Program Coordinator/Contact
Michael Twedt, Lecturer
Department of Mechanical Engineering
CEH 216 Box 2219
Click here for additional information.
Program Information
The Sustainable Energy Systems Minor is appropriate for students interested in gaining a background in sustainability, energy efficiency, and renewable energy technologies. The minor helps to prepare graduates with training that distinguishes them from their peers and supports immediate entry into careers in energy resource development, energy production, and efficient end-use technologies.
Student Learning Outcomes
Students completing the minor must understand how energy is produced, the fundamentals of energy conversion and efficiency, and demonstrate technical expertise in some area of sustainable energy systems. Upon completion of the minor, the student will be able to:
- apply mathematics and engineering science to the analysis of energy conversion systems.
- understand and apply the concept of sustainability to the design of energy conversion systems.
- demonstrate competency in analysis and design of a particular type of energy converting device or system.
- demonstrate the ability to work effectively in an area of sustainable energy systems.
Course Delivery Format
Competence in Sustainable Energy Systems requires both study and practice. Instruction occurs through a combination of traditional classroom methods, laboratory exercises using contemporary engineering technologies, internship/research experiences and focused design projects.