2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Sep 22, 2024  
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Course Descriptions & Schedules

A Guide to Understanding Course Description Information

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E-mail: sdsu.registrar@sdstate.edu


A&S (Arts and Sciences)

  • A&S 110 - Introduction to Museum Studies

    Credits: 3
    Introduction to provide a broad overview of the museum field, including the historical development of the industry and the philosophy, purpose and structure of the various types of institutions (i.e. art, history, natural history, children’s programming, etc.).  This course will focus on the functions of the museum in collection management, preservation, exhibits, interpretation, education, and business management. Ethics and legal issues are common threads explored within each section.

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  • A&S 111 - Introduction to Global Citizenship and Diversity

    Credits: 3
    This course enhances students’ understanding of diversity by exploring the complexity of difference across multiple contexts to assess how these constructs shape systems of inequity and privilege.  Students will consider how an understanding of diversity heightens their sensitivity to social injustice, leads to greater social awareness, and enables students to contribute to a more inclusive environment.  Throughout the course, students will reflect on the role of being an engaged and informed citizen. 

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  • A&S 482-582 - Travel Studies

    Credits: 1-5
    This travel study course is designed to provide extra-mural educational experiences, as approved by and under the direction of a faculty member, and may be in cooperation with faculty and administrators of other institutions. Students will participate in hands-on activities and design educational activities for presentation at selected locations. Includes pre-travel orientation, post-travel self-evaluation, and a written report. Notes: May be repeated for credit.

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ABE (Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering)

  • ABE 101 - Introduction to Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering

    Credits: 1
    Introduction to careers in and applications of engineering to biological systems. Emphasis is on engineering with plant, animals, and soil based systems and on the properties of biological materials.

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  • ABE 132 - Engineering Tools for Agricultural and Biological Engineers

    Credits: 1
    Familiarization with the equipment and systems common to agricultural and biological engineering. Introduction to measurement and analysis of parameters affecting engineered components and systems, including tolerance accumulation and external factors. Use of electronic spreadsheets will be developed as an engineering tool for programming and analysis of engineering data from natural resource, bio-processing, and equipment design.

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  • ABE 222 - Project Development for Agricultural and Biological Engineers

    Credits: 1
    Introduction to project development. A project oriented experience including problem definition, literature review, development of the state of the art, identification of knowledge or utility gaps, and valuation of the problem. Project objectives are developed and narrowed to performance criteria. Development of a budget to fill the gap identified, as is a project timeline in the form of a Gantt Chart to reach the identified objectives. A formal written and oral presentation of the project proposal is required.

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  • ABE 314-314L - Ag Power and Machines and Lab

    Credits: 4
    Analysis and design of off-road vehicles and field machines. Includes engines, transmissions, traction, hitches, and hydraulic systems, as well as equipment for liquid and dry material applications. Prerequisites: EM 215 . Corequisites: ABE 314L-314.

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  • ABE 324-324L - Ag Structures and Indoor Environment and Lab

    Credits: 4
    Course is divided into two parts emphasizing design of wood structures and environmental control in animal housing. Loads, structural analysis (statically determinate and indeterminate systems), and wood and wood panel properties are introduced. Design of beams, columns, beam-columns, trusses, sheathing, and diaphragms are emphasized with mechanical fasteners. Desired animal production space (thermal environment and indoor air quality) for production, health, and welfare are discussed. Heating and cooling loads are emphasized along with sizing equipment, fans, inlets, heat exchangers, controls, etc.) to maintain the desired animal production space Prerequisites: ME 314 , EM 331  or concurrent. Corequisites: ABE 324L-324.

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  • ABE 343-343L - Engineering Properties of Biological Materials and Lab

    Credits: 3
    Engineering Properties of biological and interacting materials within a system. Relationships between composition, structure, and properties of various biomaterials including food and plant and animal tissues. Definition and measurement of mechanical, physical, thermal and electromagnetic properties and their variability. Use of these properties in engineering applications. Corequisites: ABE 343L-343.

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  • ABE 350-350L - Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems and Lab

    Credits: 3
    Fluid properties, pumps, actuators, valves and their selection and performance in hydraulic circuits. Open center, closed center, load sensing and pressure compensated circuits. Proportional electro-hydraulic values and closed-loop control in hydraulic circuits. Prerequisites: ME 314  or consent. Corequisites: ABE 350L-350.

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  • ABE 411 - Design Project III

    Credits: 2
    Procedures, theory, concepts and design of equipment for agricultural production or ag product processing applications. The integration of design principles with design projects and reports. Notes: Senior standing.

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  • ABE 422 - Design Project IV

    Credits: 2
    Procedures, theory, concepts and design of equipment for agricultural production or ag product processing applications. The integration of design principles with design projects and reports. Notes: Senior standing.

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  • ABE 434-434L/534-534L - Natural Resources Engineering and Lab

    Credits: 4
    Precipitation, infiltration, evapotranspiration and runoff from small agricultural watersheds and application to design of conservation structures, water erosion control practices. Design of drainage and irrigation systems. Feedlot pollution control principles. Prerequisites: EM 331 . Corequisites: ABE 434L-434.

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  • ABE 444-444L/544-544L - Unit Operations of Biological Materials Processing and Lab

    Credits: 4
    Transport processes of heat and mass are applied to the following unit operations: evaporation, drying, gas liquid separation processes (humidification cooling towers), vapor-liquid separation processes (distillation), soil-liquid separation processes (leaching), membrane separations (ultrafiltration, reserve osmosis), mechanical separation processes, extrusion. Prerequisites: Senior standing or consent. Corequisites: ABE 444L-444/544L-544.

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  • ABE 463-463L - Instrumentation for Agricultural and Biological Systems and Lab

    Credits: 3
    Measurement systems for strain, flow, pressure, displacement, and temperature as related to measurements for physical and biological systems are introduced with error analysis. The dynamic characteristics of the measurand measurement system explored and the interaction of the dynamic characteristics of the measurand with the measurement system is discussed. Filters, amplifiers, logic circuits, and input circuitry analysis and use are emphasized. Signal conditioning required for digital data acquisition is introduced. Prerequisites: EE 300 . Corequisites: ABE 463L-463.

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  • ABE 464-464L - Monitoring and Controlling Agriculture and Biological Systems and Lab

    Credits: 2
    Data acquisition, processing, and analysis for agriculture and biological applications using a computer based system. Application of electronic instrumentation, LabView software programming. Introduction to CAN bus technology, proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controllers, and programmable logical controllers. Prerequisites: ABE 463 . Corequisites: ABE 464L-464.

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ABME (Agricultural, Biosystems and Mechanical Engineering)


ABS (Agriculture and Biological Sciences)

  • ABS 119 - First Year Seminar

    Credits: 2
    First-year seminar course designed to introduce students to academic success strategies including the development of critical thinking and study skills, identification of campus resources, guidance in academic planning and engagement, time management and goal setting. Students will also investigate wellness topics, contemporary issues, diversity, and the land-grant mission of SDSU. In addition, this course is designed to expose students to the discipline-specific careers and their role in society.

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  • ABS 203 - Global Food Systems [SGR #3]

    Credits: 3
    Introduction to global food systems and agricultural diversity. Food production techniques, economics, society/cultural values, and agricultural constraints in several countries will be studied. The course is team taught with faculty from Economics, Animal and Range Sciences, and Plant Science. Notes: Course meets SGR #3 .

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  • ABS 205 - Biotechnology in Agriculture and Medicine

    Credits: 2
    This course will provide a means for students in various majors to gain an understanding of the rapidly emerging, multidisciplinary research and applications in biotechnology, and to learn of potential career directions and training opportunities in biotechnology-related fields. Course materials and lectures will change each year to keep up with the changing technology. Guest lecturers will provide the best expertise available. Internet assistance is necessary to provide resource materials and new publications. Course will be open to all students.

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  • ABS 310 - Leadership for Families and the Food System

    Credits: 3
    Principles of leadership within the unique contexts of agriculture, biological sciences, family and consumer sciences. Topics covered include definitions and approaches to the study of leadership, leadership styles, gender and ethnic diversity, leadership in groups, ethical issues, mission statements, and emerging leadership issues.

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  • ABS 475-475L - Integrated Natural Resource Management and Lab

    Credits: 3
    A capstone course that requires students to integrate previously-learned natural resource techniques and information into the strategic planning process. Students will be divided into small groups for plan development. Various majors are involved to allow for integrated course material. Lab to accompany ABS 475. Prerequisites: Senior Standing and PS 390  or senior standing and written consent. Corequisites: ABS 475L-475.

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  • ABS 482-582 - International Experience

    Credits: 2-4
    Students will work one on one or in small groups with professors that have knowledge of the global region and culture that will be visited. Students will participate in a travel/study abroad experience to another nation(s) to experience and evaluate diverse food/agricultural systems. Notes: For the Bachelor’s degree, a maximum of 8 credits is allowed for an international travel/study experience (ABS 482). ABS 203  is recommended.

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ACCT (Accounting)

  • ACCT 210 - Principles of Accounting I (COM)

    Credits: 3
    A study of fundamental accounting principles and procedures such as journalizing, posting, preparation of financial statements, and other selected topics. Accounting is emphasized as a service activity designed to provide the information about economic entities that is necessary for making sound decisions.

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  • ACCT 211 - Principles of Accounting II (COM)

    Credits: 3
    A continuation of ACCT 210 with emphasis on partnership and corporate structures, management decision-making, cost control, and other selected topics. Prerequisites: ACCT 210 .

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  • ACCT 310 - Intermediate Accounting I (COM)

    Credits: 3
    Involves the intensive study of financial accounting standards, both in theory and practice, as they relate to the preparation and analysis of financial statements. Accounting problems and their impact on the financial statements are addressed in regard to current assets, fixed assets, intangible assets, liabilities, and other selected topics. Prerequisites: ACCT 211 .

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  • ACCT 311 - Intermediate Accounting II (COM)

    Credits: 3
    Provides an intensive study of accounting standards, both in theory and practice, as they relate to the preparation and analysis of financial statements. Accounting problems and their impact on the financial statements are addressed in regard to liabilities, investments, stockholders’ equity, leases, pensions, tax allocation and other selected topics. Prerequisites: ACCT 310  or instructor consent.

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  • ACCT 320 - Cost Accounting (COM)

    Credits: 3
    The study of principles and techniques for accumulating, reporting, and analyzing cost information for decision-making and external reporting. The use of cost accounting systems for planning and controlling cost responsibility centers is emphasized. Consideration is given to the appropriate use of various cost accounting methods such as activity-based costing, target costing, and just in time management techniques in service and manufacturing industries. Prerequisites: ACCT 211 .

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  • ACCT 430 - Income Tax Accounting (COM)

    Credits: 3
    Involves the study of Federal Income Tax law as it affects individuals, as well as other selected topics. Prerequisites: ACCT 211 .

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  • ACCT 450 - Auditing (COM)

    Credits: 3
    Studies both theory and practice. Topics include audit planning, internal control, audit procedures, audit reports and opinions, materiality, audit risk, evidential matter, as required by generally accepted auditing standards (GAAS), professional ethics, legal responsibilities, and other selected topics. Prerequisites: ACCT 311  or instructor consent.

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ADV (Advertising)

  • ADV 314 - Sales, Promotion and Marketing

    Credits: 3
    Promotion, sales, advertising, circulation, practices and theories of marketing in advertising and graphic arts.

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  • ADV 370 - Advertising Principles (COM)

    Credits: 3
    Study of advertising as an institution. Discussion of historical foundations, economics, social consequences, structure, planning, execution and evaluation phases of the advertising process. Discussion of advertising as it relates to other types of marketing communication.

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  • ADV 371-371L - Advertising Copy and Layout and Studio (COM)

    Credits: 3
    Discussion of principles and techniques for developing creative campaigns. Laboratory assignments apply thinking, design, and writing skills to creative problems for different media and different targets. Encompasses creative development for all advertising media. Corequisites: ADV 371L-371.

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  • ADV 372-372L - Advertising Media Strategies and Lab

    Credits: 3
    Learn theory and fundamentals of evaluating advertising media. Analyze marketing variables, media characteristics, sources and strategies. Use computer planning models. Assigned range of planning problems and develop media plan within an integrated marketing framework. Hands-on application of advertising media strategies. Prerequisites: ADV 370 . Corequisites: ADV 372L-372.

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  • ADV 411-411L - Media Analytics and Studio

    Credits: 3
    Students will gain an understanding of industry trends, terminology, planning, and measurement models related to traditional, social and emerging media environments. The studio provides hands-on application of media analytic principles. Corequisites: ADV 411L-411. Cross-Listed: PUBR 411-411L .

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  • ADV 442-442L - Integrated Marketing Communication and Campaigns Studio (COM)

    Credits: 3
    The capstone course of the advertising sequence. Use case study method and develop complete integrated communication plan for client. Make formal advertising campaign presentation. Hands-on application of integrated marketing communication campaigns. Corequisites: ADV 442L-442. Cross-Listed: PUBR 442-442L .

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  • ADV 472 - Media Research and Planning (COM)

    Credits: 3
    This course develops the ability to conduct and analyze advertising and media research, and to prepare and execute a comprehensive consumer or audience plan. Cross-Listed: PUBR 472 .

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  • ADV 476-576 - Global and Multicultural Advertising

    Credits: 3
    This course develops an understanding of global and multicultural advertising and marketing. Students gain experience in decisions that reflect an understanding of global and multicultural markets and explore the social and ethical issues in such advertising and marketing.

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  • ADV 489 - Portfolio Production and Design (COM)

    Credits: 1-3
    Planning, creation, and production of portfolios for a variety of purposes.

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AGEC (Agricultural and Resource Economics)

  • AGEC 271 - Farm and Ranch Management

    Credits: 3
    Farm or ranch business from the viewpoint of sustainable profit and efficiency. Application of business and economic principles to a portfolio of enterprises, scale of production, size of business, capital investments, and efficiency. Business planning, including records and data management and financial analysis for current and future operations. Prerequisites: One course from MATH except 021, 095, 101, 100T.

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  • AGEC 320 - Ethics in Agribusiness

    Credits: 3
    Introduction to ethical theories and frameworks used to discuss general ethical questions such as death, theft, and lying, followed by more specific agribusiness issues. Includes
    marketing claims, unhealthy foods, the development of genetically-modified organisms, controversy over hiring undocumented workers, and the consolidation of agriculture into industrial production facilities. Notes: Sections of this course are provided online through the Agriculture Interactive Distance Education Alliance.

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  • AGEC 350 - Environmental Law

    Credits: 3
    Introduction to regulatory theory, externalities and market failures, definition of key regulations affecting agribusiness, overview of local government law, and delineation of environmental laws relating to agriculture. Current environmental issues are related to statutory, administrative, and regulatory authorities. Notes: Sections of this course are provided online through the Agriculture Interactive Distance Education Alliance.

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  • AGEC 352 - Agricultural Law

    Credits: 3
    Legal rights and duties of parties to agricultural business transactions: sales, secured transactions, real and personal property, business associations, labor relations, bankruptcy, water and drainage, and livestock. Emphasis is on South Dakota law. Prerequisites: BLAW 350 , junior standing. Notes: Sections of this course are provided online through the Agriculture Interactive Distance Education Alliance.

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  • AGEC 354 - Agricultural Marketing and Prices

    Credits: 3
    Principal factors which affect supply, demand, and price determination within the food system. Evaluation of alternative marketing strategies, including the use of different price discovery mechanisms such as futures and options. Structure and organization of markets and food marketing channels. Prerequisites: ECON 201  or ECON 202 .

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  • AGEC 356 - Equine Law

    Credits: 3
    Topics include forms of equine business organization, employer requirements, taxes, debt collection, contracts, liability of horsemen, animal abuse and neglect, laws governing horse transport, estate planning, and insurance considerations. Notes: Sections of this course are provided online through the Agriculture Interactive Distance Education Alliance.

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  • AGEC 364 - Introduction to Cooperatives

    Credits: 3
    This course will address the concepts and business principles of the cooperative form of business. Cooperatives differ from other businesses because they are member-owned and operate for the benefit of members, not investors. The course is designed to provide students an understanding of cooperatives that is legally consistent and realistic. Notes: Sections of this course are provided online through the Agriculture Interactive Distance Education Alliance.

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  • AGEC 366 - Food Law

    Credits: 3
    Introduce U.S. statutes, regulations, and court cases relating to food safety concerns so students are prepared to handle real-world situations involving food safety. Students will gain an understanding of where and how to locate laws relating to food safety; the relationship between a statute, a regulation, and a court decision; and who has the authority to interpret them. The course also provides an overview of the interaction among federal and state food safety laws, and the expanding role of international food standards. Notes: Sections of this course are provided online through the Agriculture Interactive Distance Education Alliance.

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  • AGEC 371 - Agricultural Business Management

    Credits: 3
    This course applies core economic and business principles to the management of agribusiness firms. Students will develop a fundamental understanding of the key ideas and concepts needed to successfully manage businesses that specialize in adding value to farm products through services and/or provide inputs to production agriculture. Key concepts include strategic planning, organizational structure, leadership, market analysis, marketing and pricing strategies, and control processes.

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  • AGEC 372 - Introduction to Resource and Environmental Economics

    Credits: 3
    Introduction to environmental economics. The course surveys environmental issues such as pollution and carbon emissions. Cost-benefit analysis of the cleanup of environmental problems is introduced as are net present value metrics. Cross-Listed: ECON 372 . Notes: Sections of this course are provided online through the Agriculture Interactive Distance Education Alliance.

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  • AGEC 430-530 - Agribusiness Marketing and Prices

    Credits: 3
    Economic theory and quantitative techniques used in analysis of procurement and sales, construction of economic models, statistical estimates of supply and demand, and price forecasting. Prerequisites: AGEC 354  and STAT 281 .

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