2013-2014 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Sep 27, 2024  
2013-2014 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Course Descriptions and Schedules


ANTH (Anthropology)


ARAB (Arabic)

  • ARAB 101 - Introductory Arabic I * (COM) (G)

    Credits: 4

    Introduces the fundamental elements of Arabic writing and vocabulary and Muslim culture. Emphasizes sound/symbol relationships. Class work may be supplemented with required aural/oral practice outside of class. Notes: * Course meets SGR #4 


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  • ARAB 102 - Introductory Arabic II * (COM) (G)

    Credits: 4
    Continues with the introduction of the fundamental elements of Arabic writing and vocabulary and Muslim culture. Emphasizes sound/symbol relationships. Class work may be supplemented with required aural/oral practice outside of class. Prerequisites: ARAB 101. Notes: * Course meets SGR #4 

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ARCH (Architecture)

  • ARCH 109 - First Year Seminar**

    Credits: 2
    First-year experience course designed to introduce students to academic success strategies including the development of critical thinking and study skills, identification of campus resources, guidance in academic planning and engagement, time management and goal setting. Students will also investigate wellness topics, contemporary issues, diversity, and the land-grant mission of SDSU. In addition, this course is designed to expose students to the discipline-specific careers and their role in society. Notes: ** Course meets IGR #1 

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  • ARCH 131 - Building Thinking

    Credits: 2
    An introduction to the social art, urbanism, economics, and materiality of making buildings emphasizing the evolution from “master builder” to the highly mediated and digital nature of contemporary building design and construction practices.

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  • ARCH 151 - Design Practice I

    Credits: 2
    Introduces students to design studio and culture. Students learn basic concepts of architectural drawing and model making through studying precedents and surroundings. Students are expected to develop craftsmanship in representation as well as communication skills.

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  • ARCH 152 - Design Practice II

    Credits: 2
    Continues introducing students to design studio and culture. Students learn basic concepts of architectural drawing and model making through studying precedents and surroundings. Students are expected to develop craftsmanship in representation as well as communication skills.

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  • ARCH 241 - Building History I

    Credits: 3
    Studying architecture through the frame of history emphasizing buildings as artifacts of the technological processes of construction. Buildings from across diverse societies and geographies are put into historical context in categories of carving, stacking, framing, skinning, and casting space.

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  • ARCH 242 - Building History II

    Credits: 2
    Studying architecture through the frame of history emphasizing building as a professional and disciplinary practice. The course focuses on historical study of the genesis of the profession across time and cultures in Renaissance and Baroque Italy (1350-1650).

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  • ARCH 251 - Design Practice III

    Credits: 4
    Continuation of first year Design Practice studios. Students continue to learn drawing and modeling techniques and refine craft. Students begin to examine components in building design and construction systems for structures. Prerequisites:  

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  • ARCH 252 - Design Practice IV

    Credits: 4
    Students look in-depth at building components and assemblies. Work will focus on component design and construction types. Students will begin to analyze building materials and related assemblies Prerequisites:  

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  • ARCH 321 - Drawing, modeling, & notation

    Credits: 2
    Introduction to electronic building information modeling and notational drawing in raster and vector technologies. Prerequisites: ARCH 351

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  • ARCH 331 - Building Shop I

    Credits: 2
    An introduction to craftsmanship, assembly, and fabrication through hands-on demonstrations and projects. Prerequisites:     or written consent.

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  • ARCH 332 - Building shop II

    Credits: 2
    Continuation of ARCH 331 workshop studies in craftsmanship, assembly, and fabrication through hands-on demonstrations and projects. Prerequisites:   or written consent.

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  • ARCH 341 - Building history III (AW)

    Credits: 2
    Studying architecture through the frame of history emphasizing the 20th century development of the modern culture of architecture. Buildings, both local and global, from across diverse societies put into historical context as cultural, socio-political, and corporate artifacts of the profession. Prerequisites: ARCH 241 and ARCH 242

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  • ARCH 351 - Collaboration Studio

    Credits: 5
    Students design a simple but comprehensive in-fill building project problematizing construction and spatial sequence while introducing foundational issues of place-making and city form in architectural production. Prerequisites:  

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  • ARCH 352 - Architecture studio I

    Credits: 5
    Building design studio focusing on institutional program projects in masonry construction situated in a landscape or rural site.

      Prerequisites: ARCH 351

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  • ARCH 382 - Travel Studies

    Credits: 1

    This travel-study course is designed to provide extra-mural educational experiences, as approved by and under the direction of a faculty member, and may be in cooperation with faculty and administrators at other institutions.  Students will participate in hands-on activities and design educational activities for presentation at selected locations.  Includes pre-travel orientation, post-travel self-evaluation, and a written report.        

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  • ARCH 411 - Site, Environment, Urbanism & Public Space

    Credits: 2
    Lecture and field work in urban design principles, environmental responsibilities, architecture’s role in the sustenance of public space in the implementation of site design technologies. Prerequisites: ARCH 341

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  • ARCH 421 - Building Information Technologies

    Credits: 2
    Lecture and workshop study on the integration of digital building information technologies in the building process from ideation to maintenance. Prerequisites: ARCH 351

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  • ARCH 431 - Building Shop III

    Credits: 2
    Continuation of ARCH 332 workshop studies in craftsmanship, assembly, and fabrication through hands-on demonstrations and projects. Prerequisites:   or written consent.

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  • ARCH 451 - Architecture Studio II

    Credits: 5
    Building design studio focusing on commercial program projects in steel construction situated in a small town corner site. Prerequisites: ARCH 352

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  • ARCH 452 - Architecture Studio III

    Credits: 5
    Building design studio focusing on housing program projects in concrete construction situated in a big city block infill setting. Prerequisites: ARCH 451

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ART (Art)

  • ART 110 - First Review

    Credits: 0.5
    An orientation course and an assessment of basic knowledge of Visual Arts terminology and theory, including visual elements and design principles. Required of all students entering into Visual Arts or Graphic Design majors in their first semester. Students must register, attend, and complete the First Review. Completion of the course will be a satisfactory (S) or unsatisfactory (U) which is not calculated into the student’s GPA. If the work is unsatisfactory, ART 110 must be repeated before taking ART 200 Portfolio Review Jury on Student Progress. Notes: The course will be offered every semester.

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  • ART 111 - Drawing I * ** (COM)

    Credits: 3
    Introduces various drawing concepts, media, and processes developing perceptual and technical skills related to accurate observing and drawing. Notes: * Course meets SGR #4  or ** IGR Goal #2 

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  • ART 112 - Drawing II * ** (COM)

    Credits: 3
    Emphasizes the continuing development of essential drawing skills and perceptual abilities as drawing concepts, compositional complexity, and creativity gain importance. Prerequisites: ART 111 Notes: * Course meets SGR #4  or **IGR Goal #2 

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  • ART 121 - Design I 2D * ** (COM)

    Credits: 3
    Emphasizes the organization of visual elements and principles while exploring creative thought processes through art theory, concepts, material, and techniques. Notes: * Course meets SGR #4  or ** IGR Goal #2 

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  • ART 122 - Design II Color (COM)

    Credits: 3
    Introduction to color theory as it applies to basic 2D and 3D design principles.

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  • ART 123 - Three Dimensional Design * ** (COM)

    Credits: 3
    3-D visual problems solved through the organization of design elements, utilizing three dimensional design language revealed through its history, theory, aesthetics and materials. Notes: * Course meets SGR #4  or ** IGR Goal #2 

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  • ART 200 - Portfolio Review Jury on Student Progress

    Credits: 0.5
    The faculty jury will assess how the student meets the standard of progress in the department, awarding a satisfactory (S) or unsatisfactory (U), which is not calculated into a student’s GPA. The student must register in the course after completing 15 hours of coursework in the Visual Arts Core (ART 111, ART 112, ART 121, ART 122, ART 123, and ARTH 100). This course for sophomore-level majors must be completed before advancing to the Junior level of coursework in the student’s major. The course will be offered every semester. Prerequisites: ART 110.

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  • ART 211 - Drawing III-Figurative ** (COM)

    Credits: 3
    Figurative drawing studied, emphasizing the development of individual ideas and approaches to various drawing media, including the use of multimedia. Prerequisites: ART 111 or instructor’s consent Notes: ** Course meets IGR Goal #2 

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  • ART 231 - Painting I ** (COM)

    Credits: 3
    Initial approach to painting, employing history, materials, techniques and process in various media as student work with concepts, objects or models Prerequisites: ART 111 or instructor’s consent Notes: ** Course meets IGR Goal #2 

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  • ART 241 - Sculpture I ** (COM)

    Credits: 3
    Introduces the development of sculptural concepts and objects through history, techniques and processes using basic three-dimensional materials, including clay, plaster, stone, metals, wood, and synthetic media. Notes: ** Course meets IGR Goal #2 

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  • ART 251 - Ceramics I ** (COM)

    Credits: 3

    Introduces ceramic art through its history and basic methods of forming, decorating, glazing, and firing pottery forms, including glaze chemistry and kiln construction. Notes: ** Course meets IGR Goal #2 


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  • ART 281 - Printmaking I ** (COM)

    Credits: 3
    Introduces the history and techniques of relief and intaglio processes, lithography (section 1) and screen printing (section 2) as a primary means of expression. Notes: ** Course meets IGR Goal #2 

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  • ART 311 - Figurative Drawing-Advanced

    Credits: 3
    The studio course develops and expands live figure drawing practices using traditional methods and mixed media applications, and requires the creation of a portfolio of outside works that complements class-time assignments. Prerequisites: ART 112 Drawing II, ART 122 Color, and ART 211 Drawing III–Figurative. Notes: Course can be repeated for additional credit.

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  • ART 331 - Painting II (COM)

    Credits: 3
    Emphasizes painting based on complex combinations of concepts, materials, techniques and processes using objects, models, and individual creativity. Prerequisites: ART 231.

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  • ART 332 - Painting-Intermediate Level

    Credits: 3
    Continuation of Painting II. Emphasis on composition and expression. Prerequisites: ART 331.

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  • ART 341 - Sculpture II (COM)

    Credits: 3
    Continues Sculpture I as students explore individual concepts through various techniques and materials. Prerequisites: ART 241.

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  • ART 342 - Sculpture III (COM)

    Credits: 3
    Continues Sculpture II as students further explore individual concepts through various techniques and materials. Prerequisites: ART 341.

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  • ART 351 - Ceramics II (COM)

    Credits: 3
    Continues Ceramics I as students explore clay through individually creative application of concepts, techniques and glazing and firing methods. Prerequisites: ART 251.

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  • ART 352 - Ceramics-Intermediate Level

    Credits: 3
    Continuation of Ceramics II. Emphasis on individual concepts developed through hand-building and/or throwing techniques. Also more advanced glazing and firing techniques, kiln maintenance, and studio operations. Prerequisites: ART 351 (minimum grade of “C”, or consent of instructor).

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  • ART 381 - Printmaking II (COM)

    Credits: 3
    Continues Printmaking I as students further individualized their application of printing processes and media Prerequisites: ART 281 or consent of instructor.

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  • ART 382 - Printmaking-Intermediate Level

    Credits: 3
    Continuation of Printmaking II. Creative use of advanced printmaking techniques and processes in relief, intaglio, and serigraphy. Prerequisites: ART 381.

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  • ART 400 - Senior Review

    Credits: 0.5
    A course for seniors in the department. Students must register, attend, and complete the Senior Review in order to graduate with a degree in Visual Arts or Graphic Design. The faculty will assess how the student’s portfolio or exhibition meets the standards of the department major; and they will award either a satisfactory (S) or unsatisfactory (U) which is not calculated into the student’s GPA. The review must be repeated until it is satisfactorily completed before graduation in the department major. Prerequisites: ART 200 and senior standing in the major.

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  • ART 431 - Painting III (COM)

    Credits: 3
    Continues Painting II emphasizing concepts in art history, art criticism, and issues in contemporary art as students are encouraged to use self-directed and experimental approaches in developing subject matter and content. Prerequisites: ART 331 or consent of instructor.

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  • ART 441 - Sculpture-Advanced

    Credits: (3-9)
    Continuation of Sculpture III. Advanced exploration of sculpture concepts. Prerequisites: ART 342. Repeatable up to 9 hours.

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  • ART 451 - Ceramics-Advanced

    Credits: (3-9)
    A continuation of Ceramics III, an advanced exploration of ceramic materials as directed by personal conceptual needs. Further technical aspects of clay, glaze, and firing processes. Students take a more active role in studio operations. Prerequisites: ART 352, minimum grade of “C” in ART 352, or consent of instructor. Notes: Repeatable up to 9 hours.

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  • ART 481 - Printmaking-Advanced

    Credits: (3-9)
    A continuation of Printmaking III. Prerequisites: ART 382. Repeatable up to 9 hours.

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  • ART 482 - Travel Studies

    Credits: (1-5)
    This travel study course is designed to provide extra-mural educational experiences, as approved by, and under the direction of a faculty member, and may be in cooperation with faculty and administrators of other institutions. Students will participate in hand-on activities, and design educational activities for presentation at selected locations. Includes pre-travel orientation, post-travel self-evaluation and a written report and/or exhibition or portfolio of art/design work.

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ARTD (Art Design)

  • ARTD 201 - Graphic Design I

    Credits: 3
    An introduction to graphic design stressing theory and creative development.

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  • ARTD 202 - Computer Graphics I

    Credits: 3
    A non-programming introduction to drawing, photo-imaging and page layout design software emphasizing computer-generated design projects.

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  • ARTD 203 - Animation Foundations I

    Credits: 3
    This studio course focuses on principles of creating animation and sequential imagery that include a wide variety of time-based practices such as traditional cel-style animation, human-figurative work, stop-motion, cut-out, camera-less, pixilation, image capture and editing. Corequisites: ART 111

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  • ARTD 301 - Graphic Design II

    Credits: 3
    An introduction to typographic theory and practice for graphic designers. Emphasis on historical and contemporary typographic usage; hand and computer-generated projects. Recommend concurrent enrollment in ARTD 302. Prerequisites: ARTD 201.

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  • ARTD 302 - Computer Graphics II

    Credits: 3
    A non-programming intermediate computer graphics course focusing on digital-imaging and page-layout applications for graphic designers. Recommend concurrent enrollment in ARTD301. Prerequisites: ARTD 201, ARTD 202.

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  • ARTD 303 - Animation Foundations II

    Credits: 3
    This studio course expands on principles of creating animation and sequential imagery to include a wide variety of approaches that include character and concept development, narrative and non-narrative structure, audio design, image capture, advanced compositing and digital ink and paint. Prerequisites: ARTD 203 or equivalent, ART 112 Drawing II or concurrent enrollment.

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  • ARTD 304 - Motion Graphics

    Credits: 3
    This course explores the moving image as an information communication tool. The course also emphasizes overall time-based communication and a conventions for the creation of graphics and motion elements for broadcast over a variety of media outlets.

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  • ARTD 351 - Visual Communication I

    Credits: 3
    An intermediate Visual Communication course emphasizing theory and practice that explores graphic design and digital prepress. Prerequisites: ARTD 301, ARTD 302. Corequisites: ARTD 352.

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  • ARTD 352 - Design Media I

    Credits: 3
    Introduction to animation and web applications. Prerequisites: ARTD 301. ARTD 302 Corequisites: ARTD 351.

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  • ARTD 403 - Intermediate Animation

    Credits: 3
    The studio course develops and expands practices in cel-style animation, stressing digitally drawn techniques and increases the study of time-based theory and contemporary applications.  Using digital methods of image creation and capture, compositing and editing, students produce an original short animation from concept to completion. Prerequisites: ARTD 303 Classical Animation II or equivalent, ART 112 Drawing II, ART 122 Color, and ART 211 Drawing III–Figurative. Notes: Course can be repeated for additional credit.

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  • ARTD 451 - Visual Communication II: Senior Portfolio

    Credits: 3
    An advanced Visual Communication course emphasizing portfolio preparation and corporate identity study. Prerequisites: ARTD 351, ARTD 352 Corequisites: ARTD 452.

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  • ARTD 452 - Design Media II

    Credits: 3
    A continuation of Design Media I with emphasis on completed multimedia and web page projects as portfolio works. Prerequisites: ARTD 351, ARTD 352. Corequisites: ARTD 451.

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ARTE (Art Education)

  • ARTE 414 - K-12 Art Methods (COM)

    Credits: (2-3)
    Students develop an understanding of the tools of inquiry of K-12 art; the ability to design, deliver and evaluate a variety of instructional strategies and processes that incorporate learning resources, materials, technologies, and state and national curriculum standards appropriate to K-12 art; the ability to assess student learning in K-12 art; and to apply this knowledge, skills, and attitudes to real life situations and experiences.

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ARTH (Art History)

  • ARTH 100 - Art Appreciation * ** (COM) (G)

    Credits: 3
    Explores the nature of art in various aesthetic, formal, and psychological dimensions, involving analysis of art objects for understanding, enjoyment, and life enhancement. Notes: * Course meets SGR #4  or ** IGR Goal #2 

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  • ARTH 120 - Film as Art**

    Credits: 3
    This course introduces and explores concepts of the moving image as an art form. Aspects explored include film history, narrative elements, alternatives to mainstream media and visual compositional elements. Notes: **Course meets IGR Goal #2 

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  • ARTH 211 - History of World Art I * ** (COM) (G)

    Credits: 3
    Art and architecture in the historical and contextual development of the role of visual arts including crafts, drawing, painting, sculptures and architecture, in the historical and cultural development of world civilizations from prehistory through the 14th century. Notes: * Course meets SGR #4  or ** IGR Goal #2 .

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  • ARTH 212 - History of World Art II * ** (COM) (G)

    Credits: 3
    Art and architecture in the historical and contextual development. The role of visual art; including crafts, drawing, painting, sculpture, and architecture; in the historical and cultural development of world civilization from the renaissance through the 20th century. Notes: * Course meets SGR #4  or ** IGR Goal #2 

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  • ARTH 310 - History of United States Art and Architecture (AW)

    Credits: 3
    From colonial times to present. Prerequisites: ARTH 212

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  • ARTH 320 - Modern Art and Architecture Survey (AW)

    Credits: 3
    Survey of Modern Art and Architecture from its beginnings in the 19th century. Emphasis on international studies and cultural diversity. Prerequisites: ARTH 212.

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AS (Animal Science)

  • AS 101-101L - Introduction to Animal Science and Lab

    Credits: 3
    Adaptation, breeding, feeding, marketing, behavior, classification, growth, genetics, reproduction and animal health as they apply to farm animals. Corequisites: AS 101L-AS 101.

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  • AS 104-104L - Introduction to Horse Management and Lab

    Credits: 2

    Basic principles in caring for horses, and introduction to the horse industry. Topics include: horse breeds and registry; grooming and safe handling, care and feeding practices; vital signs, body condition scoring, pre-purchase examination, recognition of common lameness and health problems and facilities.

    Laboratory sessions will include involvement with the SDSU Horse Unit’s activities and field trips to nearby facilities.

    Corequisites: AS 104L-AS 104.

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  • AS 105-105L - Western Horsemanship and Lab

    Credits: 1
    Breeds of horses, gaits, grooming, equipment, diets; basic instruction with suitable equipment. Corequisites: AS 105L-AS 105

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