2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Mar 13, 2025  
2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Nursing Major - Accelerated Program

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Program Coordinator/Contact  
Accelerated Option, Sioux Falls
College of Nursing, SDSU
2300 N. Career Avenue
Sioux Falls, SD 57107
E-mail: hillary.westerhuis@sdstate.edu
Accelerated Option, Aberdeen
Northern State University, SDSU
1200 S. Jay Street
Aberdeen, SD 57401
E-mail: sara.olson@northern.edu


Program Information
The bachelors of science in nursing program prepares graduates to practice in both hospital and non-hospital settings and have the foundation for advanced study in nursing. The curriculum includes university core requirements, major support courses in communication and the social, physical, and biological sciences, and nursing major courses.

Program Delivery Options
The Accelerated Option is for students who have completed a Bachelor’s degree in any field and wish to obtain a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree. The program takes 12 months to complete and starts once a year (August) at University Center in Sioux Falls. Students take coursework and participate in lecture, on-campus labs, and clinical rotations in Sioux Falls and surrounding communities.

Program Admission

Admission Application Deadline Dates

  • Sioux Falls Accelerated Option, January 25.
  • Aberdeen Accelerated Option, July 1.

Admission Requirements
To be considered for admission to the Accelerated Option, students must have:

  • a cumulative GPA of 2.8 or higher,
  • a pre-nursing GPA of 3.0 or higher,
  • a grade of “C” or higher in all completed nursing major support courses and courses meeting general education and institutional requirements.
  • Students may apply when they have completed at least six of the pre-nursing courses AND have at least two of the remaining four pre-nursing courses in progress.

Any student eligible for regular admission to SDSU who plans to enroll in the College of Nursing and Department of Undergraduate Nursing is accepted into pre-nursing and has an academic adviser from the College of Nursing. During the semester in which students complete their final pre-nursing required courses, they apply for admission to the nursing major. Applicants with courses in progress at the time of application will be required to provide written documentation of their registration in those courses with the application form.

Fulfillment of course and application requirements does not ensure admission. The number of students accepted to enroll in the nursing major may vary depending upon available clinical facilities, qualified faculty and funds. The admission process includes an interview with the Undergraduate Admission and Scholastic Standards Committee and/or additional undergraduate faculty. Students who want to enter the nursing major are required to submit an application for admission to the major. Prior to applying to any option, all students must apply for admission to SDSU.

Additional Coursework Policies
Students who have failed (earned a “D” or “F”) in two or more of the pre-nursing science courses (CHEM 106/106L or 112/112L, or 108/108L or 114/114L; MICR 231/231L; BIOL 221/221L, 325/325L), repeated and passed them on the second attempt will not be admitted to the Nursing Major. Students who have failed one pre-nursing course (CHEM 106/106L or 112/112L, 108/108L or 114/114L; MICR 231/231L; BIOL 221/221L, 325/325L; PSYC 101; one of the following: SOC 100, 150, or 240; NFS 315; HDFS 210), repeated and failed the same course a second time will not be admitted to the Nursing Major. If the failure is over five years old, it does not count as a failure. Students who have taken Anatomy or Physiology more than seven years prior to their admission date will be required to update these courses.

Technical Standards
Students preparing for or seeking additional education in the field of professional nursing must demonstrate the ability to meet the demands of the professional nurse role. For admission to and progression in the nursing major courses, the student must meet Technical Standards for the nursing major. These standards are in the areas of general abilities, observational ability, communication, motor ability, intellectual/conceptual ability, and behavioral/social attributes. The Technical Standards are available on the Nursing website or through the academic advisors at each of the program sites.

Background Checks
All students seeking admission into a nursing program in the College of Nursing must submit federal and supplemental criminal background checks. Admission to a program is conditional based on the results of the background check. The required background check is based on requirements for licensure as a registered nurse in South Dakota (South Dakota Nurse Practice Act, SD Codified Law Chapter 36-9-97). If you have been convicted, pled guilty or no contest to, or received a suspended imposition of sentence for a felony or other criminal offense (excluding minor traffic violations), you are advised that it may not be possible for you to be accepted into the major at South Dakota State University. You may also be prevented from taking the required licensure exam for registered nurses, and you may be prevented from gaining employment in the field of nursing. If you have questions about this policy, please contact the Department Head, Nursing Student Services at 605-688-4106.

Transfer Students
Transfer students who have begun but not completed a bachelor’s in nursing program at another college or university must submit a letter to the College of Nursing indicating their reason for transfer. They must also apply for admission to SDSU, as well as to the College of Nursing. Three letters of recommendation must also be submitted to the College of Nursing: one from the dean/director of their former program and two from faculty members.

Language Proficiency
As the nurse is a professional who deals with human lives, it is mandatory that a higher level of English fluency be met in order to ensure the safety of clients and students. The English as a Second Language requirement for the College of Nursing is higher than it is for other colleges in the University. The College of Nursing requires all students who meet the definition of student with English as a Second Language to complete the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL),International English Language Testing System (IELTS), or an accepted substitute. English as a Second Language is defined as a student who was instructed and spoke primarily in a language other than English in the K-12 grades or primary and secondary schooling. The minimum TOEFL score required for admission to the Nursing Major is 600 (paper-based), with no score below 56; 250 (computer-based), with a minimum reading score of 22, writing 23, and listening 22; or 100 (internet-based) (with a minimum reading score of 21, writing 19, listening 22, and speaking 26). The required IELTS band score for admission to the nursing major is 7.0. The TOEFL or IELTS is required for all students for whom English is a second language, regardless of residency status. These scores are required before the student will be accepted into the major. The student is responsible for all testing fees.

Academic Requirements
A GPA of 2.5 or higher is required for continuation in the nursing major. A grade of “C” or higher is required in all nursing courses. Students may repeat one failed nursing course with permission. Upon failing a second nursing course, the student is dismissed from the program. A student who needs to retake a failed course is re-enrolled in the course on a space available basis. A student who fails a course due to unsafe practice in a clinical experience will not be eligible for readmission to the nursing major, unless evidence is submitted that the unsafe behaviors have been corrected.

All undergraduate and graduate nursing students are expected to adhere to the principles of the Code of Ethics for Nurses (American Nurses Association, 2001). The Code of Ethics for Nurses communicates a standard of professional behavior expected throughout the total program and in each individual nursing course. Therefore, in addition to dismissal for academic failure, the faculty and administration of the Departments of Undergraduate Nursing and Graduate Nursing reserve the right to dismiss any student enrolled in either the undergraduate or graduate program for unethical, dishonest, illegal, or other conduct that is inconsistent with the Code of Ethics for Nurses.

Accreditation, Certification, and Licensure
The program is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) and approved by the South Dakota Board of Nursing.

Unemcumbered RN license is an RN-BS admission requirement.

Course Delivery Format
All coursework is delivered in the online format. Curriculum is flexible, and designed to accommodate personal and professional needs of the RN. There are many opportunities for collaboration with experienced, well-qualified faculty and other RNs.

Requirements for Nursing Major - Accelerated Program: 120 Credits

Bachelor of Science

System General Education Requirements*: 32-33

Institutional Graduation Requirements**: 5

  • Goal #1 First Seminar: NURS 109 ** Credits: 2
  • Goal #2 Cultural Awareness and Social and Environmental Responsibility: PSYC 101 ** Credits:3

Electives: 2-3


Total Credits Required: 120


Curriculum Notes

* The 30 credit Board of Regents System General Education Requirements (SGRs) must be completed as part of a student’s first 64 credits.

** South Dakota State University has a 5 credit Institutional Graduation Requirement (IGRs).

(G) Globalization Requirement.

(AW) Advanced Writing Requirement.

Students must take the proficiency examination after completing 48 credits. English 101, and a course in each of the General Education areas of social science, mathematics, natural science, and humanities and arts must be taken prior to taking this exam.

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