Student Handbook 2021-2022 
    Feb 08, 2025  
Student Handbook 2021-2022 [Archived Catalog]

Policies, Procedures, & Forms

Please click on a heading below to be taken to that section of the handbook:

Academics & Academic Handbooks

Student Rights & Responsibilities


Safety & Security

Form Bank


Academics & Academic Handbooks

The following policies and forms can also be found in the Academic Catalog. SDSU has an undergraduate catalog and a graduate catalog.

  • Academic Amnesty
    • This policy and its procedures implement SDBOR Policy 2:10. The goal of academic amnesty is to respond to the academic needs of matured individuals as they develop newly identified potential.  Through the application of academic amnesty, the student’s prior academic record can be excluded from current work under certain conditions.
  • Class Attendance
    • The University is obligated to encourage its primary constituents, the students, to meet their responsibilities to themselves, their families, classmates, instructors, and the taxpayers and donors who support higher education in South Dakota.  This policy and its procedures set forth the University protocol for class attendance.
  • Final Examination
    • This policy and its procedures are in place to ensure understanding and standardized procedures concerning final examinations for undergraduate and graduate education
  • Graduate Admission and Progression
    • This policy establishes the criteria, timeline requirements, and processes for: 1) admission into the graduate school; 2) progression through a graduate program; and 3) receiving the degree or credential via graduation processes.
  • Graduate Assistants and Fellows
    • This policy and its procedures designate the standards applicable to Graduate Assistantships and Graduate Fellowships to ensure conformity with SDBOR policies and state and federal law.
  • Internships and Other Experiential Learning Opportunities for University Students
    • This policy and its procedures set forth standards applicable to internships and other experiential learning opportunities offered for the benefit of students, and as related to the University, to ensure compliance with state and federal laws and regulations as well as SDBOR and University policies.
  • Placement in Remedial Reading
    • This policy and its procedures are in place to ensure understanding and standardized procedures for placing students in the remedial Reading course.
  • Proctor Policy
    • Students may take examinations off campus as long as security measures for administering the test are strictly maintained before, during and after testing. Off campus examinees should be tested under the same circumstances as their peers on campus to ensure the academic integrity of the examination. The student is responsible for selecting a qualified proctor, which must be approved by the course instructor. Not all online or off-campus courses require exams and quizzes to be proctored, this is determined by the course instructor.
    • Examination Proctor Agreement Form
  • Publication Delays for Theses and Dissertations
    • This policy and its procedures establish the protocols for University acceptance of theses and dissertations for degree requirements along with a corresponding agreement for their delayed publication in order to facilitate the protection of valuable intellectual property rights and provide opportunities for self-publication while facilitating academic freedom and access to scholarly works
  • Recording of Classroom Lectures and Distribution of Course Materials by Students
    • This policy prohibits or restricts the recording of classroom lectures or redistribution of classroom materials in order to respect the integrity and effectiveness of the classroom experience, protect students’ and faculty members’ privacy, respect faculty and University rights in instructional materials, and to comply with copyright laws, including the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (“DMCA”).
  • Student Academic Misconduct and Academic Appeals
    • This policy and its procedures implement SDBOR policies and set forth the standards and protocols to address first, how academic misconduct will be handled by the Faculty Member and University, and secondly, how Students may appeal a grade or academic decision when they believe the decision or grade is unfair or inaccurate. Any conflict or omission arising between the SDBOR policies and this policy and its procedures will be resolved in favor of SDBOR policies
  • Use of Graduate Credit for Undergraduate Degree Requirements
    • This policy designates standards concerning the use of graduate credit to fulfill undergraduate degree requirements as allowed by SDBOR Policy 2:8.
  • Academic Handbooks


Student Rights & Responsibilities

  • Disability Policy Statement
    • South Dakota State University (SDSU) reaffirms that it is committed to a policy of non-discrimination on the basis of physical or mental disability/impairment in the offering of all benefits, services, educational and employment opportunities.
  • Drug Free Environment
    • This policy and its procedures implement SDBOR Policies 4:27 and 3:4 and set forth the policies governing possession, use, or distribution of alcohol, marijuana, or controlled substances on University property. The sale of Alcoholic Beverages on University Property is subject also to SDBOR Policy 6:14 and University Policy 6:4.
  • Equal Opportunity, Non Discrimination, and Affirmative Action
    • This policy sets forth the University’s position on equal opportunity and non-discrimination among its employees, students, visitors, and other members of the University community and implements SDBOR Policy 1:19 and related provisions.
  • Freedom of Expression
    • The institutions shall ensure the rights of free speech and expression and shall encourage the timely and rational discussion of topics whereby the ethical and intellectual development of the student body and general welfare of the public may be promoted.
  • Harassment including Sexual Harassment
    • By virtue in its special role in preparing future generations of leaders, the University has a particular concern with conduct that subjects its members to harassment, as herein defined, and such conduct will not be tolerated at the University.  This policy and its procedures set forth the types of harassment prohibited and the appropriate steps to follow when students, employees, or others have been subjected to harassment at the University.
  • Human Rights Complaints
    • This policy and its procedures set forth the human rights complaint process and have been adopted to provide employees, students, and other members of the University community a means to protect their rights regarding discrimination and equal opportunity, which are guaranteed under federal, state, and local laws and regulations and implements SDBOR Policy 1:18.
  • Prevention of Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking
    • State and federal laws and policies strictly prohibit dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking, often treating such actions as criminal offenses.  Such misconduct is not permitted or tolerated at the University.  This policy and its procedures set forth standards regarding reports of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking and the consequences of engaging in such misconduct at the University.
  • Sign Posting Policy
    • Information Exchange in the University Student Union (SSU150) completes campus-wide approval. Any posters that do not have the approved Information Exchange seal in the lower left corner will be removed.
  • Smoking and Tobacco Free Campus
    • This policy and its procedures set forth the University’s protocols related to tobacco and smoking on University property in order to provide a safe and healthy learning and working environment for students, faculty, staff, and visitors in conformity with SDCL Ch. 34-46 and other applicable federal and state laws.
  • Student Conduct Code
    • The University is committed to creating and maintaining a productive living-and-learning community that fosters the intellectual, personal, cultural, and ethical development of its Students. Self-discipline and respect for the rights and privileges of others are essential to the educational process and to good citizenship. The purpose of this policy is to educate Students about their civic and social responsibilities as members of the University community. The primary focus of the Student conduct process is on educational and corrective outcomes; however, conduct sanctions such as suspension or expulsion from a University may be necessary to uphold community standards and to protect the campus community. Extensive, organized, serious, or repeated violations of this policy are taken into account when determining conduct sanctions. This policy (hereinafter referred to as “Student Code”) implements and is governed by and subject to SDBOR Policy 3:4.
  • Student Records (FERPA)
    • This policy and its procedures set forth the University’s authority to release certain Student Education Records and personally identifiable information about a student to the public and Students’ rights with respect to their Student Education Records.
    • FERPA 



  • Acceptable Use of Social Media
    • This policy and its procedures set forth the guidelines for acceptable use of social media at the University.
  • Student Email Accounts
    • The SDBOR and the University recognize the need to provide University students with timely access to important information regarding University business, to reduce the costs associated with the use of surface mail for the dissemination of information regarding University business, and to reduce the amount of paper used in conducting University business. This policy implements SDBOR Policy 3:19 to ensure that all University students have reasonable access to electronic communications.


Safety & Security

  • Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) Policy
    • The purpose of this policy and its procedures is to establish the standards for the purchase, installation, testing, training, inspection, maintenance, and non-medical use of automated external defibrillators at the University. This policy and its procedures do not apply to medical response use of automated external defibrillators.
  • Community Notification of Potential, Imminent or Active Threat to Campus
    • This policy and its procedures set forth the guidelines for when and how the University provides information to the University community regarding potential, imminent and active threats to the University in compliance with the Clery Act and other applicable laws and policies.
  • Dangerous Weapons and Firearms
    • This policy and its procedures set forth the provisions applicable to dangerous weapons and firearms on University premises.
  • Football Tailgating
    • Tailgating is a longstanding tradition at college football games, and the University encourages responsible and safe tailgating in conformity with SDBOR Policy 4:27, University Policy 4:7, and applicable state law. Although alcohol consumption is allowed in conformity with applicable law, the primary purpose of tailgating is to complement football games and facilitate engagement between fans and the University. This policy implements University compliance with state law and SDBOR policy and procedures and is intended to provide a safe, responsible, and enjoyable experience and environment for those who participate in tailgating at University football games.
  • Notification that a Student is Missing
    • This policy implements SDBOR Policy 3:21 and provides guidelines for the notification of law enforcement and appropriate persons that a University student is missing.


Form Bank

Disclaimers and Resources

The information contained in this handbook is the most accurate available at the time of publication, but changes may become effective before the next handbook is published. It is ultimately the student’s responsibility to stay abreast of current regulations, curricula, and the status of specific programs being offered. Further, The University reserves the right, as approved by the Board of Regents, to modify requirements, curricula offerings, and charges, and to add, alter, or delete courses and programs through appropriate procedures. While reasonable efforts will be made to publicize such changes, a student is encouraged to seek current information from appropriate offices.

The South Dakota State University Policy and Procedure Manual is the definitive source for the most current South Dakota State University policies.  Policies duplicated on other websites or in print may not be the most current version. All policies documented on the site are official and supersede policies located elsewhere. South Dakota State University is governed by state and federal law, administrative regulations, and policies of the South Dakota Board of Regents (SDBOR) and the State of South Dakota.