Mar 13, 2025
2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]
General Studies (Bachelor of)
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Program Coordinator/Contact
Carey Kilmer, Assistant Director
Continuing and Extended Education
Briggs Library Room 119
605-688-4959 or 1-866-827-3918 (toll free)
E-mail: Carey.Kilmer@sdstate.edu
Program Information
The Bachelor of General Studies program through the College of Arts and Sciences is designed for adult and returning students who have already completed significant college credit and want to complete a baccalaureate degree. The Bachelor of General Studies offers students the flexibility to select coursework from a variety of focus areas: allied health; business; education; fine arts; humanities; social science; science, engineering and mathematics; technology; and wellness.
Admission Requirements
For SDSU admission requirements, visit www.sdstate.edu/admissions. Potential students should pick up an application from an attendance center or apply online:
- Visit SDSU’s site www.sdstate.edu
- Choose “Admissions”
- Choose “Undergraduate Admissions”
- Complete the online application.
Potential students should schedule an appointment to meet with the assistant director to have their transcript evaluated. Once accepted, students will work closely with their advisor to prepare their degree completion plan.
Course Delivery Format
Adult and returning students will have the ability to complete the Bachelor of General Studies online, on-campus, or through an attendance center (Capital University Center, University Center – Sioux Falls, or University Center – Rapid City.
Requirements for General Studies Major: 120 Credits
Bachelor of General Studies System General Education Requirements*: 30
Institutional Graduation Requirements**: 5
Major Requirements: 48
At least 20 credits of the focus area credits must be numbered 300 or above. - GS 490 - Seminar (AW) Credits: 3
- Completion of 15 credits in at least 3 of the designated General Studies focus areas (45 credits):
- Allied Health (Courses such as anatomy, athletic training, health sciences)
- Business (Courses such as business administration, consumer affairs, economics, ag econ, entrepreneurial studies)
- Education (Courses such as early childhood education, art education, ag education)
- Fine Arts (Courses such as art, art history, interior design, theater, music)
- Humanities (Courses such as foreign languages, English, religion, philosophy, mass and speech communication)
- Social Science (Courses such as anthropology, human development, political science, psychology, sociology)
- Science, Engineering and Mathematics (Courses such as biology, chemistry, construction management, mathematics)
- Technology (Courses such as agricultural systems technology, computer science, electrical engineering technology)
- Wellness (health, physical education and recreation; wellness)
Total Required Credits: 120
Curriculum Notes
* The 30 credit Board of Regents System General Education Requirements (SGRs) must be completed as part of a student’s first 64 credits. ** South Dakota State University has a 5 credit Institutional Graduation Requirement (IGRs). (G) Globalization Requirement. (AW) Advanced Writing Requirement. Students must take the proficiency examination after completing 48 credits. English 101, and a course in each of the General Education areas of social science, mathematics, natural science, and humanities and arts must be taken prior to taking this exam. |
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