2013-2014 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Sep 27, 2024  
2013-2014 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Course Descriptions and Schedules


CHRD (Counseling & Human Resource Development)


CHST (Chemistry Topics)


CJUS (Criminal Justice)

  • CJUS 201 - Introduction to Criminal Justice * (COM)

    Credits: 3
    Overviews the criminal justice institutions involved in the operations of criminal law including the police, the attorney, the bail system, the trial, the guilty plea, sentencing, corrections and an analysis of criminal law in terms of why certain kinds of conduct are criminal in our society. Notes: * Course meets SGR #3 

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  • CJUS 203 - Policing in a Free Society (COM)

    Credits: 3
    Presents the role of law enforcement within the criminal justice system, including law enforcement organizations and functions of separate operational units. Also examines the role of the police in a democratic society, covering concepts such as police services, crime deterrence, discretion and enforcement policies.

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  • CJUS 330 - Civil Rights and Liberties

    Credits: 3
    Individual First Amendment guarantees, constitutional rights of the accused in the criminal process and equal protection of the law as interpreted through U.S. Supreme Court decisions. Cross-Listed: POLS 330.

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  • CJUS 412 - Criminal Prosecution and Defense (COM)

    Credits: 3
    Presents a behavioral and legal analysis of criminal case concepts, such as initial appearance, bail, preliminary hearing, grand jury, arraignment, suppression hearings, trial and sentencing, emphasizing bail reform, plea bargaining, screening, diversion, speedy trial, insanity defense, discovery, and the role of the defense attorney, prosecutor, and judge. The court system is examined as a social institution of human actors, exercising discretion within the boundaries of the law.

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  • CJUS 431 - Criminal Law (COM)

    Credits: 3
    Examines the substantive criminal law, exploring the larger issues concerning the relationship of the individual to the state through analyzing such topics as the nature of criminal liability and the functions and justifications for criminal punishment, legal limitations upon criminalization, and the general principles of criminal liability, such as the “Act” and “State of Mind” requirements, specific offenses against persons and property, the law of attempt, the law of complexity, and conspiracy.

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  • CJUS 433 - Criminal Procedure (COM)

    Credits: 3
    Constitutional analysis of the criminal procedures, focusing primarily on the fourth, fifth, and sixth amendments, respectively, the right to be free from unreasonable search and seizure, the privilege against self-incrimination, and the right to counsel. Examines the need to protect individual defendants from abuse at the hands of the state while enhancing law enforcement efficiency.

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  • CJUS 436 - Juvenile Justice (COM)

    Credits: 3
    Examines the separate system created in our society to handle juvenile justice, tracing the historical and philosophical development of the juvenile justice system and inspecting the various stages of the juvenile justice process as well as critical issues currently facing the system.

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CM (Construction Management)

  • CM 101 - Introduction to Construction

    Credits: 1
    Introduction to the construction industry and the concept of being a construction management professional as well as the ethics required of a person with influence on the construction industry. A variety of ideas are presented to the students to assist in their career choice.

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  • CM 124 - Construction Graphics

    Credits: 2
    Introduction to graphic communications used in construction including civil, architectural, structural, mechanical and electrical drawings, plans, and schematics; creating and editing plans; symbols, terminology, and layout. Prerequisites:  .

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  • CM 210-210L - Construction Surveying and Lab

    Credits: 3
    The study of construction surveying and layout including topographic surveys and mapping. Land and construction surveys, principles of curve and quantity calculations and other advanced topics in surveying. Prerequisites: GE 121, ID 122 or LA 120; MATH 102 Corequisites: CM 210L-210

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  • CM 216 - Construction Materials

    Credits: 3
    Source, processing, and applications of construction materials. Prerequisites: MATH 102

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  • CM 230 - Applied Construction

    Credits: 1-3
    The supervised application of construction principles to the actual building of a whole or part of a structure. Prerequisites:   Notes: May be repeated for up to 3 credits.

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  • CM 232-232L - Cost Estimating and Lab

    Credits: 3
    The study of the basic concepts of construction plan, specification and blueprint reading by requiring the student to do actual quantity takeoff using both traditional hand methods and computer enhanced procedures. Prerequisites: CM 124, CM 216, or consent Corequisites: CM 232L- 232.

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  • CM 320-320L - Construction Soil Mechanics and Lab

    Credits: 3
    Introduces updated information developed in research and practices for application to construction operations. An overview of the nature of soil materials and their engineering properties is coupled with simple, direct examples of analysis to show how common construction methods and operation may be controlled or influenced. Corequisites: CM 320L-CM 320.

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  • CM 332 - Building Construction Methods and Systems

    Credits: 3
    The study of the structural and finish systems that make up a building and the related methods of implementation. Prerequisites: Junior standing or instructor approval, CM 232, CM 216.

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  • CM 333 - Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing Systems

    Credits: 3
    The study of mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and fire protection systems, design considerations, and system components in a modern building.

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  • CM 352 - Advanced Cost Estimating

    Credits: 3
    The study of the procedures and methods required to determine the value of construction projects with associated bidding procedures. Prerequisites: ACCT 211, CM 216, CM 232.

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  • CM 353-353L - Construction Structures and Lab

    Credits: 3
    The study of the structural design process in the built environment. Prerequisites: EM 321 Corequisites: CM 353L-353

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  • CM 360 - Building Design and Evaluation Concepts

    Credits: 3
    The study of the design of buildings and the use of contemporary concepts to regulate and influence the design process. Prerequisites:  ,  , and  

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  • CM 374 - Heavy Construction Methods and Systems

    Credits: 3
    The study of the systems involved in heavy construction and the equipment and methods required to implement them. Prerequisites: CM 216

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  • CM 400-500 - Risk Management and Construction Safety

    Credits: 3
    Construction safety and health and effective management of risk.

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  • CM 410 - Construction Project Management and Supervision

    Credits: 3
    The study of the ethical, procedural, and supervisory concepts involved with the execution of a construction project. Prerequisites: CM 332

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  • CM 420 - Construction Student Competitions

    Credits: 1-3
    Participation and related preparation for student competitions hosted by regional, national, and international industry organizations. Prerequisites: Instructor Approval.

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  • CM 421 - Commercial Building Inspection and Plan Checking

    Credits: 3
    Preparation to become a certified building inspector or building plan checker/reviewer by studying the prevailing building code. Prerequisites:  

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  • CM 430 - Building Environmental Certification

    Credits: 3
    Preparation for accreditation by a recognized authority in the efficient construction of buildings.

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  • CM 443 - Construction Planning and Scheduling

    Credits: 3
    Planning and scheduling construction projects. Both manual methods and computer programs will be used to schedule activities, control cost and manage resources. Prerequisites: CM 332, CM 374.

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  • CM 452 - Heavy and Highway Estimating

    Credits: 3
    The study of the procedures and methods required to determine the value of heavy, highway, and site development projects with associated bidding procedures. Prerequisites: ACCT 211, CM 232, CM 374.

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  • CM 455-455L - Residential Construction and Lab

    Credits: 3
    The study of the residential construction process including design, documentation, and construction. Corequisites: CM 455L-455

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  • CM 460 - Sustainable Building Systems Concepts and Analysis

    Credits: 3
    The analysis of energy efficient and environmentally responsible building design and construction. Material selection, energy and climate analysis, and practical applications of new technology will be covered. Prerequisites:  

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  • CM 473 - Construction Law and Accounting (AW)

    Credits: 3
    The study of the application of legal, contractual, and generally accepted accounting principles to the construction industry. Prerequisites: ACCT 210 Notes: Registration Restriction: Senior Standing or instructor approval.

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  • CM 482 - Engineering Administration

    Credits: 3
    Law of contracts, agency, and other legal aspects of engineering. Preparation of specifications. Economic aspects of engineering. Prerequisites: Senior standing Cross-Listed: CEE 482

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  • CM 485-485L - Site Development and Feasibility Analysis and Lab

    Credits: 3
    Tools and techniques used to evaluate the cost of new site development; risk assessment and market feasibility analysis for properties to be acquired for economic development. Corequisites: CM 485L-CM 485.

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  • CM 493 - Workshop

    Credits: 1-3
    Special, intense sessions in specific topic areas. Approximately 45 hours of work is required for each hour of credit. Workshops may vary in time range but typically use a compressed time period for delivery. They may include lectures, conferences, committee work, and group activity.

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CS (Consumer Science)

  • CS 230 - Consumer Behavior

    Credits: 3
    Understanding cultural, economic, social, and psychological conditions that influence the consumer purchase process. Study of diverse types of consumer subcultures.

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  • CS 282 - Customer Service

    Credits: 2
    Examination of customer service as a tool for business to develop positive interactions with current and potential customers. Discussion of customer service as an integral tool in customer relationship management. Cross-Listed: AM 282

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  • CS 381 - Professional Behavior at Work

    Credits: 3
    Social skills and professional conduct in a global workplace. Emphasis will be on interpersonal communication and cross-cultural interactions appropriate in the work environment. Cross-Listed: AM 381

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  • CS 430 - Consumer Decision Making

    Credits: 3
    Study of theories and principles in judgment and decision making and behavioral economics. Barriers and strategies to improve consumer judgment and decision-making will be addressed including heuristics and biases, role of emotion and social forces. Cross-Listed: CA 430

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CSC (Computer Science)

  • CSC 105 - Introduction to Computers (COM)

    Credits: 3
    Overview of computer applications with emphasis on word processing, spreadsheets, database, presentation tools and internet-based applications.

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  • CSC 112 - Principles of Internet Applications

    Credits: 3
    This course provides students with a conceptual and practical understanding in the effective and critical use of the Web and other Internet services through the application of problem-based activities. Includes a general grounding in interacting with the Internet, using e-mail, news and web-resources, basic HTML, as well as social and security issues.

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  • CSC 130 - Visual Basic Programming (COM)

    Credits: 3
    Fundamentals of programming using Visual Basic. Focus on problem solving, visual design, and programming concepts. Topics include sequence, selection, repetition, procedures, and functions.

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  • CSC 150-150L - Computer Science I (COM)

    Credits: 3
    An introduction to computer programming. Focus on problem solving, algorithm development, design, and programming concepts. Topics include sequence, selection, repetition, functions, and arrays. Corequisites: CSC 150L-150

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  • CSC 205 - Advanced Computer Applications (COM)

    Credits: 3
    This course covers advanced topics in word processing and spreadsheet applications such as macros, advanced functions, graphics, merging, linking, and transferring data. The course emphasizes the efficient use of software packages. Operating systems/environment topics are also addressed. Prerequisites: CSC 105 or consent.

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  • CSC 218 - Introduction to C/C++/Unix for Engineers

    Credits: 3
    This is an introductory course on the topics of structured programming using C/C++. Topics covered will be top-down design, step-wise refinement, functions, and decisions statements, loops, arrays, pointers, dynamic allocation of memory, use of external files, character strings, macros, introduction to objects and structures.

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  • CSC 250 - Computer Science II (COM)

    Credits: 3
    Problem solving, algorithm design, standards of program style, debugging and testing. Extension of the control structures and data structures of the high-level language introduced in CSC 150. Elementary data structures and basic algorithms that include sorting and searching. Topics include more advanced treatment of functions, data types such as arrays and structures, and files. Prerequisites: CSC 150.

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  • CSC 300 - Data Structures (COM)

    Credits: 3
    A systematic study of data structures and the accompanying algorithms used in computing problems; structure and use of storage; methods of representing data; techniques for implementing data structures; linear lists; stacks; queue; trees and tree traversal; linked lists; and other structures. Prerequisites: CSC 250.

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  • CSC 303 - Ethical and Security Issues in Computing (G)

    Credits: 2
    This course will cover the code of ethics adopted by the major computer science societies and the consequences of violating the code. Laws affecting computer and information processing as well as the varied interpretations of those laws will be covered. It also provides students with a fundamental knowledge of computer security including security terminology, software and hardware vulnerabilities, and encryption.

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  • CSC 314 - Assembly Language (COM)

    Credits: 3
    A thorough introduction to assembly language programming and processor architecture. A study of low-level programming techniques, and the layout of a typical computer. The student will gain insight into the memory layout, registers run-time stack, and global data segment of a running program. Prerequisites: CSC 250.

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  • CSC 317 - Computer Organization and Architecture (COM)

    Credits: 3
    A course in computer organization with emphasis on the hierarchical structure of computer systems. Covers such topics as: components of computer systems and their configuration, design of basic digital circuits, the microprogram level, the conventional machine level, the operating system level, assembly language, address modes, interpreters/translators, computer arithmetic. Prerequisites: EE 245-245L.

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  • CSC 325 - Management Information Systems (COM)

    Credits: 3
    Introduction to the application of information technology in organizations, roles of managers and staff professionals in developing and using information systems with current and future technology.

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  • CSC 330 - Cobol I (COM)

    Credits: 3
    Introduction to structured COBOL programming: input, output, and reformatting; arithmetic program design; report writing; intrinsic functions; conditional branching; condition-names; iteration; control breaks; program maintenance; validity checking; and interactive programming. Prerequisites: CSC 150 or CSC 213.

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  • CSC 331 - Cobol II (COM)

    Credits: 3
    Advanced structured COBOL programming with arrays; table look-ups; subprograms; sequential file processing; sorting and merging; indexed file processing; text manipulations; debugging; and on-line applications. Prerequisites: CSC 330.

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  • CSC 346 - Object Oriented Programming (COM)

    Credits: 3
    The study of object oriented methodologies using a modern language such as C++ or Java. Advanced data structures, I/O and file management will be implemented using polymorphism, inheritance, overloading and encapsulation. Prerequisites: CSC 300.

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  • CSC 354 - Introduction to Systems Programming

    Credits: 3
    The study of macros, subroutines, subroutine linkage, conditional assembly, input-output, interrupt processing, assemblers, loaders and linkers. Prerequisites: CSC 300, CSC 314.

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