2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Mar 13, 2025  
2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Nursing Major - RN Upward Mobility

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Program Coordinator/Contact
Susan Rosen, Coordinator, RN Upward Mobility
605-688-6186 or 1-888-216-9806 ext. 1
E-mail: susan.rosen@sdstate.edu


Program Information
The bachelors of science in nursing is recommended as the minimum preparation for nursing practice. The RN Upward Mobility specialization enhances the educational preparation of the diploma or associate degree RN and further developes the RNs foundation for advanced study in nursing. Graduates of the RN Upward Mobility specialization, are prepared to expand their practice in the areas of community health, health promotion, leadership and management, in preparation for new career opportunities in emerging healthcare environments. The curriculum includes university core requirements, nursing major prerequisite courses in communication and the social, physical, and biological sciences, and RN-BS courses.

Program Delivery Options
The RN Upward Mobility program is designed as a degree completion for registered nurses who have completed a diploma or associate degree nursing program.

Program Admission
Admission Application Dates:

  • March 1 submission date for RN-BS application.

Admission Requirements:

  • 2.5 GPA, “C” grades in all coursework applied to baccalaureate requirements.
  • RN’s apply to the nursing major when 2 or fewer pre-requisite requirements remain.
  • Evidence of personal liability insurance, criminal background check, and unencumbered nursing license.


  • RN’s interested in the RN Upward Mobility option are encouraged to contact the RN Upward Mobility office on the Brookings campus for individual advising.
  • Eligibility requirements include:
    • Online application available through March 1 each year. Failure to meet submission requirements may disqualify an applicant for the annual admission cycle. RN-BS courses may be completed in one or two year plans of study.

Technical Standards
Students preparing for or seeking additional education in the field of professional nursing must demonstrate the ability to meet the demands of the professional nurse role. For admission to and progression in the nursing major courses, the student must meet Technical Standards for the nursing major. These standards are in the areas of general abilities, observational ability, communication, motor ability, intellectual/conceptual ability, and behavioral/social attributes. The Technical Standards are available on the Nursing website or through the academic advisors at each of the program sites.

Background Checks
All students seeking admission into a nursing program in the College of Nursing must submit federal and supplemental criminal background checks. Admission to a program is conditional based on the results of the background check. The required background check is based on requirements for licensure as a registered nurse in South Dakota (South Dakota Nurse Practice Act, SD Codified Law Chapter 36-9-97). If you have been convicted, pled guilty or no contest to, or received a suspended imposition of sentence for a felony or other criminal offense (excluding minor traffic violations), you are advised that it may not be possible for you to be accepted into the major at South Dakota State University. You may also be prevented from taking the required licensure exam for registered nurses, and you may be prevented from gaining employment in the field of nursing. If you have questions about this policy, please contact the Department Head, Nursing Student Services at 605-688-4106.

Transfer Students
Transfer students who have begun but not completed a bachelor’s in nursing program at another college or university must submit a letter to the College of Nursing indicating their reason for transfer. They must also apply for admission to SDSU, as well as to the College of Nursing. Three letters of recommendation must also be submitted to the College of Nursing: one from the dean/director of their former program and two from faculty members.

Academic Requirements
A GPA of 2.5 or higher is required for continuation in the nursing major. A grade of “C” or higher is required in all nursing courses. Students may repeat one failed nursing course with permission. Upon failing a second nursing course, the student is dismissed from the program. A student who needs to retake a failed course is re-enrolled in the course on a space available basis. A student who fails a course due to unsafe practice in a clinical experience will not be eligible for readmission to the nursing major, unless evidence is submitted that the unsafe behaviors have been corrected.

All undergraduate and graduate nursing students are expected to adhere to the principles of the Code of Ethics for Nurses (American Nurses Association, 2001). The Code of Ethics for Nurses communicates a standard of professional behavior expected throughout the total program and in each individual nursing course. Therefore, in addition to dismissal for academic failure, the faculty and administration of the Departments of Undergraduate Nursing and Graduate Nursing reserve the right to dismiss any student enrolled in either the undergraduate or graduate program for unethical, dishonest, illegal, or other conduct that is inconsistent with the Code of Ethics for Nurses.

Accreditation, Certification, and Licensure
The program is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) and approved by the South Dakota Board of Nursing.

Unemcumbered RN license is an RN-BS admission requirement.

Course Delivery Format
All coursework is delivered in the online format. Curriculum is flexible, and designed to accommodate personal and professional needs of the RN. There are many opportunities for collaboration with experienced, well-qualified faculty and other RNs.

Requirements for Nursing Major - RN Upward Mobility Specialization

Bachelor of Science

System General Education Requirements*: 32

Institutional Graduation Requirements**: 5

  • Goal #1 First Year Seminar:   Credits: 2
  • Goal #2 Cultural Awareness and Social and Environmental Responsibility: PSYC 101**  Credits: 3

Total Required Credits: 120


Curriculum Notes

* The 30 credit Board of Regents System General Education Requirements (SGRs) must be completed as part of a student’s first 64 credits.

** South Dakota State University has a 5 credit Institutional Graduation Requirement (IGRs).

(G) Globalization Requirement.

(AW) Advanced Writing Requirement.

Students must take the proficiency examination after completing 48 credits. English 101, and a course in each of the General Education areas of social science, mathematics, natural science, and humanities and arts must be taken prior to taking this exam.

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