Trevor Roiger, Program Director
Department of Health and Nutritional Sciences
Intramural Buildig 116
Athletic Training Major
The undergraduate Athletic Training major is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE). The professional portion of the Athletic Training curriculum takes two years to complete and implements competencies and proficiencies as defined by the Education Council of the National Athletic Trainers’ Association. As a competency based program, instruction occurs through didactic (classroom), clinical education and clinical experience components. Upon successful completion of the Athletic Training curriculum, a student is eligible to write the Board of Certification (BOC) national certifying examination to become an Athletic Trainer.
South Dakota State University offers two options for students to complete the undergraduate Athletic Training Education Program (ATEP).
Regular Option
The Regular Option is designed for students attending SDSU. Students interested in athletic training should complete coursework to meet system and institutional general education requirements, as well as AT 164 Introduction to Athletic Training. They will be assigned an adviser within the ATEP. Application for admission into the athletic training major can begin during or after a student’s sophomore year (approximately 32 credit hours). During the application year students must have completed BIOL 221 Human Anatomy and enroll in PE 354 Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries. Transfer students must complete the same or equivalent requirements.
Qualified Transfer Student
A Qualified Transfer Student (QTS) is an individual who is not currently attending SDSU, but would like to complete the professional portion of the Athletic Training major at SDSU and has the opportunity to work with a Certified Athletic Trainer at his/her current institution. The QTS will complete an application process for the athletic training major that is comparable to the application process for students currently enrolled at SDSU. The ability to complete a parallel application process would enable the QTS to qualify for an interview and acceptance directly into the fall semester of the professional program. The QTS is a student who has a strong interest in athletic training as his/her chosen profession, can complete the prerequisite coursework for the athletic training education major, and has access to a certified athletic trainer at his/her current institution to assist his/her with observation hours and taping competency completion. These students preferably have some experience as an “athletic training student” at their current institution.
Admission into the Athletic Training Major
During the application year, students will complete the following requirements: attendance at monthly meetings, observations of the ATEP at SDSU, outside observations, proficiencies in taping skills, letter of interest, health assessment, three letters of recommendation, formal application, and a two part interview that includes a personal interview and a demonstration of skill in taping. The number of students accepted into the clinical experience each year is based on the availability of clinical experience opportunities and certified staff. Each year, there are more students applying than can be accepted, so the process may be competitive. Therefore, completion of basic requirements does not guarantee entrance into the ATEP. The minimum selection criteria are as follows: student should display an interest and desire to become an athletic trainer; successful completion (C or better) of AT 164 Introduction to Athletic Training, BIOL 221 Anatomy, and PE 354 Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries; completed application process which culminates with a letter of interest; three letters of reference; personal interview; cumulative GPA of 2.75 or better; completed Health Assessment; and the verification and demonstration of technical standards.
For the qualified transfer student, application for admission into the ATEP may also begin during or after a student’s sophomore year (approximately 32 credit hours). Students choosing the QTS option are strongly encouraged to complete an on-site visit with an adviser in the ATEP early in the fall to begin the application process and establish open communication. The QTS should also identify a sponsor who is a certified athletic trainer (ATC). The function of the sponsor is to assist a student in completing his or her observations as well as achieving proficiency in taping skills. The ATC sponsor will also be asked to write a letter of recommendation for the student into the SDSU ATEP. The basic selection criteria are similar to the regular option: acceptance into SDSU; interest and desire of student to become an athletic trainer; sophomore status (more than 32 credits); successful completion (C or better) of courses comparable to AT 164 Introduction to Athletic Training, BIOL 221 Anatomy, and PE 354 Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries; competed application process, which culminates with a letter of interest; three letters of reference and personal interview; cumulative GPA of 2.75 or better; completed Health Assessment; and verification of technical standards.
Technical standards set the guidelines for the application process and progress in the major by describing the essential skills considered necessary for admitted students to possess in order to complete the responsibilities associated with being an athletic training student and subsequently, a practicing certified athletic trainer. They are requirements set by the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE). Technical standards are assessed at the time of application as well as during progress and at completion of the program. Skills are described in five areas: cognitive ability and skills, psychomotor skills, affective behaviors, interpersonal skills, and knowledge or/interest in the profession of Athletic Training. The technical standards also describe policy statements regarding accommodations, standards for English as a second language, and eligibility requirements for the BOC national certifying examination.
A complete description of the application processes and the technical standards can be found on the SDSU website through teh College of Education and Human Sciences, or by contacting the program chair.