2007-2008 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Sep 27, 2024  
2007-2008 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]



AGEC (Agricultural Economics)

  • AGEC 421-521 - Farming and Food Systems Economics

    Use of economic concepts in analyzing farming and food system alternatives. Using multidisciplinary approach, the course examines the critical linkages in the food system and engages in problem solving at each step of the process.Credits: 3Prerequisites: P, senior standing, AGEC 271 or ECON 201.

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  • AGEC 454 - Economics of Grain and Livestock Marketing

    Application of economic and marketing principles to the price discovery process and alternative exchange mechanisms; economics of technological innovation, and the impact of federal government policies on marketing.Credits: 3Prerequisites: P, AGEC 354.

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  • AGEC 471-571 - Advanced Farm and Ranch Management

    Leasing arrangements, capital investment, computerized accounting and budgeting. Linear programming as a tool for planning and organizing the farm business.Credits: 3Prerequisites: P, senior standing, AGEC 271, ECON 301, or consent.

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  • AGEC 473 - Rural Real Estate Appraisal

    Principles and practices of rural real estate appraisal. Principles of soils valuation and their application for farmland appraisal. Cost, market data and income approaches to farmland and building appraisal. Tax, loan and other specialized rural appraisal procedures. Half-day field trips to area farms are required.Credits: 2Prerequisites: P, AGEC 271 or PS 213.Corequisites: Corequisite course AGEC 473L.Cross-Listed: Crosslisted with PS 473.

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  • AGEC 473L - Rural Real Estate Appraisal Lab

    Credits: 1Corequisites: Corequisite course AGEC 473.Cross-Listed: Crosslisted with PS 473L.

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  • AGEC 478 - Agricultural Finance

    Capital and credit needs in agriculture; principles and problems in extending and using credit; developing information flows, capital budgeting, cost of capital, the role of financial intermediaries; control of land and depreciable assets; application of financial software packages in agriculture.Credits: 3Prerequisites: P, AGEC 271, ECON 201, ACCT 210Corequisites: Corequisite course AGEC 478L.

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  • AGEC 479 - Agricultural Policy (AW) (G)

    Economic policies affecting agricultural prosperity, with special emphasis on farm programs, food assistance programs, agricultural trade, finance, bargaining and other institutional forces affecting agriculture and agribusiness. Implication of agricultural policy alternatives on people living in rural and urban areas.Credits: 3Prerequisites: P, ECON 201 and ECON 202.

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  • AGEC 484 - Trading in Agricultural Futures and Options

    The course utilizes fundamental and technical analysis techniques to analyze agricultural futures and options. This is a hands-on commodity futures and options trading class. Students are expected to use analysis to generate trades in selected agricultural futures and options.Credits: 3Prerequisites: P, AGEC 354.

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AGED (Agricultural Education)

  • AGED 404 - Program Plan in Agricultural Education (AW)

    FFA, Adult Education, and supervised occupational experience programs; policy development.Credits: 4

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  • AGED 434 - Special Methods in Agricultural Education

    Aims, course of study selection and organization of subject matter, method in field, laboratory, classroom, and supervised occupational experience programs. Taken first six weeks of semester in which the student completes student teaching, and resumes following student teaching.Credits: 3Prerequisites: P, PSII-Professional Semester II; CTE 295, CTE 405, EPSY 302, EDFN 475, SEED 314, SEED 450, AGED 404.

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  • AGED 454 - Teaching Ag Systems Technology Labs

    Shop management, safety, shop plans, selection, care and use of hand and power tools, and equipment, to be taken as part of student teaching block in Agricultural Education. Offered first six weeks of semester.Credits: 2Prerequisites: P, senior in Agricultural Education; CTE 295, CTE 405, EPSY 302, EDFN 475, SEED 314, SEED 450, AGED 404Corequisites: Corequisite course AGED 454L.

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  • AGED 475 - Supervised Teaching Internship

    Assigned in the individual student’s major, or inappropriate, the teaching minor. An experiential application of teaching pedagogy and content for an extended period of time. Application must be made through the Supervisor of Clinical Experiences no later than the second semester of the junior year.Credits: 8Prerequisites: P, Professional Semester I courses, Professional Semester II courses, acceptance and admittance into the Teaching Internship Program; CTE 295, CTE 405, EPSY 302, EDFN 475, SEED 314, SEED 450, AGED 404

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AHED (Adult Higher Education)


AIR (Aerospace Studies)

  • AIR 101 - Aerospace Studies 100

    Professional appearance, customs and courtesies, officership/core values, basic communication, officer opportunities/benefits, and Air Force installations.Credits: 1Corequisites: Corequisite course AIR 101L.

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  • AIR 102 - Aerospace Studies 100

    Interpersonal communication, macro U.S. military history, Air Force organizations/chain of command, cadet/officer candidate/officer, oral communication, and group leadership problems.Credits: 1Corequisites: Corequisite course AIR 102L.

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  • AIR 201 - Aerospace Studies 200

    Air Power from balloons and dirigibles through 1947; Air Force mission, concepts, doctrine and use of air power.Credits: 1Corequisites: Corequisite course AIR 201L.

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  • AIR 202 - Aerospace Studies 200

    History of air power from 1947 to present. Air Force relief missions and civic action programs in the late 1960’sCredits: 1Corequisites: Corequisite course AIR 202L.

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  • AIR 301 - Aerospace Studies 300

    Individual motivational and behavioral processes; leadership and group dynamics provide a foundation for development of professional skills as an Air Force officer-includes speaking and writing as they apply to the Air Force. Air Force quality concepts and techniques.Credits: 3Corequisites: Corequisite course AIR 301L.

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  • AIR 302 - Aerospace Studies 300

    Basic management processes of planning organizing, decision-making, controlling and use of analytical aids. The manager’s world of power, politics, strategy, tactics and value conflicts discussed within the context of the military organization.Credits: 3Corequisites: Corequisite course AIR 302L.

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  • AIR 401 - Aerospace Studies 400

    The complex interaction between military and civilian society. Theory and workings of National Defense policy. Roles and mission of the Air Force. Commissioned military service as a profession.Credits: 3Corequisites: Corequisite course 401L.

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  • AIR 402 - Aerospace Studies 400

    Evolution of defense strategy and the methods of managing conflict. Analysis of the system of Military Justice.Credits: 3Corequisites: Corequisite course 402L.

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AIS (American Indian Studies)

  • AIS 100 - Introduction to American Indian Studies

    Introduction to indigenous cultures of North America with emphasis on those inhabiting the United States. Contemporary issues facing Indian people today are covered along with relevant historical, geographical, legal, cultural, and philosophical information.Credits: 3

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  • AIS 101 - Introductory Lakota I

    An introduction to the Lakota language with emphasis on conversation, language structure, and vocabulary.Credits: 4

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  • AIS 102 - Introductory Lakota II

    A continued introduction to the Lakota language with emphasis on basic conversation, language structure, and vocabulary.Credits: 4Prerequisites: P, AIS 101 or LAKL 101.

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  • AIS 201 - Intermediate Lakota I

    A continuation of the first-year course, with emphasis on reading, composition, and vocabulary building.Credits: 3Prerequisites: P, AIS 101 and 102 or LAKL 101 and 102.

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  • AIS 202 - Intermediate Lakota II

    A continuation of intermediate Lakota with emphasis on reading, composition, vocabulary building and the oral tradition.Credits: 3Prerequisites: P, AIS 101 and 102 or LAKL 101 and 102.

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  • AIS 238 - Native American Religions

    A survey of Native American religious traditions and their relation to both traditional and contemporary cultures. Focus on ritual, myth and practice in traditional settings, as well as forms of religious resurgence in the 20th century.Credits: 3Cross-Listed: Crosslisted with REL 238.

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  • AIS 256 - Literature of American West

    A study of the literature produced in our region, centered on the Great Plains, including that of Native Americans, both oral and written; of pioneers, immigrants; and farmers; Western literature, and current writers.Credits: 3Prerequisites: P, ENGL 101.

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  • AIS 368 - History and Culture of the American Indian

    Presents history and culture of North American Indians from before white contact to the present, emphasizing regional Dakota cultures.Credits: 3Cross-Listed: Cross-listed with HIST 368.

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  • AIS 410 - North American Ethnology

    A comparative survey of native North American cultures representative of major cultural areas of North America. Emphasis on traditional cultures using a case-study approach.Credits: 3Cross-Listed: Cross-listed with ANTH 410.

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  • AIS 417 - American Indian Government and Politics

    An in-depth investigation of federal, state, and tribal laws, and the historical development and status of treaties, legislation, court decisions, and tribal governments.Credits: 3

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  • AIS 421 - Indians of North America

    Provides prospective teachers and those interested in Indian people with a basic knowledge of Indian heritage and culture. Emphasis on the Dakota Indians. (Fullfills Teacher Ed. requirement.)Credits: 3Cross-Listed:  Cross-listed with ANTH 421/521.

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  • AIS 445 - American Indian Literature

    Concentration of myths and legends of major language groups, particularly the Siouan.Credits: 3Cross-Listed: Cross-listed with ENGL 351.

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  • AIS 447 - American Indian Literature of Present

    Twentieth-century autobiography, fiction, and poetry by Native American authors.Credits: 3Cross-Listed: Cross-listed with ENGL 352.

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  • AIS 467 - Geography of the American Indian

    Study of the geography of the American Indians under three primary topics: loss of Indian lands; development of the Indian reservation system; historical and contemporary land issues. Cross-Listed: Cross-listed with GEOG 467.

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AM (Apparel Merchandising)

  • AM 121 - Dress in Popular Culture

    Social and cultural factors affecting dress. A look at socio-cultural dynamics of contemporary times and how they affect fashion.Credits: 2

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  • AM 172 - Introduction to Apparel Merchandising

    Introduction to basic concepts for success as an apparel merchandising major. Topics include mass media, library research, group behavior, and careers in apparel merchandising.Credits: 2

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  • AM 231 - Ready-To-Wear Analysis

    Analysis of construction, fabric, fit, defects, and pricing of ready-to-wear. Product knowledge, including garment classifications. Examination of consumer attitudes toward product quality.Credits: 3Corequisites: Corequisite course AM 231L.

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  • AM 242 - Textiles I

    An investigation of fiber, yarn, fabrication, finishes and their interrelationship to specific end use and consumer satisfaction.Credits: 3Prerequisites: P, sophomore standing.Corequisites: Corequisite course

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  • AM 274 - Fashion Promotion

    Principles in the promotion of merchandise to varied consumer groups by all segments of the fashion industry. Study of the techniques used for fashion promotion. Experience in planning, execution, installation and evaluation of advertisements, displays, and fashion shows (events).Credits: 3Corequisites: Corequisite course 274L.

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  • AM 315 - Apparel Design

    Course develops aesthetic judgment and design literacy of students. Fashion design for various levels of the industry including protective and functional clothing markets are studied.Credits: 3Prerequisites: P, AM 172.Corequisites: Corequisite course AM 315L.

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  • AM 331 - Aesthetics of Dress

    Students apply elements and principles of design to the study of dress in order to understand its aesthetic qualities across various cultures. Professional relevance is addressed and applications to the design, manufacture, and merchandising of apparel products are included.Credits: 3Corequisites: Corequisite course AM 331L.

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  • AM 350 - Cultural Perspectives on Dress

    The simple act of dressing the body results in a powerful form of non-verbal communication that has the potential to convey many messages including authority, gender, and physical ideals. This course focuses on diversity and social change, the influence of cultural ideals and standards of appearance, and the evolution of dress in response to society’s needs, values, and technology. Students will examine these issues from cross-cultural and cross-disciplinary perspectives.Credits: 3

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  • AM 352 - History of Dress in the Western World

    Development of costumes from ancient times; social significance, symbolic meanings, and functions are investigated. Costume collection in College of Family and Consumer Sciences serves as a resource material.Credits: 3

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  • AM 372 - Merchandising and Buying I

    Analysis of merchandising components for profitability. Develop strategies for planning profitable and acceptable merchandise lines. Construct a buying plan. Case study approach.Credits: 3

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  • AM 381 - Professional Behavior at Work

    Social skills and professional conduct in a global workplace. Emphasis will be on interpersonal communication and cross-cultural interactions appropriate in the work environment.Credits: 3

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  • AM 453 - Socio-Psychological Aspects of Dress

    Examination of clothing behavior from sociological, psychological and cultural perspectives.Credits: 3Cross-Listed: Crosslisted with WMST 453.

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  • AM 462 - Retailing

    Principles of retailing as applied to textiles, apparel and furnishings retailing. Study of customer demand, buying, inventory control and promotion. Field trip to market center is required.Credits: 3

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  • AM 472 - Merchandising and Buying II

    Continuation of the merchandising and buying process. Specific computer applications to the process will be explored. Development of a global sourcing plan for merchandise to fulfill business needs will be required.Credits: 3Prerequisites: P, AM 372.Corequisites: Corequisite course AM 472L.

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  • AM 473 - International Trade in Textiles and Apparel

    Examination of the textiles and apparel industries in a global context including history and development, organization and operation, domestic and international trade policies.Credits: 3

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