2007-2008 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Mar 14, 2025  
2007-2008 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Early Childhood Education Major

Andrew Stremmel
Department of Human Development, Consumer and Family
SNF 369
e-mail: Andrew.Stremmel@sdstate.edu

Requirements for Early Childhood Education Major - Birth to 5 Specialization:

Bachelor of Science in Family and Consumer Sciences

A pre-graduate check is required 2 semesters before graduation semester.

At beginning of graduation semester, a graduation application must be completed.

A grade of “D” on courses in the major cannot be counted and course must be repeated. Any required course with an HDFS or ECE prefix is considered a course in the major.

A grade of “C” or better is required in PSYC 101, ENGL 101, SPCM 101, MATH 102.

Students must meet all GPARequirements (2.6 for graduation) and be accepted into the ECE Teacher Education program ECE- PSII and ECE-PS III. Students will be required to pass the PRAXIS content and Principles of Teaching and Learning exams in order to be considered a Highly Qualified Teacher.

Freshman Year:

  • SGR Goal 5: Mathematics (MATH 102 or higher) Credits: 3
    * (Fall or Spring)
  • SGR Goal 6: Natural Sciences Credits: 3
    * (Fall or Spring)


Taken concurrently.

Requirements for Early Childhood Education Major - Birth to 8 Specialization:

Bachelor of Science in Family and Consumer Sciences

A pre-graduate check is required 2 semesters before graduation semester.

At beginning of graduation semester, a graduation application must be completed.

A grade of “D” on courses in the major cannot be counted and course must be repeated. Any required course with an HDFS or ECE department/ program prefix is considered a course in the major.

A grade of “C” or better is required in PSYC 101, ENGL 101, SPCM 101, MATH 102.

Students must meet all GPA requirements (2.6 for graduation) and be successfully admitted into ECE-, PSII, III, and IV.

Students must pass the PRAXIS content and Principles and of Teaching and Learning Exams in order to be considered a Highly Qualified Teacher.

Freshman Year:

  • SGR Goal 5: MATH 102 or higher Credits: 3
    * (Fall or Spring)
  • SGR Goal 4: Humanities Elective Credits: 3
    * (Fall or Spring)


Taken concurrently.

Requirements for Early Childhood Education Major- Cooperative Agreement with Black Hills State University:

Bachelor of Science in Family and Consumer Sciences

Courses taken at BHSU to meet state elementary education certification will require additional semesters. Enroll in ECE 400 (0 cr) while at BHSU.

A pre-graduate check is required 2 semesters before going to BHSU.

At beginning of graduation semester, a graduation application from SDSU must be completed.

A grade of “D” on courses in the major cannot be counted and course must be repeated. Any required course with an HDFS/ECE prefix is considered a course in the major.

Students are required to have an overall GPA of 2.6 and have a “C” or better in ENGL 101, SPCM 101, EPSY 302, EDFN 338, MATH 102.

Students must meet all GPA requirements and successfully be admitted to ECE Teacher Education Program ECE PSII and ECE PS III.

Students must meet all requirements for admission to Teacher Education Program at BHSU and SDSU. Students must successfully complete the PPST Exam or CAAP. Students pass the PRAXIS content and Principles of Teaching and Learning exams to be considered a Highly Qualified Teacher.


Taken concurrently.

Requirements for Early Childhood Education Major- Cooperative Agreement with Dakota State University:

Bachelor of Science in Family and Consumer Sciences

Courses taken at DSU to meet state elementary education certification will require at least 3 additional semesters. Enroll in ECE 400 (0 cr) while at DSU.

A pre-graduate check is required 2 semesters before going to DSU.

At beginning of graduation semester, a graduation application from SDSU must be completed.

Students are required to have an overall GPA of 2.6 and have a “C” or better in ENGL 101, SPCM 101, PSYC 101, EPSY 302, EDFN 338, MATH 102.

A grade of “D” on courses in the major cannot be counted and course must be repeated. Any required course with an HDFS/ECE prefix is considered a course in the major.

Students must meet all requirements for admission to Teacher Education Program at DSU and SDSU and successfully be admitted to ECE - PSIII.

Students must pass the PRAXIS content and Principles of Teaching and Learning Exams to be considered a Highly Qualified Teacher.


Taken concurrently.

Requirements for Early Childhood Education Major- Cooperative Program with Northern State University:

Bachelor of Science in Family and Consumer Sciences

Courses taken at NSU to meet state elementary education certification will require additional semesters. Enroll in ECE 400 (0 cr) while at NSU.

A pre-graduate check is required 2 semesters before going to NSU.

At beginning of graduation semester, a graduation application from SDSU must be completed.

Students are required to have an overall GPA of 2.6 and have a “C” or better in ENGL 101, SPCM 101, PSYC 101, EPSY 302, EDFN 338, MATH 102.

A grade of “D” on courses in the major cannot be counted and course must be repeated. Any required course with an HDFS/ECE prefix is considered a course in the major.

Students must meet all requirements for admission to Teacher Education Program at NSU and SDSU and successfully complete the PPST. Students must also be successfully admitted to  ECE-PS III.

Students must pass the PRAXIS content and Principles of Teaching and Learning exams to be considered a Highly Qualified Teacher.


Taken concurrently.

Requirements for Early Childhood Education Major- Cooperative Program with University of South Dakota:

Bachelor of Science in Family and Consumer Sciences

Courses taken at USD to meet state elementary education certification will require additional semesters. Enroll in ECE 400 (0 cr) while at USD.

A pre-graduate check is required 2 semesters before going to USD.

At beginning of graduation semester, a graduation application from SDSU must be completed.

USD requires at least a grade of “C” or better for all courses required for teacher certification.

An overall cumulative GPA of 2.6 is also required.

A grade of “D” on courses in the major cannot be counted and course must be repeated. Any required course with an HDFS/ECE prefix is considered a course in the major.

Students must meet all requirements for admission to Teacher Education Program at USD and SDSU and be successfully admitted into ECE-PS III.


Taken concurrently.

Curriculum Notes:

* The 30 credit Board of Regents System General Education Requirements (SGRs) must be completed as part of a student’s first 64 credits.

** South Dakota State University has an 8-9 credit Institutional Graduation Requirement (IGRs).

(G) Globalization Requirement.

(AW) Advanced Writing Requirement.

Students must take the proficiency examination after completing 48 credits. English 101, and a course in each of the General Education areas of social science, mathematics, natural science, and humanities and arts must be taken prior to taking this exam.