Program Coordinator/Contact
Kurt Cogswell, Department Head
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Architecture, Mathematics, and Engineering 209
Click here for additional information.
Program Information
The Applied Statistics minor provides training in the discipline-specific and profession-specific application of statistics to students enrolled in a wide variety of programs and majors including, but not limited to, Economics, Geography, Psychology, Political Science, and Sociology. Applied statistics is distinguished from statistics in that the former has a stronger focus on application of specific, standard statistical methods to commonly occurring data sets in well-defined circumstances, while the latter encompasses the underlying statistical principals necessary to being able to apply, modify, and create statistical methods in a very broad set of circumstances. While the latter is a more powerful approach, the former is frequently a more efficient approach for those whose primary area of expertise will be in another discipline.
Student Learning Outcomes
In the Applied Statistics Minor, students will:
- master basic statistical methods.
- master intermediate statistical methods.
- conduct statistical analyses in discipline/profession-specific contexts.
- interpret and report on statistical analyses in discipline/profession-specific contexts.
Course Delivery Format
Program courses are delivered on campus, in classroom and laboratory settings, and online.