2017-2018 Graduate Catalog 
    Sep 23, 2024  
2017-2018 Graduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Course Descriptions & Schedules


A&S (Arts and Sciences)

  • A&S 582 - Travel Studies

    Credits: 1-5
    This travel study course is designed to provide extra-mural educational experiences, as approved by and under the direction of a faculty member, and may be in cooperation with faculty and administrators of other institutions.  Students will participate in hands-on activities and design educational activities for presentation at selected locations.  Includes pre-travel orientation, post-travel self-evaluation, and a written report.

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ABE (Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering)

  • ABE 534 - Natural Resources Engineering

    Credits: 4
    Precipitation, infiltration, evapotranspiration and runoff from small agricultural watersheds and application to design of conservation structures, water erosion control practices. design of drainage and irrigation systems. Feedlot pollution control principles. Prerequisites: EM 331.

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  • ABE 543 - Fundamentals of Bioprocessing

    Credits: 3
    This course is designed for students who want a clear understanding of Bioprocessing principles as applied to the emerging bio-based industry. This course covers the fundamentals of mass and energy balances, fluid dynamics, heat and mass transfer, as applied to Bioprocessing. The microbial growth, kinetics and fermenter operation as applicable to Bioprocessing will be covered in this course. Industrial Bioprocessing case studies that involve the integration of the course contents will be discussed. Prerequisites: MATH 123, CHEM 108, PHYS 211. Notes: Sections of this course are provided online through the Agriculture Interactive Distance Education Alliance.

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  • ABE 544 - Unit Operations of Biological Materials Processing

    Credits: 4
    Transport processes of heat and mass are applied to the following unit operations: evaporation, drying gas liquid separation processes (humidification cooling towers), vapor-liquid separation processes (distillation), soil-liquid separation processes (leaching), membrane separations (ultrafiltration, reserve osmosis), mechanical separation processes, extrusion. Corequisites: ABE 544L . Prerequisites: Senior standing or instructor consent.

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  • ABE 551 - Fundamentals of Conversion

    Credits: 3
    This web-based class is an overview of the technology involved in the conversion of biomass to energy; sustainability issued associated with this technology will also be covered.  An overview of biomass structure and chemical composition will be presented.  Biochemical and thermochemical conversion platforms will be covered.  Important issues, such as energy crop production related to water consumption and soil conservation will be addressed.  Topics include: biomass chemistry, logistics, and resources; biological processes; and thermochemical processes. Prerequisites: MATH 103; ENGL 101; CHEM 112 or BIOL 150 or PHYS 111. Notes: Sections of this course are provided online through the Agriculture Interactive Distance Education Alliance.

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  • ABE 553 - Biochemical Engineering for Renewable Resources

    Credits: 3
    The analysis and design of biochemical processing systems with emphasis on fermentation kinetics, continuous fermentations, aeration, agitation, scale up, sterilization, and control. Notes: Suggested prerequisite chemical kinetics and reactor design course. Sections of this course are provided online through the Agriculture Interactive Distance Education Alliance.

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  • ABE 555 - Principles Biological Separation Processing

    Credits: 3
    Biological separation principle and process development for isolation of value added products from renewable agricultural based materials. The mass and heat transfer as well as engineering scale up will be applied to chromatography separation (gel filtration, ion exchange, metal affinity, hydrophobic interaction, and bio-affinity), membrane separation (Micro-filtration, ultra-filtration, and extraction, and solvent extraction).  Hands-on laboratory experiments will be an integral part of this course.  Students will be expected to complete comprehensive laboratory reports which include scale up computations.  Corequisites: ABE 555L .

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  • ABE 590 - Seminar

    Credits: 1
    Notes: Sections of this course are provided online through the Agriculture Interactive Distance Education Alliance.

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  • ABE 632 - Environmental/Ecological Risk Assessment

    Credits: 3

    This course will examine the process and methodologies associated with human environmental and ecological risk assessments.  The participants will apply the methods learned in the course to a project to gain experience in defining and quantifying uncertainty associated with human perturbation, management and restoration of environmental and ecological processes.


      Notes: Sections of this course are provided online through the Agriculture Interactive Distance Education Alliance.

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  • ABE 662 - Life Cycle Assessment

    Credits: 3
    This course will examine the process and methodologies associated with life cycle analysis.  The participants will apply the methods developed in the course to a project to gain experience in defining and quantifying uncertainty associated with human perturbation, management and utilization of biofuels and other complex processes. Notes: Sections of this course are provided online through the Agriculture Interactive Distance Education Alliance.

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  • ABE 732 - Advanced Hydrology in Agriculture

    Credits: 2
    Small watershed hydrology principles. Unit hydrograph theory. Infiltration and evapotranspiration processes. Small watershed surface runoff simulation. Soil erosion principles.  Pre-requisite: instructor consent.

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  • ABE 733 - Ground Water Engineering in Agriculture

    Credits: 3
    Saturated and unsaturated ground water flow theory. Steady and transient well hydraulics. Aquifer groundwater flow simulation. Infiltration models. Vadose zone simulation. Groundwater recharge. Prerequisites: Instructor consent.

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  • ABE 734 - Advanced Irrigation Engineering

    Credits: 3
    Basic soil-water-crop relationships. Theory and design of pumping plants, surface, sprinkler, and drip irrigation systems. Corequisites: ABE 734L.   Prerequisites: ABE 434

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  • ABE 738 - Computer Models in Water Resources Management

    Credits: 3
    This course offers students in agricultural, biosystems, and environmental engineering and related fields an understanding of hydrological modeling and associated skills. Computer models currently utilized in industry and government agencies for decision support will be studied and used to enhance the understanding of hydrological processes. Hands-on experiences will be organized with local case studies for analysis and practice-oriented learning using software tools.

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  • ABE 748 - Bioseparations

    Credits: 3
    Study of separations important in food and biochemical engineering such as leaching, extraction, expression, absorption, ion exchange, filtration, centrifugation, membrane separation, and chromatographic separations.  Prerequisites: CBE 218, ABE 444 or ABE 544. Notes: Sections of this course are provided online through the Agriculture Interactive Distance Education Alliance.

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  • ABE 752 - Theoretical Micro-Climatology

    Credits: 2
    Derivation and application of physical laws to air layer near the ground occupied by plants and animals. Instruments used to take measurements in layer near ground.  Prerequisites: MATH 125 and PHYS 211.

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  • ABE 754 - Advanced Unit Operations of Food/Biomaterials Processing

    Credits: 3
    Advanced study of engineering principles as they apply to unit operations for food preservation and processing, including effect of heat and time on the lethality of undesirable food microorganisms, heat transfer with foods and containers and its effect on food safety, freezing and refrigeration technology, high temperature short time extrusion processing, and aseptic processing. Corequisites: ABE 754L .

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  • ABE 763 - Instrumentation

    Credits: 3
    Principles of transducers, amplifiers and terminating devices in measurement systems with emphasis on transducers and systems performance. Techniques and methods for use in engineering and scientific measurement. Corequisites: ABE 763L . Prerequisites: PHYS 213 and MATH 225.

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  • ABE 765 - Advanced Biomass Thermochemical Conversion

    Credits: 3
    Advanced study, evaluation, and application of thermochemical conversion pathways in biofuel production.  Specific topics include biomass gasification, pyrolysis, liquefaction, and heterogeneous catalysis. Prerequisites:   ME 314 and ABE 444. Notes: Sections of this course are provided online through the Agriculture Interactive Distance Education Alliance.

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  • ABE 771 - Graduate Seminar

    Credits: 1
    Discussion and reports of current topics and investigations in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering. Notes: Limit of 2 credits

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ABME (Agricultural, Biosystems and Mechanical Engineering)


ABS (Agriculture and Biological Sciences)

  • ABS 582 - International Experience

    Credits: 2-4
    This will be a team-mentored class. Students will work one on one or in small groups with professors that have knowledge of the global region and culture that will be visited. Students will participate in a one-to-three week travel/study abroad experience to another nation(s) to experience and evaluate diverse food/agricultural systems. Notes: ABS 203 is a recommended prerequisite.

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  • ABS 705 - Research Methodology

    Credits: 1-10
    Advanced instruction in research methodology. Credit earned will depend on the module(s) taken. Each module will provide in-depth coverage on one type of techniques. Modules will involve lectures on the theory behind a technique, simulations/demonstrations of the techniques, and hands on experiments. Each module requires a colloquium (reports and discussions) designed to show the student how these techniques can be combined to solve a research problem. Course may be repeated as long as the module(s) are not repeated. Potential topic modules could include: Electrophoresis, liquid chromatography, spectroscopy, centrifugation, hybridization, cloning, PCR, monoclonal antibodies, protein characterization, light microscopy, electron microscopy, in situ hybridization, fluorescent imaging, chromosomal analysis, plant tissue culture, mammalian tissue culture, anaerobic bacterial culture, design of ecological field studies, sampling of terrestrial plants, sampling of aquatic plants, sampling of terrestrial animals, sampling of aquatic animals, geographic information systems and global positioning systems in ecology, analysis of ecological data, modeling and simulation in ecology, crop breeding techniques, and other topics as needed.  Prerequisites: Module instructor consent.

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ACCT (Accounting)


ADV (Advertising)

  • ADV 576 - Global and Multicultural Advertising

    Credits: 3
    This course develops an understanding of global and multicultural advertising and marketing. Students gain experience in decisions that reflect an understanding of global and multicultural markets and explore the social and ethical issues in such advertising and marketing.

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AGEC (Agricultural Economics)

  • AGEC 521 - Farming and Food Systems Economics

    Credits: 3
    Economic concepts and methods for analyzing farming system and food system alternatives, investments, and issues. Includes economic feasibility analysis methods for assessing potential farm/ranch, value-added, and other food enterprises. Economic structure and organization of food systems in US and other parts of the world are examined. 

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  • AGEC 530 - Agribusiness Marketing and Prices

    Credits: 3
    Economic theory and quantitative techniques used in analysis of procurement and sales, construction of economic models, statistical estimates of supply and demand, and price forecasting. Prerequisites: AGEC 354 and STAT 281.

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  • AGEC 571 - Advanced Farm and Ranch Management

    Credits: 3
    Strategic and operational business planning of farms and ranches covering all essential topics from long-term financing, technology adoption, intellectual property rights, marketing, land use changes and climate change, biofuels, and trade. Selected quantitative tools and procedures for analysis and decision making in farm and ranch business management will provide students the right blend of knowledge and tools to become future farm and ranch managers. 

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  • AGEC 672 - Bioenergy & Resource Economics

    Credits: 3
    Bioenergy and Resource Economics surveys the allocation and conservation of natural resources from a perspective of optimal use and sustainability.  Emphasis is placed on the trade offs and issues related to the production of biomass and development of the biofuels market including resource allocation, valuation methodology, economic growth, and market development.  Prerequisites: ECON 201, MATH 121 or MATH 123.

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AGED (Agricultural Education)

  • AGED 610 - Introduction to Research

    Credits: 3
    Determining research focus; developing research problems and objectives; reviewing the literature and establishing a theoretical framework; establishing procedures for data collection and analysis; ethical issues.

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  • AGED 620 - Curriculum for Agricultural Science Education (CASE)

    Credits: 3-5
    Obtain practical application of agricultural education content, review lab and classroom activities.

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  • AGED 650 - Foundations of Agricultural Education

    Credits: 3
    An understanding of the historical and philosophical development of agriculture food and natural resource systems places current events in their proper historical frame. This course explores the history of agriculture in North America, the philosophies which guided its evolution, and agricultural progress from the 1600s to present day. Inquiry includes public school and county extension education, the USDA, the Land-Grant system, the National FFA Organization, and 4-H youth development.

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  • AGED 788 - Research Problems in Agricultural Education

    Credits: 1-2
    A problem is selected, analyzed, and reported in form approved by the research advisor.  Course is repeatable for additional credit.  Pre-requisite:  Required of all graduate students in education qualifying for the degree under Option B. Can be elected under Option C, if desired.

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AHED (Adult Higher Education)

  • AHED 711 - Assessment and Program Design

    Credits: 3
    Organization and implementation of adult education programs. Particular emphasis on curriculum development, financing, staffing, marketing, and evaluation of adult programs. Notes: Sections of this course are provided online through the Great Plains Interactive Distance Education Alliance.

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  • AHED 720 - Principles of Postsecondary Education

    Credits: 3
    This course provides an overview of the postsecondary education system in the US. It surveys the history, major features, and effects of this system.

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  • AHED 755 - Principles of College Teaching

    Credits: 3
    An analysis of teaching methodologies, planning procedures, evaluation techniques, and professional relationships. Emphasis will be on learning and using strategies suitable for teaching.

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  • AHED 772 - Administration and Leadership in Student Affairs

    Credits: 3
    This course provides an overview of administrative and leadership practice in the student affairs profession. The course will emphasize historical foundations of the profession and will utilize these foundations in understanding current practice. Students will gain broad knowledge about the role and function of student affairs functions in a variety of higher education settings. Cross-Listed: CHRD 772.

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  • AHED 788 - Research Problems in Adult Education

    Credits: 1-2
    A problem is selected, analyzed, and reported in form approved by the research advisor. Required of all graduate students in education qualifying for the degree under Option B. Can be elected under Option C if desired.  Course is repeatable for additional credit.

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ANTH (Anthropology)


ARCH (Architecture)

  • ARCH 521 - Media Tech VI

    Credits: 2
    Students will develop the skills necessary to produce professional contract documents, construction documents and outline specifications, with an emphasis on sustainable building technologies. Computer aided drafting (CAD) and Building Information Modeling (BIM) will be covered. Prerequisites: ARCH 351.

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  • ARCH 522 - Media Tech VII

    Credits: 2
    Continued development of skills necessary to produce professional contract and construction documents, with an emphasis on building envelope assembly and large scale detailing. Computer aided drafting (CAD) and Building Information Modeling (BIM) will be covered. Prerequisites: ARCH 521 .

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  • ARCH 551 - Architecture Studio IV

    Credits: 6
    Professional architectural studio focused on the categories of site, structure, systems, and type. Students will prepare detailed and coordinated drawings and models describing a complex building design project.  Prerequisites: ARCH 452.

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  • ARCH 552 - Comprehensive Building Design

    Credits: 6
    Comprehensive professional architectural studio measuring competency across all aspects of a coordinated building design. Students will prepare detailed drawings, documents and models describing a complex building program, integrated systems and structure, and an appropriate relationship to site. Prerequisites: ARCH 551 .

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  • ARCH 561 - Shop

    Credits: 2
    Workshop studies in craftsmanship, assembly, and fabrication through hands-on demonstrations and projects.

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  • ARCH 571 - Architectural Practice I

    Credits: 2
    This course introduces regulations as they relate to architectural registration, including building codes and ordinances, professional service contracts, environmental regulation, and other legal responsibilities connected with the profession. Prerequisites: ARCH 351.

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  • ARCH 572 - Architectural Practice II

    Credits: 2
    This course presents architectural production as an evolving cultural and financial practice. Topics include traditional delivery methods, the client’s role, and alternative contemporary models. Prerequisites: ARCH 571 .

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  • ARCH 631 - Building Technology II

    Credits: 2
    Introduction to building systems, daylighting, environmental systems, building services, and sustainable technologies with an emphasis on the building exterior surface. Prerequisites: ARCH 351.

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  • ARCH 632 - Building Technology III

    Credits: 2
    Introduction to technological issues of interior systems and construction including plumbing systems, mechanical air handling, lighting, finish materials, and sustainable practices in interior design. Prerequisites: ARCH 351.

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  • ARCH 671 - Architectural Practice III

    Credits: 2
    This course will cover the responsibilities architects have to society. Topics include sustainability, community outreach, collaboration, leadership, ethics, and professional judgment. Prerequisites: ARCH 572 .

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  • ARCH 672 - Architectural Practice IV

    Credits: 2
    This course introduces architectural project management and practice management. Topics include basic principles of project team selection, delivery methods, and professional organizational models. Prerequisites: ARCH 671 .

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ART (Art)


ARTE (Art Education)


AS (Animal Science)

  • AS 541 - Advanced Meat Science

    Credits: 3
    In-depth study of muscle anatomy and physiology, postmortem metabolism, rigor mortis, meat proteins, meat quality, and meat tenderness. Notes: Sections of this course are provided online through the Agriculture Interactive Distance Education Alliance. Even Spring.

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  • AS 549 - Equine Issues and Leadership

    Credits: 3
    Students will be faced with professional development, service, and tackling major issues within the equine industry.  A heavy emphasis on detail, fact finding, writing, and public speaking will prepare these students to serve as future leaders in our industry.  Notes: Fall.

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  • AS 563 - Agricultural Waste Management

    Credits: 3
    Understand agricultural or biological wastes. Develop an understanding of regulatory requirements and best management practices that advocate responsible environmental stewardship. Topics include production, collection, handling, treating, and reusing agricultural and biological wastes. Course will emphasize written and oral reports. Prerequisites: PS 213 or PS 313. Cross-Listed: AST 563 . Notes: Spring.

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  • AS 711 - Ruminology

    Credits: 3
    Biochemical, physiological, and microbiological activity occurring in the rumen and the relation of rumen function to animal response.  Prerequisites: CHEM 464 and VET 223 or instructor consent. Cross-Listed: DS 711 .

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  • AS 712 - Ruminant Nutrition

    Credits: 3
    Principles of nutrition for ruminants in relation to growth, reproduction and lactation. Notes: Even Spring on-campus.  Other sections of this course are provided online through the Agriculture Interactive Distance Education Alliance.   

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  • AS 720 - Advanced Selection of Domestic Animals

    Credits: 3
    Quantitative and population genetic theory of sound breeding programs for domestic animals including, variation, heredity, selection, estimation of breeding values, systems of mating, and performance testing. Notes: Sections of this course are provided online through the Agriculture Interactive Distance Education Alliance. 

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  • AS 730 - Endocrinology

    Credits: 3
    This course covers topics pertaining to endocrine gland and hormone function; hormone synthesis; control of hormone secretion, circulation and metabolism; physiological roles of hormones; and mechanisms of hormone action. Specific areas of study involve pituitary and hypothalamic function, pancreatic function, and hormones regulating growth and metabolism, thyroid hormones, gonadal and adrenal hormones. Notes: Odd Spring.

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  • AS 732 - Advanced Physiology of Reproduction

    Credits: 3
    Anatomical and physiological process of reproduction in domestic animals with special emphasis on research techniques and the findings of recent research. Prerequisites: AS 433. Notes: Odd Fall on-campus.  Sections of this course are provided online through the Agriculture Interactive Distance Education Alliance.

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  • AS 733 - Vitamins and Minerals

    Credits: 3
    Relationships between nutrients in metabolism. Comparing metabolic significance of required nutrients for different animal species and as applied to human nutrition. Prerequisites: AS 233, AS 323, CHEM 361, VET 223 or ZOOL 325.

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  • AS 734 - Protein and Energy Nutrition

    Credits: 3
    Principles of protein and energy metabolism and the partitioning of these nutrients for maintenance, growth and production in domestic farm animals. 

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  • AS 736 - Monogastric Nutrition

    Credits: 3
    Nutrition principles for nonruminants related to reproduction, lactation and growth. Prerequisites: AS 233, AS 323, CHEM 361, VET 223 or ZOOL 325. Notes: Even Fall on-campus. Other sections of this course are provided online through the Agriculture Interactive Distance Education Alliance. 

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