2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Mar 13, 2025  
2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Construction and Operations Management

Teresa Hall, Department Head
Byron Garry, Academic Program Coordinator
Department of Construction and Operations Management
Solberg Hall 116
E-mail: teresa.hall@sdstate.edu
E-mail: byron.garry@sdstate.edu

Professors Hall, Head, Lu; Professors Emeriti Heusinkveld, Skubic, Sorensen; Associate Professors Garry; Assistant Professor Koromyslova; Senior Lecturer Steinlicht; Lecturers Nusz-Chandler, Yordanova; Instructors Bertolini, Merriman, Miller, Prout, Weist.

Department Overview
The Department of Construction and Operations Management offers theoretical and applications-based programs to prepare graduates for technical management careers. The department’s mission is to provide high quality, relevant, and contemporary learning experiences for students; to enhance the economic vitality of the region through outreach, research and service initiatives for industrial constituents; and to promote the department’s disciplines through these outreach ventures and scholarly activity.

In addition to the academic programs detailed below, department also delivers the non-degree General Engineering (GE) program for the College of Engineering. The General Engineering program provides advising for students who are undecided in their choice of a specific engineering or industry sector management major.


Graduate Programs
Operations Management (M.S.)
Management Foundations Certificate
Systems Management Certificate

Facilities and Services
The department is located in historic Solberg Hall, where Stephen Briggs built his prototype for what would become the Briggs & Stratton engine. Solberg Hall was constructed in 1901 and has been fully renovated with new classrooms, active learning labs, and faculty offices. We will have new shops and lab spaces in the Architecture, Mathematics and Engineering building opening in fall 2015.

Student Engagement Opportunities
The department supports two professional honor society chapters to provide recognition for outstanding students. The SDSU chapter of Sigma Lambda Chi is the international honor society for students in construction management. Undergraduate and graduate students in the department are also eligible for nomination to Epsilon Mu Eta, the national honor society for engineering management. Students are also encouraged to participate in the two affiliated student clubs, the Society of Electronics Engineering Technology (SEET) and the Construction Management Club.  The CM club includes student chapters of the Associated General Contractors (AGC) and the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB).