2024-2025 Graduate Catalog
School of Education, Counseling and Human Development
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Anne Karabon, Wendell and Marlys Thompson Director
School of Education, Counseling and Human Development
Wenona Hall 108, Box 507
The mission of the School of Education, Counseling, and Human Development is to provide high quality educational experiences to learners across the education and human science fields, and to generate knowledge of human behavior, learning science, and interpersonal relationships.
The School of Education, Counseling, and Human Development creates a unique niche across programs in education and human science fields that emphasizes developmental sciences and the science of learning. By more fully integrating human development and education, we will be able to better ground teacher education in the context of developmental and cultural relevance, and we will further strengthen our offerings in human development by grounding them in the science of learning. Both areas underscore the importance of how learning across the lifespan develops in diverse learners. Diverse learner references not only differences in cognitive and learning styles, but differences in culture, socioeconomic status, and lifestyle.
The School of Education, Counseling and Human Development is one of the few public university departments in South Dakota that delivers programs at the main campus in Brookings, BHSU - Rapid City, and online.
Graduate Faculty
Matthew Albritton, Assistant Professor
Andrea Bjornestad, Associate Professor
Mary Bowne, Professor
Hande Briddick, Professor
William Briddick, Associate Professor
Christin Carotta, Associate Professor
Kay Cutler, Professor
Ann Michelle Daniels, Associate Professor
Anthony Durr, Associate Professor
Hamada Elfraragy, Assistant Professor
Nicole Graves, Associate Professor
Carie Green, The Profilet and DeJong Family Endowed Director of Early Childhood Education and Associate Professor
Patrick Hales, Associate Professor
Laura Hasselquist, Associate Professor
Anne Karabon, Wendell and Marlys Thompson Director of the School of Education, Counseling and Human Development and Associate Professor
Erin Lavender-Stott, Associate Professor
Amber Letcher, Professor
Katelyn Romsa, Associate Professor
Heidi Sackreiter, Assistant Professor
Naomi Timm-Davis, Assistant Professor
Jay Trenhaile, Professor
Master’s Degrees
Student Support and Engagement Opportunities
The School of Education, Counseling and Human Development has a few assistantships for which students can apply.
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