2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Sep 24, 2024  
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Course Descriptions & Schedules

A Guide to Understanding Course Description Information

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Registrar’s Office
Enrollment Services Center (SESC)
PO Box 511
Fax: 605-688-6384
E-mail: sdsu.registrar@sdstate.edu


MNET (Manufacturing Engineering Technology)

  • MNET 220-220L - Parametric Modeling and Design and Lab

    Credits: 3
    Major course emphasis will be on creating 3-Dimensional solid models using current design software. Course will include the basic concepts of a feature-based parametric design, and the generation of mass properties, part drawings, assembly drawings and documentation. Prerequisites: GE 123 . Corequisites: MNET 220L-220.

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  • MNET 231-231L - Manufacturing Processes I and Lab

    Credits: 3
    The topics in this course cover the fundamentals of traditional and nontraditional manufacturing processes including mass reducing, mass conserving, joining, material treatment, and surface treatment processes. Hands-on experiences in laboratories provide the class participants with basic skills in machining and welding processes. Corequisites: MNET 231L-231.

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  • MNET 240 - Parametric Modeling and Design II

    Credits: 3
    An advanced course in modeling and design.  Complex assemblies, application of GD&T features, and design documentation are covered.

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  • MNET 241 - Applied Mechanics

    Credits: 3
    Basic statics, dynamics, and two-dimensional analysis of stress and strain. Fundamental principles of structural and machine elements.  Prerequisites: MATH 102  or higher and 1 course from PHYS. Cross-Listed: GE 241 .

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  • MNET 243 - Introduction to Materials Science

    Credits: 3
    Basic concepts presented in relation to common engineering materials. Topics include physical and mechanical properties of materials.  Metals, polymers, ceramics, and composite materials are covered with the corresponding industry application. Prerequisites: CHEM 106  or PHYS 101  or PHYS 111 .

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  • MNET 251 - Electricity and Electronics I

    Credits: 3
    Principles and applications in electrical systems including current, circuits, energy and power.  Includes motors, generators, transformers, capacitors and other industrial applications. Prerequisites: 1 course from subject MATH 100 level or higher.

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  • MNET 252-252L - Electricity and Electronics II and Lab

    Credits: 3
    This course is the continuation of 251 and is designed to provide students with a background and understanding of the essential topics in semiconductor devices, semiconductor power supply and technology, and semiconductor amplifiers and their applications. Other topics include digital logic, integrated circuits, oscillators, AM/FM communications, TV signal transmissions, and computer structure and operations. Prerequisites: MNET 251 . Corequisites: MNET 252L-252.

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  • MNET 265 - Quality Assurance

    Credits: 3
    Overview of how quality and inspection processes assure fit, form, and function to meet customer specifications.  Process capability, variation, statistical process control, inspection, and inspection technologies are covered. Prerequisites: MATH 102 , MATH 103 , or equivalent.

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  • MNET 334-334L - CAM/CNC and Lab

    Credits: 3
    This course focuses on Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machines programming and operations. Automatic programming of CNC machines using Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) software is also the focus of this course. Corequisites: MNET 334L-334.

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  • MNET 367-367L - Production Strategy and Lab

    Credits: 3
    Analysis and design of facilities and material handling systems. Lean applications used to reduce waste and increase productivity. Prerequisites: MNET 231  or ET 232 . Corequisites: MNET 367L-367.

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  • MNET 436-436L - Production Tooling Methods and Measurement and Lab

    Credits: 3
    An overview of machine tool design, application, manufacture and general measurement techniques. Subject includes jigs, fixtures, molds, tools and dies in various production settings. Also included are material selection, precision machining, related manufacturing processes, manufacturing inspection equipment and techniques, dimensional metrology and geometric conformance, and surface texture and integrity. Prerequisites: MNET 320  and MNET 334 . Corequisites: MNET 436L-436.

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  • MNET 451-451L - Industrial Electronics and Control and Lab

    Credits: 3
    This course teaches industrial motion control (servomechanisms) and process control (instrumentation) systems. The course describes the concepts and the operation of electronic devices, circuits, systems, and applications used in industry. Prerequisites: MNET 252  or ET 320  and MATH 121  or MATH 123 . Corequisites: MNET 451L-451.

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  • MNET 453-453L - Manufacturing Automation and Lab

    Credits: 3
    The course offers advanced topics in manufacturing automation including automation hardware/software, system design and integration, and management techniques for improving design and manufacturing operations. Hand-on lab activities provide the students the opportunity to develop and program automated systems. Prerequisites: MNET 451 . Corequisites: MNET 453L-453.

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  • MNET 460-560 - Manufacturing Cost Analysis

    Credits: 3
    Cost estimating for processes and products related to various manufacturing operations; engineering economics; analysis; evaluation; and budget justification for capital expenditures. Prerequisites: MNET 231 . Cross-Listed: OM 460-560 .

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  • MNET 468-568 - Manufacturing Plant Management

    Credits: 3
    A case-oriented capstone course designed to integrate the technical, managerial, analytical, and communication skills which have been acquired. Prerequisites: MNET 367  or instructor approval.

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  • MNET 471 - Capstone Experience

    Credits: 1
    Technical projects developed in Project Management are completed. Student teams present results in a public venue.  Prerequisites: GE 469  or OM 469 . Cross-Listed: ET 471 /OM 471 .

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MRCH (Merchandising)


MSL (Military Science Leadership)

  • MSL 101 - Introduction to the Army and Critical Thinking (COM)

    Credits: 1
    Make your first peer group at college one committed to performing well and enjoying the experience. Increase self-confidence through team study and activities in basic map reading, physical fitness, rappelling, leadership reaction course, first aid, making presentations and basic marksmanship. Learn fundamental concepts of leadership in a profession in both classroom and outdoor laboratory environments.

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  • MSL 102 - Introduction to the Profession of Arms (COM)

    Credits: 1
    Learn and apply principles of effective leadership. Reinforce self-confidence through participation in physically and mentally challenging exercise with upper-division ROTC students. Learn basic tactics and how to apply critical thinking to leadership situations.  Develop communication skills to improve individual performance and group interaction. Relate organizational ethical values to the effectiveness of a leader.

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  • MSL 201 - Leadership and Decision Making (COM)

    Credits: 2
    Learn/apply ethics-based leadership skills that develop individual abilities and contribute to the building of effective teams of people. Develop skills in oral presentations, writing concisely, planning events, coordination of group efforts, advanced first aid, land navigation, and intermediate military tactics. Learn fundamentals of ROTC’s leadership assessment program.

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  • MSL 202 - Army Doctrine and Team Development (COM)

    Credits: 2
    Introduction to individual and team aspects of military tactics in small unit operations. Includes: the study of doctrine; philosophy of ethics; and effective communication and counseling. Practical exercises with upper-division ROTC students. Learn techniques for training others as an aspect of continued leadership development.

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  • MSL 301-301L - Training Management and the Warfighting Functions and Lab (COM)

    Credits: 4
    Series of practical opportunities to lead small groups, receive personal assessments and encouragement, and lead again in situations of increasing complexity. Uses small unit tactics and opportunities to plan and conduct training for lower division students both to develop such skills and as vehicles for practicing leadership.  The lab provides the student with practical experience to supplement and reinforce classroom instruction. Subjects include drill and ceremonies, physical training instruction techniques and leadership, which will complement the student’s preparation for camp. Corequisites: MSL 301L-301.

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  • MSL 302-302L - Applied Leadership in Small Unit Operations and Lab (COM)

    Credits: 4
    Continues methodology of MSL 301. Analyze tasks; prepare written or oral guidance for team members to accomplish tasks. Delegate tasks and supervise. Plan for and adapt to the unexpected in organizations under stress. Examine and apply lessons from leadership case studies. Examine importance of ethical decision making in setting a positive climate that enhances team performance. Corequisites: MSL 302L-302.

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  • MSL 401-401L - The Army Officer and Lab(COM)

    Credits: 4
    Introduces formal management skills including problem analysis, planning techniques, and the delegation and control of activities, providing an understanding of the command and staff organization used in the modern army and creating a forum for discussing professional and ethical decisions faced by commissioned officers.  Lab designed to accompany MSL 401. Corequisites: MSL 401L-401.

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  • MSL 402-402L - Company Grade Leadership and Lab(COM)

    Credits: 4
    Provides information for transition to active or reserve commissioned service, developing administrative controls essential in managing a military organization, introducing the management of financial and personal affairs, and allowing time for discussion and analysis of the ethical decision-making process.  Lab designed to accompany MSL 402. Corequisites: MSL 402L-MSL 402.

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MUAP (Applied Music)

  • MUAP 100-101 - Applied Music - Voice (COM)

    Credits: 1-4
    One to two hours credit for private lessons is given for half-hour lesson per week. Music majors studying in the major performance area may elect two half-hour lessons per week for two to four hours of credit. Adequate preparation through practice is expected of all students.

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  • MUAP 105 - Class Instruction - Guitar (COM)

    Credits: 1
    Beginning students will learn guitar in a class room setting studying basic techniques and styles.

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  • MUAP 200-201 - Applied Music - Voice (COM)

    Credits: 1-4
    One to two semester hours of credit for private lessons is given for on half-hour lesson per week. Music majors studying in the major performance area may elect two half-hour lessons per week for two to four hours of credit. Adequate preparation through practice is expected of all students.

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  • MUAP 300-301 - Applied Music - Voice (COM)

    Credits: 1-4
    One to two hours credit for private lessons is given for half-hour lesson per week. Music majors studying in the major performance area may elect two half-hour lessons per week for two to four hours of credit. Adequate preparation through practice is expected of all students.

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  • MUAP 400-401 - Applied Music - Voice (COM)

    Credits: 1-4
    One to two hours credit for private lessons is given for half-hour lesson per week. Music majors studying in the major performance area may elect two half-hour lessons per week for two to four hours of credit. Adequate preparation through practice is expected of all students.

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MUEN (Music Ensembles)

  • MUEN 100-300 - Concert Choir (COM)

    Credits: 0-2
    An ensemble performing accompanied and unaccompanied literature for mixed voices. Membership determined by instructor’s permission and audition only.

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  • MUEN 102-302 - Men’s Choir (COM)

    Credits: 1
    An ensemble performing accompanied and unaccompanied literature.

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  • MUEN 103-303 - Women’s Choir (COM)

    Credits: 1
    An ensemble performing accompanied and unaccompanied literature.

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  • MUEN 110-310 - Orchestra (COM)

    Credits: 1
    A joint enterprise of the University and interested area musicians. The orchestra studies and performs standard orchestra literature and presents public concerts.

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  • MUEN 120-320 - Marching Band (COM)

    Credits: 1
    Active during the fall, the marching band performs at all home football games.

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  • MUEN 121-321 - Symphonic Band (COM)

    Credits: 1
    Members are selected by audition to perform the finest in original and transcribed literature in concert performances on and off-campus.

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  • MUEN 122-322 - Concert Band (COM)

    Credits: 0-1
    A joint enterprise open to university students and interested area musicians. Includes rehearsals and performance of band literature culminating in a public performance.

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  • MUEN 150-350 - Woodwind Ensemble (COM)

    Credits: 1
    A select woodwind instrument group which performs music composed or arranged for this medium.

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  • MUEN 160-360 - Brass Ensemble (COM)

    Credits: 1
    A select group of brass instrumentalists who perform music composed or arranged for this medium.

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  • MUEN 170-370 - Percussion Ensemble (COM)

    Credits: 1
    A select group of percussionists who perform music composed or arranged for this medium.

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  • MUEN 180-380 - Jazz Ensemble (COM)

    Credits: 1
    Gives students the opportunity to experience and perform music in the popular idiom and to relate it to practical use in secondary school music programs. Notes: Audition required.

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MUS (Music)

  • MUS 100 - Music Appreciation (COM) [SGR #4]

    Credits: 3
    A non-technical discussion designed to increase the enjoyment and appreciation of music. Fulfills the music requirement in the general education program. Notes: Course meets SGR #4 .

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  • MUS 110 - Basic Music Theory I (COM)

    Credits: 4
    An integrated study and application of tonality, melody, harmony, texture and form, from music notation through modulation. Includes sight singing, ear training and dictation. Introduction to composition and arranging, i.e. instrument ranges, transposition, tessitura and preliminary score analysis.

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  • MUS 110L - Basic Music Theory I Lab (COM)

    Credits: 0
    Students will be taught sight singing and dictation skills that will prepare them to “see with their ears and hear with their eyes.” Students will learn simple to advanced applications of writing down music from aural performance, and learn to quickly analyze melodies by singing them at sight.

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  • MUS 111 - Basic Music Theory II (COM)

    Credits: 4
    An integrated study and application of tonality, melody, harmony, texture and form, from music notation through modulation. Includes sight singing, ear training and dictation. Introduction to composition and arranging, i.e. instrument ranges, transposition, tessitura and preliminary score analysis. Prerequisites: MUS 110 .

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  • MUS 111L - Basic Music Theory II Lab (COM)

    Credits: 0
    Students will be taught singing and diction skills that will prepare them to “see with their ears and hear with their eyes.” Students will learn simple to advanced applications of writing down music from aural performance, and learn to quickly analyze melodies by singing them at sight.

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  • MUS 119 - First Year Seminar

    Credits: 2
    First-year seminar course designed to introduce students to academic success strategies including the development of critical thinking and study skills, identification of campus resources, guidance in academic planning and engagement, time management and goal setting. Students will also investigate wellness topics, contemporary issues, diversity, and the land-grant mission of SDSU. In addition, this course is designed to expose students to the discipline-specific careers and their role in society.

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  • MUS 130 - Music Literature and History I [SGR #4]

    Credits: 2
    An introductory course of music cultures of the world. Emphasis on developing a fundamental knowledge of distinctive and unique music of different nations, especially non-Western music. Notes: Course meets SGR #4 .

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  • MUS 131 - Music Literature and History II [SGR #4]

    Credits: 3
    Ancient through Baroque music literature – analysis of style, form and context, study of historical development and significance, comparison to similar works in other periods of music history. Emphasis on listening and score study. Notes: Course meets SGR #4 .

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  • MUS 185 - Recital Attendance (COM)

    Credits: 0
    Designed to expose students to a large and varied body of music through attendance at recitals, forums, solo classes, concerts, and other performances. Required of all music majors each semester they are enrolled in applied music. Student teaching semesters and internships excepted. S/U grade.

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