Feb 14, 2025
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog
Geographic Information Sciences (B.S.)

Program Coordinator/Contact
Bob Watrel, Department Head
Department of Geography and Geospatial Sciences
109 Wecota Hall
Program Information
Geographic Information Science concerns the use of geographic information and data acquired from satellites and airborne platforms, and from ground based measurements and surveys of human activity and the environment. Geographic Information Science students learn how to work with geospatial data to study relationships, patterns, and trends. In the U.S. the explosion of geospatial data and their increasing use in business, government, and people’s everyday lives has led to a growing demand for qualified Geographic Information Science graduates. Geospatial science is developing rapidly, associated with developments in mobile, satellite and airborne remote sensing, computational, and big data technologies.
Course Delivery Format
The Geographic Information Sciences program includes lecture, discussion, laboratory research, fieldwork, and travel, with limited online coursework.
Student Learning Outcomes
Graduates with a major in Geographic Information Sciences will: - Demonstrate foundational and specialized knowledge in both the physical and human sciences and their interconnectedness at local, regional, and global scales.
- Interpret the ethical consequences of global issues concerning the environment to strengthen commitment to local, national, and global citizenship.
- Demonstrate proficiency in the application of appropriate geographical technologies and techniques to address issues in the physical and/or human sciences.
- Communicate geographic ideas clearly and effectively (e.g., maps, writing, oral presentations, posters, photos, flowcharts, tables, graphs, and illustrations).
- Apply observations from laboratory and/or field experiences to analyze problems and offer solutions.
- Demonstrate the ability to collect, organize, analyze, and synthesize information about people, places, and environments in a spatial-temporal context.
- Explore complex local, regional, and global issues using a geographical perspective to formulate questions and draw informed conclusions that are based on critical scientific analysis and interpretation of information.
- Demonstrate openness to new perspectives and diverse others, evaluate the complexity inherent to multiple perspectives, and demonstrate the ability to reassess their personal perspective when appropriate.
Academic Requirements
Students must earn at least a “C” in each course used to meet the major requirements. Requirements for Geographic Information Sciences Major: 120 Credits
Bachelor of Science System General Education Requirements
- Goal #1 Written Communication: SGR #1 Electives Credits: 6
- Goal #2 Oral Communication: SGR #2 Elective Credits: 3
- Goal #3 Social Sciences: GEOG 111 - Sustainable Society (COM) [SGR #3, HSDC] Credits: 3 (Major Requirement) or GEOG 200 - Introduction to Human Geography (COM) [SGR #3, HSDC] Credits: 3 (Major Requirement) or GEOG 210 - World Regional Geography (COM) [SGR #3, HSDC] Credits: 3 (Major Requirement) and SGR #3 Elective Credits: 3
- Goal #4 Arts and Humanities: SGR #4 Electives Credits: 6
- Goal #5 Mathematics: SGR #5 Elective Credits: 3
- Goal #6 Natural Sciences: GEOG 131 - Physical Geography: Weather and Climate (COM) [SGR #6, HSDC] Credits: 4 (Major Requirement), GEOG 131L - Physical Geography: Weather and Climate Lab (COM) [SGR #6, HSDC] Credits: 0 (Major Requirement), GEOG 132 - Physical Geography: Natural Landscapes (COM) [SGR #6, HSDC] Credits: 4 (Major Requirement), and GEOG 132L - Physical Geography: Natural Landscapes Lab (COM) [SGR #6, HSDC] Credits: 0 (Major Requirement)
Department of Geography and Geospatial Sciences Requirements
Bachelor of Science Requirements: 10+ - Natural Sciences Credits: 10+
- Any two lab sciences.
- Coursework must include 2 prefixes.
- MATH and STAT courses do not count toward the science requirement.
- One declared minor outside of the major prefix OR a second major OR a teaching specialization. The minor may be a traditional minor within one department or it may be interdisciplinary involving more than one department. The minor can be in a different college. The minor must be declared no later than the student’s third semester of enrollment.
- Capstone course in the major discipline
- Upper division coursework Credits: 30
System General Education and/or major coursework may satisfy some or all of the above requirements. Consult program advisor for details. Select from the following
Select one of the following options - GIS Analyst or GIS Developer. Credits: 15 GIS Analyst Option
Credits: 15 Select from the following
Select six credits from the following list. GIS Developer Option
Credits: 15 Select from the following
Select six credits from the following list. Electives
Taken as needed to complete any additional degree requirements. For those seeking technical careers in GISc, these additional courses are suggested: Total Required Credits: 120
Summary of Program Requirements
Bachelor of Science | System General Education Requirements* | 30 Credit Hours | Department of Geography and Geospatial Sciences Requirements** | 10+ Credit Hours | Major Requirements | 44 Credit Hours | Electives** | 53 Credit Hours | *System General Education Requirements for students pursuing a baccalaureate degree shall include a minimum of 30 credit hours. Some general education coursework may be counted for Major Requirements, Supporting Coursework, and Department Requirements. **System General Education Requirements, Major Requirements, and Supporting Coursework may satisfy some or all of the above requirements. ***Taken as needed to complete any additional degree requirements. Academic Advising Guide Sheet
The goal of the academic advising guide sheets and sample plans of study is to promote undergraduate student success by guiding all students to timely completion of an undergraduate degree. Students are not limited to the course sequence provided for their academic program. Instead, the sample plan of study is one possible path to completing your degree and is meant to be used as a guide for planning purposes in consultation with an academic advisor. The plans also help students prepare for meetings with their academic advisor and track their progress in their selected academic program. |