English majors must meet the College of Arts and Sciences requirements for a B.A., and the 128 semester credits must include at least 33 hours at the 300-level or higher.
English majors take three out of four Literature survey courses: ENGL 221 and 241 are required. Students elect either ENGL 222 or 242, and also take one 300-400 level course representing the survey not taken. (i.e., ENG 222 plus a 300-400 level American Lit course, or ENGL 242 plus a 300-400 level English literature course).
To count toward the English Major (option A or B), the English Minor or the Minor in Professional Writing, a course must be passed with a minimum grade of “C.”
English majors must meet the additional College of Arts and Sciences Requirements
for the B.A.
Note 1: English Ed majors should take Psyc 101 or Soc 100 as part of SGR Goal #3.
Note 2: Goal #4 can be fulfilled by the History and English courses required for the English Major. For students in the Writing Emphasis, any ENGL course on the SGR Goal # 4 list, except a non-honors Engl 210 are acceptable.
Note 3: Engl 256 is an English elective that fulfills IGR Goal #1. For English Education, Hist 368 fulfills both an education requirement and IGR goal #1.
Note 4: English requirements or electives meeting IGR Goal #3 include Hist 121 and 122, the 101 or 102 level foreign language courses, and the ENGL courses on the IGR Goal # 3 list except for non-honors Engl 210.
Note 5: Students who take Engl 222, one of the three required 300-400 level courses on British or American literature or the Capstone course must be on American literature since 1860; for students who take Engl 242, one of these courses must be on British literature since 1660.)
Curriculum Notes:
* The 30 credit Board of Regents System General Education Requirements (SGRs) must be completed as part of a student’s first 64 credits.
** South Dakota State University has an 8-9 credit Institutional Graduation Requirement (IGRs).
(G) Globalization Requirement.
(AW) Advanced Writing Requirement.
Students must take the proficiency examination after completing 48 credits. English 101, and a course in each of the General Education areas of social science, mathematics, natural science, and humanities and arts must be taken prior to taking this exam.