2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Mar 14, 2025  
2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Family and Consumer Sciences Education Major

Program Coordinator/Contact
Deb Debates, Professor
Department of Teaching, Learning, and Leadership
Wenona Hall 108
E-mail: deb.debates@sdstate.edu


Program Information
As a family and consumer sciences educator, the FCSE graduate is qualified to teach content in a wide range of settings, including in middle and high schools, occupational training programs, adult programs, or to serve as an extension educator. The FCSE program prepares students with comprehensive subject matter background from all areas of family and consumer sciences, contributing to the versatility of the major. The program focuses on characteristics of various learners or clients, learning principles and different applications of the teaching-learning process.

Accreditation, Certification, and Licensure
National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs (NCATE)
South Dakota Department of Education

Certification and Licensure
With this major and the accompanying teacher education coursework required for teaching licensure, candidates are eligible to take the Praxis content tests, and apply for a teaching license in South Dakota. Students are required to take the PRAXIS II content test, as well as the PRAXIS II Principles of Learning and Teaching test. The minimum score for the Praxis II PLT must be obtained for teaching licensure and varies by state.

Course Delivery Format
Coursework in the FCSE program is delivered using lectures, discussions, group work, and applied learning in field experiences, practicums, and internships.

Requirements for Family and Consumer Sciences Education Major: 120 Credits

Bachelor of Science in Education and Human Sciences

System General Education Requirements*: 30

Institutional Graduation Requirements**: 5

College Requirements: 2


Major Requirements: 82

Electives: 1-4


Total Required Credits: 120

Curriculum Notes

Students must receive a grade of “C” or better in all majors courses, SPCM 101, ENGL 101 and MATH 102, and have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above in order to be admitted to the teacher education program.

* The 30 credit Board of Regents System General Education Requirements (SGRs) must be completed as part of a student’s first 64 credits.

** South Dakota State University has a 5 credit Institutional Graduation Requirement (IGRs).

(G) Globalization Requirement.

(AW) Advanced Writing Requirement.

Students must take the proficiency examination after completing 48 credits. English 101, and a course in each of the General Education areas of social science, mathematics, natural science, and humanities and arts must be taken prior to taking this exam.