SDSU. The SA Senate is made up of representatives from each academic college and meets every Monday night at 7:00pm in the Lewis & Clark Room of the Student Union.

SA is the voice of the students of SDSU. As such, SA serves as a liason between the student body, administration, the South Dakota Board of Regents, the state legislature, the city of Brookings, and other stakeholders.

All SDSU students who pay the General Activity Fee (all students enrolled in on-campus credits) are members of the Students’ Association. The SA Senate is comprised of representatives from each academic college as well as the student body. President and Vice President. The SA Senate meets weekly on Monday’s at 7:00pm in the Lewis & Clark Room of the Student Union to hear student concerns, talk about important campus issues, debate new policies, pass legislation, and allocate student fees. All SA Senate meetings are open to the public.

Student Conduct

Caldwell Hall 167


The function of Student Conduct is to sustain a quality educational environment throughout campus. SDSU has specific rules and regulations, as well as general guidelines for good citizenship and responsible behavior. The primary purpose of these standards is to protect the rights and property of all persons within the University community, and to ensure student success.

Student Academic Misconduct and Academic Appeals

Student Code


Student Employment

Student Union 136


A variety of part-time job opportunities, both on- and off-campus, are available for students during the academic year and summer. Employers on campus and in the community rely on students to fill their workforce needs and offer flexible work hours to accommodate students’ schedules. The SDSU Office of Career Development partners with the South Dakota Department of Labor and Regulation (SDDLR) to provide students assistance with their job search. Two online job boards available to students are:

  • Handshake, offered by Career Development. Students should use their MyState credentials to log in and search jobs.
  • South Dakota Works, offered by SDDLR.

Please contact the Office of Career Development for more information.

Payroll Office: Morrill Hall 306, 605-688-5781

Graduate Assistants


Graduate Assistants Email

Assistantships for graduate students provide outstanding students with financial resources to help them complete their degrees. Assistantships offer varying educational and professional benefits. The Graduate School administers and oversees the Guidelines for Graduate Assistantships.

Work Study


Work Study Email

The Federal Work-Study Program provides eligible students the opportunity to earn money for educational expenses. To be considered for Federal Work-Study, students must complete the FAFSA on or before March 1 and they must select that they are interested in Work Study on their FAFSA. Students are responsible for obtaining employment to earn their Work-Study funds. Students are encouraged to inquire directly with any departments or facilities which they are interested in working at. If students should need assistance obtaining a Work-Study position, they can contact the SDSU Department of Labor Office at (605)688-6668.


Student Legal Aid

Student Union 128


Student Legal Aid Email

The SDSU Students’ Association employs legal counsel, who can provide legal aid to students. This legal counsel cannot go to court with you, however, they can advise you on legal practices. They can assist you with rental agreements, citizenship procedures, and other legal matters. Academic year hours are Wednesdays between 10:00 - 3:00. Summer hours are by appointment only. To book an appointment, please stop by or call the Students’ Association Office or send an email. After visiting the legal aid, please fill out this form to share your experience.


Student Ombudsperson

Morrill Hall 312


In the role of the “Ombuds,” the Dean of Students acts as a mentor or arbitrator rather than a conduct hearing officer. The goal is to help a student resolve an issue before it becomes a problem.

What does an Ombuds Office do?

  • Listens to problems and concerns
  • Reviews possible options
  • Explains policies and procedures
  • Provides information regarding available resources
  • Provides information about formal and informal grievance reporting options
  • Makes referrals
  • Facilitates communication between people

What an Ombuds Office does NOT do:

  • Take sides in a dispute
  • Determine guilt or innocence
  • Give legal advice
  • Offer psychological counseling
  • Participate in any formal grievance process
  • Represent or advocate for any individual or group


Student Outcome Data

In keeping with federal requirements and other expectations of accreditation, the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) requires that student outcome data be made public and available to students and their families. To satisfy this requirement the following data is to be made public: graduation rates, retention rates, licensure rates, and data about students after graduation (such as graduate school enrollment, employment, etc.) for undergraduate and graduate-level students, and other similar information.


Support Desk

Morrill Hall 131


Support Desk Email

The Support Desk provides free technology support for students, staff, and faculty. They are able to help with computer issues, gaining internet access, software and programming issues, and other technology issues. If you have any technology-based problems or any technology related questions, contact the Support Desk at 605-688-6776.



Facilities & Services


Sustainability creates a society that can provide for itself today and for future generations. To reach this ideal, sustainability considers three deeply interconnected concepts- environmental health, social equity, and economic vitality. Maintaining environmental health requires caring for the natural environment so that it can produce resources such as clean air, unpolluted water, oil, minerals, and quality farmland. A healthy planet leads to healthy societies that can offer a high quality of life. this is key to social equity which guarantees that all people have access to basic human needs, such as, quality education, sufficient healthcare, proper sanitation, shelter, a meaningful livelihood, access to nutritious food, and the opportunity to pursue aspirations. People who have access to basic human needs have more opportunities to care for the Earth, which in turn cares for people. Finally, economic sustainability guides both environmental and social sustainability efforts so that they maintain a viable economy.

By including sustainability on campus, SDSU joins the world’s efforts to provide a better future. Here at SDSU, Facilities & Services – Sustainability promotes and encourages sustainable lifestyles through the integration of sustainability concepts in academics, engagement, operations, and administration.

All students play an important role in improving SDSU sustainability. Each student is encouraged to practice sustainability in their daily Jackrabbit life from doing simple actions like recycling and using a reusable water bottle to more committed actions like commuting to campus by bike or enrolling in the sustainability minor program. Additional suggestions for how to practices sustainability at SDSU are on the SDSU sustainability website. Students interested in getting more involved in campus sustainability efforts should contact the Sustainability Specialist.

*** Recycling also plays a role in campus sustainability. While living in the residential halls, students are responsible for properly recycling and for emptying their recycling bins in the outside recycling dumpsters. Please do not bag your recyclables, but instead place the items directly into the dumpster. Recycling bins should not be removed from rooms. Students living off campus should work with their property manager regarding how to recycle. Students owning their home can request a recycling bin from the City of Brookings.



MyState is used for changing your minor, applying for graduation, and has many other useful shortcuts.

D2L is SDSU’s online learning platform which provides access to course materials.

WebAdvisor is used for accepting financial aid, registering for classes, and paying tuition bills.

ConnectState is used to make advising appointments, send messages to instructors or advisors, and access information about courses, progress reports and campus resources.

Jacks Email is your official University email that can be used for writing messages, keeping a personal address book, organizing your schedule and saving important documents, pictures, messages and contacts with unlimited amount of storage.

Student wireless network can be accessed through the SDSUStudent network with an active student account.

For technology support and technology related questions, please contact the Technology Support Desk at 605-688-6776.


Testing Center

1100 College Ave.- SDSU Campus


Testing Center Email

The Testing Center’s mission is to assist you in reaching your academic and professional goals by providing you with a secure, friendly and comfortable place to take your exams. They have several workstations in private, semi-private and small group settings that are quiet and distraction free. Appointments can be made for placement exams, CLEP exams, online exams, accommodated exams and make-up exams through the online appointment site Register Blast, which can be found on MyState. Payment to have prior learning credit (i.e., CLEP credit, IB, etc.) placed on your transcript can now be made online at MyState under the Application for Placement Credit Form tab. The Testing Center is located south of the Dairy Bar, between the Barn and Ag Hall.


Transfer Policy

You are considered a transfer student if you have college credits from an accredited institution and are six or more months beyond high school graduation. The SDState Admissions Office processes applications on a rolling basis. Students are encouraged to apply in advance of the semester they wish to attend in order to arrange housing, apply for financial assistance and attend New Student Orientation.


TRIO Student Support Services

Larson Commons 104


TRIO Student Support Services (SSS) is designed to provide a supportive community for students in transition to college. Our enthusiastic staff provide various support services to promote each participant’s personal, academic and professional achievement. These supports include advising, academic resources, peer mentoring, career planning and involvement opportunities. TRIO serves first-generation college students, students who meet income qualifications, and students with a disability. To benefit from TRIO’s services, please call 605-688-6653, or fill out the TRIO SSS Application.


University Police Department

University Police Department


University Police Department Email

The University Police Department serves an important role in the safety and security of the campus community. We have assembled a strong team of law enforcement professionals, communications specialists, and student patrol officers to provide for a safe and secure environment. Our law enforcement division includes the Chief of Police, Deputy Chief, 3 Sergeants, 1 Corporal, 8 full time police officers and 4 part time police officers. Collectively, our full time law enforcement staff represents more than 150 years of experience and thousands of hours of advanced law enforcement and public safety training.

Firearm Storage Information

Jackrabbits Guardian

  • Setting up friends and family as guardians
  • Creating a Safety Timer Session
  • Emergency Call Button


University Student Union

University Student Union (USU)


Designed with students in mind, the SDSU University Student Union in the heart of campus is constantly buzzing. This Union is so much more than meeting rooms. Where else can you grab a bite to eat, curl up with a good book next to the fireplace, buy books and clothes, check your email, or dance the night away with a few hundred of your closest friends—all in one place?


Student Union 056


BluePrint Email

BluePrint is a student-driven design and print center that is committed to customer service and quality design and print products. Interior banners, exterior banners, T-stands and digital displays in The Union are all advertising areas reserved and designed by staff. BluePrint can assist with any walk-in printing needs along with custom orders such as logo design (logo books), buttons, brochures, event programs and invitations. Located in the lower level of The Union, we have a homework-printing station for convenient and fast printing needs.

Central Reservations

Student Union 150


Central Reservation Email

Central Reservations, located in the Student Union, provides reservation services for students, staff, alumni, and guests. To make a reservation, call 605-688-4022 or email to schedule your event today.

Event Services

Student Union 150


Event Services strives to provide SDSU students, faculty, staff, and the surrounding community with friendly, efficient and dependable full service special events, meeting and conference coordination. Our goal is to provide accurate and efficient reservation information and scheduling, and to educate them about the planning process. This will help ensure a successful event as well as provide the individual with the resources necessary to plan and execute events successfully.

Information Exchange

Student Union 150


Information Exchange is located on the Main level of the University Student Union near the west entrance. We offer sales and services such as faxing, cashing checks, laptop rental, poster approval, stamp & envelope sales, campus maps, event ticket sales, and hunting and fishing license sales. Information Exchange attendants can also assist you with meeting room reservations and advise you on the event planning process.

State Tech

Student Union 150


State Tech provides party packages at affordable prices, quality PA  concert sound systems to make your event a success, as well as professional lighting so it can be seen. State Tech operates and maintains lighting, stage and sound equipment to service students and University needs across campus ranging from lectures, dances, movies and major concerts.


Verification of Student Identity

SDSU requires that students utilize a secure username and password to access their online courses through the course management system, Desire2Learn (D2L).  Students enrolled in SDSU online courses may incur additional costs associate with online learning; such as, but not limited, test proctoring and technology (software/hardware).  Any requirements regarding proctoring or other tools of verification will be noted in the course syllabus and/or outline.  Click here for more information regarding online tuition and fees.


Veterans Affairs

Brown Hall 134


Veterans Affairs Email

The mission of South Dakota State University Veterans Affairs Office is to assist military veterans, their family members and their survivors in obtaining all federal and state educational benefits and entitlements they have earned by serving in the United States military, and to provide guidance and support services that will aid veterans in their transition to academic and civilian life. Veteran Affairs office hosts events throughout the school year to provide connection and comradery with fellow student veterans and services members.

South Dakota State became the state’s first, and the nation’s ninth Purple Heart Campus. A dedication ceremony was held at Grove Hall on November 9, 2018. Honored attendees were students, staff, retired faculty and community members who have received Purple Hearts.


Wellness Center

Wellness Center


Wellness Center Email

The Wellness Center is dedicated to supporting academic success and personal development by promoting and encouraging a healthy lifestyle for the members of the SDSU community. The Wellness Center houses state of the art fitness equipment, a variety of recreational and intramural programs, effective wellness education, and a student health clinic and counseling services.

Wellness Center Policies and Guidelines

South Dakota State University Wellness Center Assumption of Risk, Waiver of Liability, Indemnification and Release Agreement, and Consent to Medical Treatment

Wellness Center Employee Application

Fitness and Recreation

Wellness Center


The Wellness Center provides access to many services and opportunities to help you meet your goals and have fun doing it! We offer Sport Clubs, Intramurals, Nutrition services, Outdoor Programs, Group fitness, Personal training, and Youth camps. Be sure to check out the details and contact us with any questions!

Student Health Clinic and Counseling

Wellness Center


The mission of South Dakota State University Student Health Clinic and Counseling Services is to promote the health and wellness of the university community, to enhance student retention, and to support the academic and personal success of all students. Appointments are also available online by going to your MyState account and accessing your Jackrabbits Health Clinic and Counseling Portal. The Student Health Clinic and Counseling Services provides primary care, reproductive health, adult immunizations, nutrition counseling, student flu shots, and counseling services.


You@College emphasizes individual well-being and self-awareness in order to connect students to information, campus resources, peers and opportunities. From academics and social life, to mental and physical health, You@College is a new kind of solution, focused on skill-building for holistic wellness rather than specific deficiencies. Depending on the need, the want, or the will, students can connect with hundreds of pieces of content within each section of You@College. Students can also use the system-wide search function to locate more specific assistance in the moment.

Jackrabbit Pharmacy

The SDSU Jackrabbit Pharmacy serves all eligible SDSU students, faculty/staff, their family members, and Family Planning patients. The SDSU Jackrabbit Pharmacy accepts prescriptions from doctors outside of the student health clinic. We offer competitively priced over-the-counter and prescription medications along with discounted birth control.

Immunization Requirements & Forms

Insurance Billing

The Student Health Clinic charges for all services incurred at the clinic and will submit charges to your insurance. Examples of charges include: office visits, lab work, injections, physicals, and procedures. You will be required to provide a current copy of your insurance card at the time of your visit. For questions about billing at the Student Health Clinic please see our insurance page.


Wintrode Student Success Center

Wintrode Student Success Center


Wintrode Student Success Center has put together a Study Hub that has tips and resources for students.

Academic advisors provide students assistance with course placement, support with adjusting to campus, and Banner and course registration help. Academic advising is completed through the college in which your degree program falls. You can view degree requirements, South Dakota Board of Regents’ requirements, institutional requirements, and academic policies through the SDSU Online Catalog.

Academic Success & Recovery

The Academic Success & Recovery Program supports students who are currently on probation or have been readmitted to South Dakota State University following suspension due to low academic achievement. Program participants in the Academic Success & Recovery Program are enrolled in either ACS 011 - Strategies for Academic Success, or ACS 140 - Academic Recovery.

Early Alert

Early Alert is a communication process through which faculty will keep you and your advisors informed about your progress in your courses. If you receive a Performance Notification email from a professor, contact that professor or your academic advisor for assistance with improving your outcomes in that course.

First Year Advising

First-year students, other than the two-year agricultural sciences program, human biology, pre-nursing, pre-pharmacy, and medical lab science will be advised in the First-Year Advising Center. First Year Advising can help guide you through the many questions and decisions of academic life. They are there to help you explore major and career options and to create plans that will help you achieve your goals.

Supplemental Instruction

Supplemental Instruction (SI) is a series of weekly review sessions for students enrolled in historically difficult courses. Through SI you will work with other students to discuss important course concepts, develop strategies for studying, and test yourself before the professor does so you are ready for the exam. Students who attend SI earn, on average, one-half to one full letter grade higher than students who don’t participate.


The Wintrode Tutoring Program offers free tutoring services to students in select courses to help students improve their understanding of course material, improve their grades, and increase their self-confidence in relation to course material. Tutors will help you to better understand course content and help you develop study strategies to use in current and future courses at SDSU.

How to Schedule an Appointment


Writing Center

Briggs Library 103


The SDSU Writing Center serves all students enrolled in the university, both graduate and undergraduate. Students can chat about an essay for a composition or history class, a research paper, abstracts for a human development or sociology paper, or a job or graduate school application letter-in short, any type of writing that they have concerns about. Consultations take place during any stage of the writing process - from determining the ideas, focus, and framework to citing sources and figuring out how semi-colons work and polishing the style.

Schedule an Appointment


Disclaimers and Resources

The information contained in this handbook is the most accurate available at the time of publication, but changes may become effective before the next handbook is published. It is ultimately the student’s responsibility to stay abreast of current regulations, curricula, and the status of specific programs being offered. Further, The University reserves the right, as approved by the Board of Regents, to modify requirements, curricula offerings, and charges, and to add, alter, or delete courses and programs through appropriate procedures. While reasonable efforts will be made to publicize such changes, a student is encouraged to seek current information from appropriate offices.

The South Dakota State University Policy and Procedure Manual is the definitive source for the most current South Dakota State University policies.  Policies duplicated on other websites or in print may not be the most current version. All policies documented on the site are official and supersede policies located elsewhere. South Dakota State University is governed by state and federal law, administrative regulations, and policies of the South Dakota Board of Regents (SDBOR) and the State of South Dakota.