2013-2014 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Feb 10, 2025  
2013-2014 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Extended Programs

Office of Continuing and Extended Education
Box 2201, Brookings, SD 57007

The Office of Continuing and Extended Education works to broaden the reach of SDSU, with a commitment to providing quality education no matter where students reside. The office serves students on campus and across the globe. In addition to online education, the Office of Continuing and Extended Education coordinates the program offerings at several off-campus locations. These off-campus attendance centers effectively extend the reach of SDSU by offering the same quality education to students who want to earn their degree while living and working in their home community. Every year, several thousand students enroll in the 10 degree-programs and 250 courses that SDSU offers online. These often require little more than an internet connection, a book or two, and a motivated, responsible student.

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 Summer Term

SDSU offers a wide range of courses and degree programs during the summer months as well as numerous special workshops, short courses, distance education classes, evening offerings, and non-credit programs. Summer programming is offered May through August and is characterized by innovation and responsiveness to your needs. Classes are comfortably sized and time is available for individual attention from the faculty member. Participants need not be regularly matriculated at SDSU but may be admitted as special students through completion of one short form.

The schedule of offerings is located on the Records and Registration website, http://www.sdstate.edu/campus/records/class-schedules.cfm

University Center - Sioux Falls

(South Dakota Public Universities and Research Center)

South Dakota State University, through University Center in Sioux Falls, provides college coursework and degree programs in Sioux Falls. University Center is designed to serve the needs of non-traditional students in the Sioux Falls area. Most courses taught through University Center are taught after 4:00 p.m. The course content, number and contact hours are the same as the identical course taught on campus in the regular day program. However, a typical three-credit course will meet for three hours one night per week rather than one hour three days per week. Coursework is offered during the fall, spring, and summer terms. The start and end of term for summer at University Center is different from the dates of summer term on campus.

The majors offered in Sioux Falls include General Studies (A.A), Consumer Affairs, General Studies (B.G.S.), Human Development and Family Studies, Graphic Design, Interdisciplinary Studies, Journalism, Nursing, Psychology, and Sociology at the undergraduate level. Pre-engineering courses are also available in Sioux Falls. Master’s degrees are offered in Counseling and Nursing. Students in all majors may complete their general education core in Sioux Falls at University Center.

Capital University Center

The Capital University Center in Pierre was established by the people of Central South Dakota in 1982 to provide opportunities in higher education for the people of the region. In 1983, CUC and South Dakota State University entered into an agreement to enhance educational opportunities for residents of Central South Dakota through the offering of courses designed to transfer to degree-granting institutions of higher education. In 2003, CUC was fully merged into the SD Board of Regents System. SDSU offers at CUC the Associate of Arts degree in General Studies, the Bachelor of Science degree with a major in Interdisciplinary Studies, and the Master of Science degree in Industrial Management, as well as a variety of general education courses and non-credit programs.

University Center - Rapid City

The University Center in Rapid City provides both undergraduate and graduate offerings. Undergraduate programs include the Bachelor’s of Interdisciplinary Studies (IDS), which allows students whose academic and career goals encompass more than one traditional academic area to put together their own degree unique to their needs. Special opportunities exist in Agriculture, for example, where students may combine an interest in Range Science with Animal Science to form a degree which crosses these two academic areas. In addition to undergraduate offerings, the College of Education and Human Sciences offers Master of Education and Master of Science programs in Educational Administration and Counseling in Rapid City. These programs serve the military personnel, teachers, administrators, and counselors in Western South Dakota. SDSU coordinates its West River activities with other Regental universities serving the area.

Distance Education

South Dakota State University offers undergraduate and graduate courses using various distance education technologies. Utilizing the DDN (Digital Dakota Network), two-way audio and video classes allow students to actively participate in classroom activities while attending at a location more convenient to the student. South Dakota State University also offers Internet-based courses for students wishing a more flexible schedule. The Internet courses are similar to on campus courses, and students receive the same credit for completing an Internet course as they would for an on campus course. The Electronic University Consortium (EUC) of South Dakota is a single point of contact for information and access to distance education and training available from the six South Dakota public universities. Based upon more than 80 years of effective off-campus education, South Dakota State University is committed to serving:

  • Working adults
  • Part-time students
  • Time- and place-bound individuals
  • K-12 students, teachers and administrators
  • Employees seeking career development skills
  • Government and military personnel
  • Persons with disabilities

For more information concerning distance education call toll free at 866-827-3198, or go to the Distance Education Website at http://distance.sdstate.edu/.

Outreach Programs

South Dakota State University has a long tradition of, and responsibility for, delivering a variety of outreach efforts to locations across the state, region, and world. These include educational services to University Center in Sioux Falls, the University Center in Rapid City, the Capital University Center in Pierre (CUC), Nursing Upward Mobility, and numerous other distance education classes, workshops, and services.
The Office of Continuing and Extended Education provides coordination and support for off-campus educational programs and serves as a conduit for the University’s service mission to citizens of South Dakota, the region and world. Outreach Programs are designed to deliver both state- and self-support education through on-site or distance education credit courses, non-credit conferences, short courses, and workshops.

Credit Programs - Academic standards and policies governing off-campus and technology communicated courses are identical to the on-campus instructional program. Hence, credit course offerings, instruction and academic standards are the responsibilities of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, Deans of the colleges, and department heads. There are outreach locations throughout South Dakota where credit courses are presented each semester and many courses are available by distance education. Additional locations are added as need and enrollment indicates.

The Medical Laboratory Science Upward Mobility Program is committed to providing an education program consistent with the essentials outlined by the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Science (NAACLS). The program provides an educational experience that will provide for the development of responsible, competent entry-level professionals in medical laboratory science who want to  further their training and education.

The curriculum in the program emphasizes basic sciences, medical laboratory sciences, critical thinking skills and communication skills, including structured learning in the laboratories of clinical affiliated hospitals. In order to receive a Bachelor’s of Science (B.S.) degree in MLS – a student must successfully complete at least 120 semester credit hours. In addition, to all of the required courses for the program the student must complete all general education requirements and requirements of the College of Arts and Sciences. For further information, contact the program coordinator at 605-688-6016 or visit http://www.sdstate.edu/cee/degrees/mls.cfm.

The Nursing RN Upward Mobility Program deepens, enhances, and enriches the knowledge and capabilities of already licensed registered nurses across the state and region. This program is designed to enable the registered nurse to provide more comprehensive nursing care, assist in the prevention of disease, promote health care practices, and expand the knowledge and skills necessary for leadership roles in nursing.

The Nursing Upward Mobility program leading to the Bachelor of Science degree is offered for registered nurses desiring to upgrade their associate degrees or diplomas. The program is offered on line via Internet and is available anywhere in the state. Clinical Practicums are performed in the student’s community. The Master of Science in Nursing is also offered to various off-campus sites and on-line as needed and as programming allows. For further information, contact the Dean of Nursing at 888-216- 9806 or visit http://sdstate.edu/nurs/.