2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Mar 13, 2025  
2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Operations Management Major

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Program Coordinator/Contact
Byron Garry, Undergraduate Program Coordinator
Engineering Technology & Management Department
Solberg Hall 116, Box 2223
E-mail byron.garry@sdstate.edu


Program Information
The Operations Management (OM) program has been designed to prepare students to manage operations and resources including people, equipment, facilities, finances, and processes. The OM program is an applied management program tailored to entry-level positions of responsibility in manufacturing, technical services companies, suppliers to manufacturers, and/or industrial sales.

There are two emphases for the OM program. The Manufacturing emphasis includes Lean, quality management systems, process development, workplace safety, supply chain management, and industrial controls. Students may elect to pursue an additional professional certification at graduation. The Electronics emphasis prepares students to work as supervisors or project team leaders in industries that manufacture, service, or develop electronic devices or distributed systems. Courses include circuits, digital & analog devices, networks, microcontrollers, PCBs, industrial controls, and PLCs.

Program Educational Outcomes
OM graduates will become professionals who:

  1. apply principles of mathematics and science, modern management techniques, and technology to the solution of current and future problems in the field of operations management,
  2. achieve positions of increasing responsibility or leadership with employers, professional organizations, or civic organizations in recognition of professional competence and the ability to function in team environments, and
  3. complete licensure, certification, short courses, workshops, or advanced degrees in technical, professional, or management subject areas as they adapt to contemporary operations management practice and the global business environment.

Student Learning Outcomes
OM graduates have:

  1. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and applied sciences including algebra, calculus, physics, probability, and statistics.
  2. an ability to design and conduct experiments, use appropriate methodologies including Design of Experiments, analyze and interpret data, and demonstrate proficiency in data analysis using appropriate computer software and hardware.
  3. an ability to formulate or design a system, process, or program to meet desired needs.
  4. an ability to function as members and leaders on multidisciplinary teams.
  5. an ability to identify problems, understand risk, interpret information, and put theory into practice to solve current applied science and management problems.
  6. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
  7. an ability to communicate effectively and use information from a variety of sources.
  8. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of solutions in a global and societal context.
  9. a recognition of the need for and an ability to engage in life-long learning.
  10. a knowledge of contemporary issues.
  11. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern scientific and technical tools necessary for professional practice.
  12. an understanding of uses of management information systems, cost accounting methodology, economic analysis, and human resource management.
  13. an understanding of management theory and practice, including the strategic planning process, project management, personal and organizational goal setting, leveraging resources, quality management theory and practice, and the ability to use these tools effectively in the workplace.

Course Delivery Format
The program provides coursework on the Brookings campus in classroom, laboratory, and field based settings.

Requirements for Operations Management Major: 120 Credits

Bachelor of Science in Operations Management

System General Education Requirements*: 32

Institutional Graduation Requirements**: 5

  • Goal #1 First Year Seminar:   Credits: 1, 1 
  • Goal #2 Cultural Awareness and Social and Environmental Responsibility:    Credits: 3

Emphasis: 20-21

Select One Emphasis

Electronics Emphasis: 21

Manufacturing Emphasis: 20

Total Required Credits: 120


Internship Program

Students are required to complete an industry—based internship prior to graduation via the course OM 494. The Program Coordinator and Faculty Advisor must approve a formal work plan before registering for internship credits. Further information can be found in the department.

Curriculum Notes

* The 30 credit Board of Regents System General Education Requirements (SGRs) must be completed as part of a student’s first 64 credits.

** South Dakota State University has a 5 credit Institutional Graduation Requirement (IGRs).

(G) Globalization Requirement.

(AW) Advanced Writing Requirement.

Students must take the proficiency examination after completing 48 credits. English 101, and a course in each of the General Education areas of social science, mathematics, natural science, and humanities and arts must be taken prior to taking this exam.

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