2007-2008 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Sep 27, 2024  
2007-2008 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]



CSC (Computer Science)

  • CSC 346 - Object Oriented Programming (COM)

    The study of object oriented methodologies using a modern language such as C++ or Java. Advanced data structures, I/O and file management will be implemented using polymorphism, inheritance, overloading and encapsulation.Credits: 3Prerequisites: P, CSC 300.

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  • CSC 354 - Introduction to Systems Programming

    The study of macros, subroutines, subroutine linkage, conditional assembly, input-output, interrupt processing, assemblers, loaders and linkers.Credits: 3Prerequisites: P, CSC 300, CSC 314.

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  • CSC 422-522 - GUI Programming (COM)

    This course is event-driven graphical user interface (GUI) programming will cover topics such as C++ programming for Windows.Credits: 3

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  • CSC 433-533 - Computer Graphics (COM)

    Graphical programming concepts. Display media and device characteristics. Point, line, and circle plotting. Coordinating systems and transformations. Polygon clipping and filling. Spline methods, hidden surface elimination, and shading.Credits: 3Prerequisites: P, CSC 300, MATH 125.

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  • CSC 445 - Introduction to Theory of Computation (COM)

    Introduction to a series of models for computation and their relationship to formal languages that are useful in the definition of programming languages along with a look at the theoretical limits of computers. Topics include finite and pushdown automata, Turing machines, grammars, decidability and computational complexity.Credits: 3Prerequisites: P, CSC 250, MATH 253, MATH 316.

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  • CSC 446 - Compiler Construction

    Structure of algorithmic, conversational, list processing and string manipulation languages. Concepts and facilities of programming languages; structure of compilers, introduction to formal languages and parsing.Credits: 3Prerequisites: P, CSC 300, CSC 445.

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  • CSC 447-547 - Artificial Intelligence (COM)

    Concepts in Artificial intelligence: programming in languages such as Prolog or LISP; knowledge representation; search algorithms.Credits: 3Prerequisites: P, CSC 250.

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  • CSC 456 - Operating Systems (COM)

    A study of the functions and structures associated with operating systems with respect to process management, memory management, auxiliary storage management, and processor management. Topics include concurrent and distributed computing, deadlock, real and virtual memory, job and processor scheduling, security and protection.Credits: 3Prerequisites: P, CSC 300, CSC 314.

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  • CSC 461 - Programming Languages (COM)

    This course consists of two parts. The first part introduces how programming languages are designed, including an introduction to the concepts of parsing and compiling. Issues related to implementation such as type checking, binding, and memory management are discussed. Secondly, the course will survey the spectrum of programming languages paradigms, including traditional imperative, object oriented, functional, and logic languages.Credits: 3Prerequisites: P, CSC 300.

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  • CSC 470 - Software Engineering (COM)

    An introduction to the software engineering process, including lifecycle phases, problem analysis, specification, project estimation and resource estimations, design, implementation, testing/maintenance, and project management. In particular, software validation and verification as well as scheduling and schedule assessment techniques will be discussed.Credits: 3Prerequisites: P, CSC 300.

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  • CSC 474-574 - Computer Networks

    Analysis of current and future computer networks with emphasis on the OSI model. Local and wide area networks. TCP/IP, SNA, token ring, ethernet and other common networks will be covered. Protocol and interfaces within and across networks including the OSI layers, routers, bridges and gateway.Credits: 3Prerequisites: P, CSC 300.

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  • CSC 480 - Methods of Teaching Computer Science

    The principles, methods and theories in teaching computer science subjects to secondary school students will be studied.Credits: 3Prerequisites: P, CSC 300.

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  • CSC 481 - Systems Analysis (COM)

    Systems analysis covers concepts, skills, methodologies, techniques, tools and perspectives essential for systems analysts to successfully design information systems. Topics include requirements specifications, object-oriented analysis and design using the unified modeling language and project management.Credits: 3

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  • CSC 484 - Database Management Systems (COM)

    The study of formalized database design. This course will focus on relational model design and the use of SQL. Students will use a modern relational database to implement designs and learn the basics of data management.Credits: 3Prerequisites: P, CSC 300.

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  • CSC 485 - Software Engineering II (AW)

    The course is designed to illustrate the principles discussed in CSC 470. The students will be team leaders on a project that involves the system analysis, design, integration, testing, and maintenance of a large, real world software system. The students will also document the process of the real world software development.Credits: 3Prerequisites: P, CSC 470.

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CSCA (Computer Science Application)

  • CSCA 120 - Introduction to Microsoft Windows

    Basic information needed for effective computer use is presented. Course content includes: working with menus, directories and subdirectories, creating, naming, deleting and batch files. Techniques for working with the hard disk are included.Credits: 1Prerequisites: P, CSCA 100 or permission of instructor.

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CSS (Computational Science & Statistics)


CTE (Career & Technical Education)

  • CTE 105 - Principles of Career and Technical Education

    A study of career and technical education terminology, service areas, instructional programs and basic principles of vocational technical education.Credits: (1-3)

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  • CTE 189 - Technical Specialty:

    (Name of technical program.) Granted to students who have: 1. successfully completed approved coursework related to a Technical Specialty from a vocational technical institute or school; 2. documentation of a chronological history of relevant occupational work experience leading to identifiable competencies completed in a Technical Specialty approved by granting institution; 3. successfully passed an occupational competency evaluation, such as: National Occupational Competency Testing Institute (NOCTI) exam for a specific Technical Specialty; and 4. validated military experiences that are related to a technical specialty.Credits: (1-32)

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  • CTE 201 - Mentorship/Practicum I

    This course is the first class in a two-year mentorship/practicum program designed for new faculty entering secondary and post-secondary education. Course content will focus on teaching and learning, philosophy, curriculum development, assessment and evaluation, program planning and management, and individual and organizational development.Credits: 2

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  • CTE 202 - Mentorship/Practicum II

    This course is the second class in a two-year mentorship/practicum program designed for new faulty entering secondary and post-secondary education. Course content will focus on teaching and learning, philosophy, curriculum development, assessment and evaluation, program planning and management, and individual and organizational development, but at higher cognitive, affective, and psychomotor levels than CTE 201.Credits: 2

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  • CTE 208 - Occupational Internship I

    Coordinated work experience in an occupation related to a specific vocational education content area. Prior application is required.Credits: (1-3)Prerequisites: P, permission of instructor.

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  • CTE 251 - Occupational Analysis

    An analysis breakdown of a trade or occupation to determine units for instruction.Credits: (1-3)

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  • CTE 301 - Mentorship/Practicum III

    This class is the third class in a two-year mentorship/practicum program designed for new faculty in their second year in secondary and postsecondary education. Course content will focus on teaching and learning, philosophy, curriculum development, assessment and evaluation, program planning and management, and individual and organizational development, but at higher cognitive, affective, and psychomotor levels than CTE 201 and 202. Emphasis will be placed on developing leadership skills and abilities in the education profession.Credits: 2

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  • CTE 302 - Mentorship/Practicum IV

    This course is the fourth class in a two-year mentorship/practicum program designed for new faculty in their second year in secondary and postsecondary education. Course content will focus on teaching and learning, philosophy, curriculum development, assessment and evaluation, program planning and management, and individual and organizational development, but at higher cognitive, affective, and psychomotor levels than CTE 201, 202 and 301. Emphasis will be placed on developing leadership skills and abilities in the education profession.Credits: 2

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  • CTE 308 - Occupational Internship II

    Coordinated work experience in an occupation related to a specific vocational education content area. Coordinated plan must build upon CTE 208 and substantiate a progressive educational experience. Prior application is required.Credits: (1-3)Prerequisites: P, prior approval of instructor.

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  • CTE 311 - Career and Technical Adult Education

    Objectives, principles, methods and practices to be used in the teaching of adult classes. Emphasis will be placed upon classes for retraining and upgrading adults in skilled or technical occupations.Credits: (1-3)

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  • CTE 312 - Technical Education

    Technical education programs are studied in regard to their development, curriculum content, equipment, and staff requirements.Credits: (1-3)

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  • CTE 313 - Organization and Coordination of Cooperative Educational Programs

    The development of an effective cooperative relationship between school based coordinator and the business/industrial sponsor; the selection, orientation and training of sponsors; reporting and record keeping; the evaluation and selection of students; and program evaluation.Credits: 3

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  • CTE 314 - The Special Needs Learner

    Introduction to vocational education for learners with special needs. Historical and current issues and trends, including review of existing programs.Credits: 3

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  • CTE 352 - Instructional Resources Development

    Study of instructional materials, sources and application; emphasis on principles for making resources useful to CTE teachers. Construction and application of materials required.Credits: 2

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  • CTE 371 - Laboratory Organization and Management

    The basic elements of organizing and managing a vocational program, the selection of equipment, faculty development, legal responsibilities of laboratory instructors, inventory, storage control and safety.Credits: (1-3)

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  • CTE 380 - Technical Industrial Training

    (Registration is initiated by submitting CTE Form No. 149 to the Coordinator of Vocational Technical Teacher Education.) Manufacturers, industries, and service firms offer many special technical courses that are available to vocational trade, industrial and technical instructors or prospective instructors. Some of these courses are suitable for college credit, and upon approval credit may be granted. The following guidelines are used to award such credit: 1. The student must submit CTE Form No. 149 to receive approval for registration. 2. The student must make all the necessary arrangements with the industrial firm offering the industrial training session. 3. Credit is awarded on the basis of one-half credit for twenty hours of attendance.Credits: (5-6)

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  • CTE 405 - Philosophy of Career and Technical Education

    Overview of vocational-technical and practical arts education, its place in the community and school; organization and characteristics of instructional programs at secondary, post-secondary and adult levels in agriculture, family and consumer sciences education, business and office, industrial, health, and distributive education; career education; legislation; and current trends and issues.Credits: 2Prerequisites: P, sophomore in education.Notes: For prospective teachers and guidance personnel.

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  • CTE 408 - Occupational Internship III

    Coordinated work experience in an occupation related to a specific vocational education content area. Coordinated plan must build upon CTE 308 and substantiate a progressive educational experience. Prior application is required.Credits: (1-3)Prerequisites: P, prior approval of instructor.

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  • CTE 419-519 - Methods of Teaching

    This course will feature lesson presentation and methods of delivering instruction in vocational technical education. The course is designed for individuals who are presently teaching in the vocational technical education field. Content builds upon existing knowledge of the program participants in order to increase comprehension of the field of vocational technical education. Instructional techniques appropriate for vocational technical education are developed based on models identified in competency-based or performance-based education. Special emphasis is placed upon teaching methods which coexist with a performance-based philosophy. Participants are actively involved in current teaching assignments which creates an enormous opportunity for reflection and debate.Credits: 3

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  • CTE 420-520 - Entrepreneurship in Career and Technical Education

    This course is designed to help educators in all areas of vocational education to incorporate basic concepts of entrepreneurship into the curriculum. Topics include: small business plans, government regulations, site locations, record keeping, financing, legal considerations, business promotions, managing human resources, small business contributions to the economy and economic development, educational resources for entrepreneurship, placement of the entrepreneurship concept in vocational education programs and review of basic concepts related to entrepreneurship such as business ownership options and entrepreneur characteristics.Credits: 3

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  • CTE 425-525 - Development of Career and Technical Education Thought and Practice

    Philosophy, origins, and development of vocational, technical and practical arts, educations at adult, postsecondary, secondary, and pre-vocational levels. Current and emerging principles, practices, and issues are stressed.Credits: 3

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  • CTE 430-530 - Cooperative Education Coordination Techniques

    This course emphasizes the organization of cooperative work experience in vocational education programs: agriculture, marketing education, health occupations, family consumer sciences education, business education, and trade and industrial. Emphasizes strategies and techniques for coordinating classroom instruction with on-the-job work experience. Topics include: program organization, coordinator responsibilities, student selection, placement, advisory councils, public relations, training stations, training plans, legal aspects, and program and student evaluation.Credits: 3

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  • CTE 438 - Industrial Safety

    Industrial accident prevention considering the nature and extent of the accident problem. Emphasis upon the development of a safety program for instructional programs and industrial management.Credits: 2

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  • CTE 440-540 - Curriculum Design in Career and Technical Education (AW)

    A development process of selection, organization and management of instructional content and supplemental materials; development of objectives; the integration of teaching/learning strategies; implementation of evaluation measures.Credits: 3

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  • CTE 457 - Instructional Technology

    Visual aids used in vocational and technical education and their relationship to the various occupational areas.Credits: 2

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  • CTE 463-563 - Technical and Industrial Experience

    This course is designed for Career and Technical Educators. The purpose of this course is to aid the educator in staying current with new technologies and methodologies occurring in business and industry. Approval is required from the Coordinator of Career and Technical Education (CTE) at least two weeks prior to the educational experience. To receive graduate credit a student will need to complete a paper reviewing the educational experience. Complete details on receiving undergraduate and graduate credit for the Technical and Industrial Experiences course are included in the application materials. (Appropriate forms and related paperwork can be acquired from the Coordinator of CTE.)Credits: (1-4)

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  • CTE 472 - Public Relations and Advisory Committee

    Techniques and media for communicating with the public information on different types of advisory committees used in vocational technical education and industrial firms.Credits: (1-3)

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  • CTE 474 - Industrial Conference Leading

    Methods, procedures and techniques utilized by the vocational technical educator in arranging and conducting conferences with industrial personnel.Credits: (1-3)

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  • CTE 475 - Vocational Youth Organizations

    Methods of establishing organizations at the local level.Credits: (1-3)

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  • CTE 477 - Job Analysis and Employee Evaluation

    Analyzing jobs and evaluating employee performance for purposes of training, promotion, salary adjustments, and establishing hiring criteria.Credits: 3

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  • CTE 488 - Student Teaching

    Full time off-campus supervised teaching in a secondary or post-secondary Vocational Technical setting for 10 weeks. Student teaching fee assessed.Credits: 8

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DANC (Dance)

  • DANC 130 - Dance Fundamentals

    Basic skills course required of all physical education and public recreation majors. Includes analysis, skill development, and leadership of round, folk, square and social dances, traditional and contemporary.Credits: 1

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  • DANC 131 - Movement 1

    The basic principles of human movement as they apply to the individual, the actor, the dancer and the musician.Credits: 2

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  • DANC 132 - Movement 2

    The advanced principles of human movement as they apply to the individual, actor, dancer and the musician.Credits: 2Prerequisites: P, DANC 131.

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  • DANC 230 - Technique 1

    Technical dance training in basic structures of Classical Ballet and Jazz.Credits: 1

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