2007-2008 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Jun 28, 2024  
2007-2008 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]



MATH (Mathematics)


MCOM (Mass Communication)

  • MCOM 130 - Introduction to Electronic Media (COM)

    Includes the history, process, structure, regulation, economics, programming, public responsibilities, and impact on society of electronic media.Credits: 3

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  • MCOM 144 - Media Production Environments I

    Credit earned by active participation in media production activities.Credits: 1Prerequisites: P, consent. – Section I: Radio. – Section II: Television. – Section III: Film.

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  • MCOM 151 - Introduction to Mass Communication (COM)

    A comprehensive look at the mass media in the United States and the world. Includes discussions of newspapers, magazines, radio, television, books, movies, recordings, advertising and public relations. Also studies mass media rights and responsibilities, ethics and censorship.Credits: 3

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  • MCOM 155 - Information Gathering

    An introduction to the basics of gathering information ethically and legally from a variety of sources and analyzing and presenting information in a journalistic format.Credits: 2

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  • MCOM 160 - Introduction to Film

    Film as art; themes and inventions; films and society; introduction to the camera.Credits: 3

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  • MCOM 161 - Fundamentals of Desktop Publishing (COM)

    Fundamental design principles, techniques, and technology of electronic layout and production.Credits: 3

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  • MCOM 200 - Videography

    The course is designed to introduce students to the basic concepts, theories and technical skills of moving image production in the area of Electronic Field Production (EFP), especially in developing videography skills. Through a variety of exercises and projects, students will develop an understanding for several visual concepts pertaining to composition, lighting and narrative unity. Ethical issues will also be discussed as they pertain to choices made in selecting media content and how the content is portrayed.Credits: 3

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  • MCOM 210 - Basic Newswriting (COM)

    Introduces students to gathering, evaluating and writing news.Credits: 3Prerequisites: P, ENGL 101.

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  • MCOM 210L - Basic Newswriting Studio (COM)

    Accompanies MCOM 210.Credits: 0Corequisites: Corequisite course MCOM 210.

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  • MCOM 220 - Introduction to Digital Media

    An introduction to the basics of digital imagery and design for the news media.Credits: 2Corequisites: Corequisite course MCOM 220L.

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  • MCOM 220L - Introduction to Digital Media Studio

    Hands-on application of the basics of news media digital communication.Credits: 0Corequisites: Corequisite course MCOM 220.

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  • MCOM 225 - Introduction to Digital Production

    An introduction to the basics of digital audio and video for the news media.Credits: 2Corequisites: Corequisite course MCOM 225L.

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  • MCOM 225L - Introduction to Digital Production Studio

    Hands-on application of the basics of news media digital audio and video.Credits: 0Corequisites: Corequisite course MCOM 225.

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  • MCOM 265 - Basic Photography (COM)

    Beginning camera and darkroom techniques, including processing, printing, and digitizing black and white photographs. Survey of the field of photography and its uses.Credits: (2-3)

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  • MCOM 266 - Photojournalism (COM)

    Photography as it relates to the media and the public. Emphasis on the content and design of photo essays, legal and ethical aspects of photography.Credits: 2Prerequisites: P, MCOM 265, or MCOM 161 and MCOM 210.

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  • MCOM 311 - News Editing (COM)

    The evaluation and editing of news stories, with an examination of editing problems, copy reading techniques, page makeup and design, headlines, picture usage, legal and ethical issues.Credits: 3Prerequisites: P, MCOM 210.

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  • MCOM 311L - Editing Lab (COM)

    Comprehensive experience in a laboratory setting with editing techniques. Students work with associated press wire service copy, electronic page design and layout techniques, picture editing and page composition.Credits: 0Corequisites: Corequisite course MCOM 311.

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  • MCOM 313 - Publicity Methods

    Newswriting, organizing publicity campaigns, press relations. (Cannot be taken for credit by journalism majors.)Credits: 2

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  • MCOM 314 - Sales, Promotion and Marketing

    Promotion, sales, advertising, circulation, practices and theories of marketing in advertising and graphic arts.Credits: 3

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  • MCOM 316 - Magazine Writing and Editing

    Includes overview of the magazine industry, how to write and submit freelance articles. Students write and submit articles for publication and edit a departmental magazineCredits: 3

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  • MCOM 330 - Writing for Electronic Media (COM)

    Preparation of continuities such as commercials, public service announcements, talks, interviews, drama, documentaries, and educational programs.Credits: 3

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  • MCOM 331 - Video Production (COM)

    Includes preparation and presentation of talks, interviews, discussion and extension and community services for broadcast.Credits: 3

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  • MCOM 332 - Broadcast Writing and Reporting

    Radio news reporting, writing, editing and producing. Lab practice in writing, audio tape, and delivery.Credits: 3Prerequisites: P, MCOM 210 for majors; MEPR 330 for others.Corequisites: Corequisite course MCOM 332L.Cross-Listed: Crosslisted with MEPR 332.

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  • MCOM 332L - Broadcast Writing and Reporting Studio

    Credits: 0Corequisites: Corequisite course MCOM 332.

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  • MCOM 333 - Television News Reporting

    TV news videography, reporting, writing and video editing. Lab practice with videotape.Credits: 3Prerequisites: P, MCOM/MEPR 331, 332, or consent.Corequisites: Corequisite course MCOM 333L.Cross-Listed: Crosslisted with MEPR 333.

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  • MCOM 335 - Broadcast Programming

    Program types and essentials of effective structure. Audience characteristics and preferences. Managerial problems. Special consideration of agricultural, commercial, and educational broadcast requirements.Credits: 3Cross-Listed: Crosslisted with MEPR 335.

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  • MCOM 340 - Broadcast Announcing and Performance

    Junior-level required course that emphasizes presentations before cameras and microphones. This includes the fundamentals of voice and articulation for effective on-air performance on both radio and television. Other topics addressed are audience perception, delivery styles and on-camera appearance.Credits: 3Prerequisites: P, MCOM and MEPR Majors only.Corequisites: Corequisite: MCOM 340L.

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  • MCOM 340L - Broadcast Announcing and Performance Lab

    Junior-level required course where students practice delivery and announcing techniques in a lab setting.Credits: 0Prerequisites: P, MCOM and MEPR Majors only.Corequisites: Corequisite: MCOM 340.

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  • MCOM 344 - Media Production Environments II

    Credit earned by active participation in media production activities.Credits: 1Prerequisites: P, consent. – Section I: Radio – Section II: Television – Section III: Film.

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  • MCOM 365 - Advanced Photography (COM)

    Exploration of photojournalism and electronic photojournalism. Emphasis on putting together a professional photojournalism portfolio including black and white and color.Credits: (2-3)Prerequisites: P, MCOM 265.

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  • MCOM 366 - Film Narrative

    Myths, values and beliefs as expressed in selected films; forms, styles, and directors.Credits: 3

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  • MCOM 370 - Advertising Principles (COM)

    Study of advertising as an institution. Discussion of historical foundations, economics, social consequences, structure, planning, execution and evaluation phases of the advertising process. Discussion of advertising as it relates to other types of marketing communication.Credits: 3

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  • MCOM 371 - Advertising Copy and Layout (COM) (AW)

    Discussion of principles and techniques for developing creative campaigns. Laboratory assignments apply thinking, design, and writing skills to creative problems for different media and different targets. Encompasses creative development for all advertising media.Credits: 3Prerequisites: P, MCOM 370.

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  • MCOM 372 - Advertising Media Strategies

    Learn theory and fundamentals of evaluating advertising media. Analyze marketing variables, media characteristics, sources and strategies. Use computer planning models. Assigned range of planning problems and develop media plan within an integrated marketing framework.Credits: 3Prerequisites: P, MCOM 370

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  • MCOM 372L - Advertising Media Strategies Studio

    Hands-on application of advertising media strategies.Credits: 0Prerequisites: P, written consent of instructor.Corequisites: Corequisite: MCOM 372.

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  • MCOM 375 - Intermediate Media Production

    Concepts, theories and technical skills of digital media production.Credits: 2Prerequisites: P, MCOM 210, MCOM 330, and MCOM 331.Corequisites: Corequisite course MCOM 375L.

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  • MCOM 405-505 - Theories of Communications

    Major theories of communication, including media and interpersonal communication.Credits: 3

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  • MCOM 406-506 - Public Opinion and Propaganda

    Formation and measurement of public opinion; role of the media; propaganda techniques, agencies, theories.Credits: 3Prerequisites: P, senior standing, consent.

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  • MCOM 410 - Advanced Reporting (COM)

    Political, scientific, and social issues in in-depth reporting for magazines and newspapers.Credits: 3

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  • MCOM 413-513 - International Media (COM)

    This course is a survey of international media systems, news and related issues, the role and characteristics of international journalists, and issues facing media around the world.Credits: 3

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  • MCOM 414 - Computer Assisted Information Gathering

    Use of computers to gather information online for journalists and to analyze data.Credits: 2Corequisites: Corequisite course MCOM 414L.

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  • MCOM 415-515 - Opinion Writing

    Opinion function of periodicals; great editorials and editorial writers; writing editorials; shaping policy.Credits: 2

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  • MCOM 416-516 - Mass Media in Society (G)

    Rights and responsibilities of the press; relation of the media to individuals and society; role of media in a free society.Credits: 3

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  • MCOM 417-517 - History of Journalism (G)

    Development, impact and importance of individual journalists and media in U.S.Credits: 3

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  • MCOM 419-519 - Women in Media

    This course examines contributions of women to the mass media from colonial era to present. It also studies the portrayal of women by the news media and by advertising, and it studies the roles currently played by women in the media and in supporting areas of advertising and public relations.Credits: 3Cross-Listed: Crosslisted with WMST 419.

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  • MCOM 425 - Converged Media Production

    Production of converged media projects. Includes proposal, planning, and execution of a converged media production project.Credits: 2Prerequisites: P, MCOM 375.Corequisites: Corequisite course MCOM 425L.

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  • MCOM 430-530 - Media Law (COM)

    Study of the sources, processes, content and application of law and regulation in the mass communication context and of the ethics of communications practitioners.Credits: 3

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  • MCOM 431 - Advanced Media Production

    Capstone of Media Production specialization. Integrates multiple aspects of media production and online delivery of media content.Credits: 2Prerequisites: P, MCOM 425.Corequisites: Corequisite course MCOM 431L.

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  • MCOM 433 - Advanced TV News Reporting (AW)

    In-depth analysis of television news reporting, writing, videography and video editing techniques. Major emphasis on out of class assignments.Credits: 3Prerequisites: P, MCOM/MEPR 331 or 332 or 333, or consent.Corequisites: Corequisite course MCOM 433L.

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  • MCOM 437-537 - Educational and Corporate TV

    Preparation, presentation of educational and instructional materials for radio, TV, and film and classroom use.Credits: 3Cross-Listed: Crosslisted with MEPR 437-537.

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  • MCOM 438 - Public Affairs Reporting (COM) (AW)

    Covering and writing news on legislation, public policy, and social issues at the local, county, and state level. Includes discussion of freedom of information guidelines.Credits: 3Prerequisites: P, MCOM 210.

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  • MCOM 438L - Public Affairs Reporting Studio (COM)

    Accompanies MCOM 438.Credits: 0Corequisites: Corequisite course MCOM 438.

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  • MCOM 442 - Integrated Marketing Communication (COM)

    The capstone course of the advertising sequence. Use case study method and develop complete integrated communication plan for client. Make formal advertising campaign presentation.Credits: 3

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  • MCOM 442L - Integrated Marketing Communication Campaigns Studio

    Hands-on application of integrated marketing communication campaigns.Credits: 0Corequisites: Corequisite course MCOM 442.

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  • MCOM 453-553 - Mass Communication Teaching Methods

    Techniques, materials and resources for teaching mass communication in the classroom and supervising student media. For high school or college instructors and publication advisers. Mass Communication teacher education candidates are required to earn at least 3 credits.Credits: (1-4)

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  • MCOM 470 - Advertising Design

    A studio course in advertising design with an emphasis on concept development, graphic design, research, organization and presentation. (For advertising majors-crosslisted as ARTD 465.)Credits: 3

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  • MCOM 472 - Media Research and Planning (COM)

    This course develops the ability to conduct and analyze advertising and media research, and to prepare and execute a comprehensive consumer or audience plan.Credits: 3

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  • MCOM 474-574 - Media Administration and Management (COM)

    Business practices, newspaper, magazine, and broadcast management.Credits: 3

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  • MCOM 475-575 - Public Relations (COM)

    Interpreting institutional and industrial policies and programs to the public.Credits: 3

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  • MCOM 476-576 - International and Ethnic Advertising

    This course develops an understanding of international and ethnic advertising and marketing. Students gain experience in marketing decisions that reflect an understanding of intercultural and international markets and explore the social and ethical issues in such marketing.Credits: 3

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  • MCOM 482-582 - Travel Studies

    This travel study course is designed to provide extra-mural educational experiences, as approved by and under the direction of a faculty member, and may be in cooperation with faculty and administrators of other institutions. Students will participate in hands-on activities and design educational activities for presentation at selected locations. Includes pre-travel orientation, post-travel self-evaluation, and a written report.Credits: (1-5)

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  • MCOM 489 - Portfolio Production and Design (COM)

    Planning, creation, and production of portfolios for a variety of purposes.Credits: (1-3)

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