2007-2008 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Sep 26, 2024  
2007-2008 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]



A&S (Arts & Sciences)

  • A&S 482-582 - Travel Studies

    This travel study course is designed to provide extra-mural educational experiences, as approved by and under the direction of a faculty member, and may be in cooperation with faculty and administrators of other institutions. Students will participate in hands-on activities and design educational activities for presentation at selected locations. Includes pre-travel orientation, post-travel self-evaluation, and a written report.Credits: (1-5)

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ABE (Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering)

  • ABE 122 - Introduction to Agricultural and Biological Engineering

    An introduction to applications of engineering to agricultural and biological systems. Emphasis is on engineering as a career and engineering of plant, animal, soil based and biological materials systems.Credits: 2

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  • ABE 225 - Principles of Environmental Science and Engineering

    Introduction to the basic principles of environmental management, environmental science and engineering, and natural resources engineering. The class will be team taught by faculty from environmental management, civil and environmental engineering, agricultural and biosystems engineering, and agricultural systems technology programs. The course will teach the fundamental physical, biological, and chemical principles of environmental processes. The course will also explore the impact of humans and human activity on ecosystems in the environment.Credits: 3Prerequisites: P, CHEM 106 or CHEM 112.

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  • ABE 311 - Design Project I

    Procedures, theory, concepts and design of equipment for agricultural production or ag product processing applications. The integration of design principles with design projects and reports.Credits: 1Notes: Junior standing.

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  • ABE 314 - Ag Power and Machines

    Analysis and design of off-road vehicles and field machines. Includes engines, transmissions, traction, hitches, and hydraulic systems, as well as equipment for liquid and dry material applications.Credits: 4Prerequisites: P, EM 215.Corequisites: Corequisite course ABE 314L.

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  • ABE 321 - Design Project II

    Procedures, theory, concepts and design of equipment for agricultural production or ag product processing applications. The integration of design principles with design projects and reports.Credits: 1Notes: Junior standing.

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  • ABE 324 - Ag Structures and Indoor Environment

    Course is divided into two parts emphasizing design of wood structures and environmental control in animal housing. Loads, structural analysis (statically determinate and indeterminate systems), and wood and wood panel properties are introduced. Design of beams, columns, beam-columns, trusses, sheathing, and diaphragms are emphasized with mechanical fasteners. Desired animal production space (thermal environment and indoor air quality) for production, health, and welfare are discussed. Heating and cooling loads are emphasized along with sizing equipment, fans, inlets, heat exchangers, controls, etc.) to maintain the desired animal production spaceCredits: 4Prerequisites: P, ME 314, EM 331 or concurrent.Corequisites: Corequisite course ABE 324L.

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  • ABE 324L - Ag Structures and Indoor Environment Lab

    Credits: 0Corequisites: Corequisite course ABE 324.

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  • ABE 343 - Engineering Properties of Biological Materials

    Engineering Properties of biological and interacting materials within a system. Relationships between composition, structure, and properties of various biomaterials including food and plant and animal tissues. Definition and measurement of mechanical, physical, thermal and electromagnetic properties and their variability. Use of these properties in engineering applications.Credits: 3Corequisites: Corequisite course ABE 343L.

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  • ABE 343L - Engineering Properties of Biological Materials Lab

    Credits: 0Corequisites: Corequisite course ABE 343.

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  • ABE 350 - Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems

    Fluid properties, pumps, actuators, valves and their selection and performance in hydraulic circuits. Open center, closed center, load sensing and pressure compensated circuits. Proportional electro-hydraulic values and closed-loop control in hydraulic circuits.Credits: 3Corequisites: Corequisite course ABE350L.

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  • ABE 353 - Physical Climatology and Meteorology

    Physical description of daily weather changes and circulation of the atmosphere. Long time means and variation from means of climatological parameters. Application of meteorological and climatological principles to various problem areas.Credits: 3Corequisites: Corequisite course ABE 353L.

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  • ABE 353L - Physical Climatology and Meteorology Lab

    Credits: 0Corequisites: Corequisite course ABE 353.

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  • ABE 372 - Microcomputer Applications AE

    Data acquisition, processing, and analysis for agriculture production using a computer based system. Application of electronic instrumentation methodology (analysis and design) and tools (sensors, instruments, basic electronic hardware and simulation software). LabView software programming. Introduction to CAN bus technology and proportional integral derivative controllers.Credits: 2Prerequisites: P, CSC 150 or CSC 218.Corequisites: Corequisite course ABE 372L.

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  • ABE 411 - Design Project III

    Procedures, theory, concepts and design of equipment for agricultural production or ag product processing applications. The integration of design principles with design projects and reports.Credits: 2Notes: Senior standing.

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  • ABE 422 - Design Project IV (AW)

    Procedures, theory, concepts and design of equipment for agricultural production or ag product processing applications. The integration of design principles with design projects and reports.Credits: 2Notes: Senior standing.

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  • ABE 434 - Natural Resources Engineering

    Precipitation, infiltration, evapotranspiration and runoff from small agricultural watersheds and application to design of conservation structures, water erosion control practices. Design of drainage and irrigation systems. Feedlot pollution control principles.Credits: 4Prerequisites: P, EM 331.Corequisites: Corequisite course ABE 434L.

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  • ABE 444-544 - Unit Operations of Biological Materials Processing

    Transport processes of heat and mass are applied to the following unit operations: evaporation, drying, gas liquid separation processes (humidification cooling towers), vapor-liquid separation processes (distillation), soil-liquid separation processes (leaching), membrane separations (ultrafiltration, reserve osmosis), mechanical separation processes, extrusion. P, senior standing or consentCredits: 4Corequisites: Corequisite course ABE 444L-544L.

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  • ABE 444L-544L - Unit Operations Biological Materials Processing Lab

    Credits: 0Corequisites: Corequisite course ABE 444-544.

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  • ABE 454 - Advanced Unit Operations in Food/Biological Materials Processing

    Advanced study of engineering principles as they apply to unit operations for food preservation and processing, including effect of heat and time on the lethality of undesirable food microorganisms, heat transfer with foods and containers and its effect on food safety, freezing and refrigeration technology, high temperature short time extrusion processing, and aseptic processing.Credits: 4Prerequisites: P, senior standing or consentCorequisites: Corequisite course ABE 454L.

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  • ABE 454L - Advanced Unit Operations of Food/Biological Materials Problems Lab

    Credits: 0Corequisites: Corequisite course ABE 454.

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  • ABE 460 - Senior Design I Environmental Science/Engineering

    Development of a comprehensive interdisciplinary environmental science and engineering project design. Written and oral report for preliminary design and plan for second semester final design project.Credits: 1

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  • ABE 461 - Senior Design II Environmental Science/Engineering

    Completion of a comprehensive interdisciplinary environmental science and engineering project design. Written and oral report, and plans for final design project.Credits: 2

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  • ABE 463 - Applied Instrumentation

    Measurement systems for strain, flow, pressure, displacement, and temperature are introduced with error analysis and the dynamic characteristics of the measurand and measurement system. Filters, amplifiers, logic circuits, and input circuitry analysis and use are emphasized. The additional signal conditioning required for digital data acquisition is presented.Credits: 3Prerequisites: P, EE 300.Corequisites: Corequisite course ABE 463L.

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ABS (Agriculture and Biological Sciences)

  • ABS 100 - Exploring Ag and the Food System

    An introduction for students pursuing the 2 and 4 year General Agriculture majors, this course will provide an overview of issues, opportunities, academic and career possibilities for students interested in agriculture.Credits: 1

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  • ABS 203 - Global Food Systems (G)

    Introduction to global food systems and agricultural diversity. Food production techniques, economics, society/cultural values, and agricultural constraints in several countries will be studied. The course is team taught with faculty from Economics, Animal and Range Sciences, and Plant Science.Credits: 3

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  • ABS 205 - Biotechnology in Agriculture and Medicine

    This course will provide a means for students in various majors to gain an understanding of the rapidly emerging, multidisciplinary research and applications in biotechnology, and to learn of potential career directions and training opportunities in biotechnology-related fields. Course materials and lectures will change each year to keep up with the changing technology. Guest lecturers will provide the best expertise available. Internet assistance is necessary to provide resource materials and new publications. Course will be open to all students.Credits: 2

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  • ABS 210 - Introduction to Biorenewable Products and Processing

    A survey of biorenewable resources, technologies, and industries. Topics include sources and production of biomass; processing of biomass into fuels and other products; environmental impact; and economic analysis.Credits: 3Cross-Listed: AST 210 Introduction to Biorenewable Products and Processing

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  • ABS 310 - Leadership for Families and the Food System

    Principles of leadership within the unique contexts of agriculture, biological sciences, family and consumer sciences. Topics covered include definitions and approaches to the study of leadership, leadership styles, gender and ethnic diversity, leadership in groups, ethical issues, mission statements, and emerging leadership issues.Credits: 3Cross-Listed: Crosslisted with FCS 310.

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  • ABS 381 - Multicultural Agriculture/Biological Science Experience

    This will be a team-mentored class. Students will work one on one or in small groups with professors that have knowledge of the region and one-to three week experience to an area in the U.S. that is different from their home agricultural community, to experience and evaluate diverse food/ agricultural systems. For the Bachelor’s degree, a maximum of 8 credits is allowed for domestic multicultural travel/study experience (ABS 381) and/or an international travel/study experience (ABS 482). ABS203 is recommended.Credits: (2-4)

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  • ABS 475 - Integrated Natural Resource Management (AW)

    A capstone course that requires students to integrate previously-learned natural resource techniques and information into the strategic planning process. Students will be divided into small groups for plan development. Various majors are involved to allow for integrated course material.Credits: 3Prerequisites: P, dependent on major.Corequisites: Corequisite course ABS 475L.

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  • ABS 482-582 - International Experience (G)

    This will be a team-mentored class. Students will work one on one or in small groups with professors that have knowledge of the global region and culture that will be visited. Students will participate in a one-to-three week travel/study abroad experience to another nation(s) to experience and evaluate diverse food/agricultural systems. For the Bachelor’s degree, a maximum of 8 credits is allowed for domestic multicultural travel/study experience (ABS 381) and/or an international travel/study experience (ABS 482). ABS 203 is recommended.Credits: (2-4)

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ACCT (Accounting)

  • ACCT 210 - Principles of Accounting I (COM)

    A study of fundamental accounting principles and procedures such as journalizing, posting, preparation of financial statements, and other selected topics. Accounting is emphasized as a service activity designed to provide the information about economic entities that is necessary for making sound decisions.Credits: 3Prerequisites: P, sophomore or above standing or consent of instructor.

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  • ACCT 211 - Principles of Accounting II (COM)

    A continuation of ACCT-210 with emphasis on partnership and corporate structures, management decision-making, cost control, and other selected topics.Credits: 3Prerequisites: P, ACCT 210.

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  • ACCT 310 - Intermediate Accounting I (COM)

    Involves the intensive study of financial accounting standards, both in theory and practice, as they relate to the preparation and analysis of financial statements. Accounting problems and their impact on the financial statements are addressed in regard to current assets, fixed assets, intangible assets, liabilities, and other selected topics.Credits: 3Prerequisites: P, ACCT 211.

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  • ACCT 311 - Intermediate Accounting II (COM)

    Provides an intensive study of accounting standards, both in theory and practice, as they relate to the preparation and analysis of financial statements. Accounting problems and their impact on the financial statements are addressed in regard to liabilities, investments, stockholders’ equity, leases, pensions, tax allocation and other selected topics.Credits: 3Prerequisites: P, ACCT 310 or consent of instructor.

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  • ACCT 320 - Cost Accounting (COM)

    The study of principles and techniques for accumulating, reporting, and analyzing cost information for decision-making and external reporting. The use of cost accounting systems for planning and controlling cost responsibility centers is emphasized. Consideration is given to the appropriate use of various cost accounting methods such as activity-based costing, target costing, and just in time management techniques in service and manufacturing industries.Credits: 3Prerequisites: P, ACCT 211.

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  • ACCT 406-506 - Accounting for Entrepreneurs (COM)

    Accounting concepts and practices for entrepreneurs/small business owners. Emphasis given to the use of accounting tools to solve small business problems.Credits: 3

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  • ACCT 430 - Income Tax Accounting (COM)

    Involves the study of Federal Income Tax law as it affects individuals, as well as other selected topics.Credits: 3Prerequisites: P, ACCT 211.

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  • ACCT 450 - Auditing (COM)

    Studies both theory and practice. Topics include audit planning, internal control, audit procedures, audit reports and opinions, materiality, audit risk, evidential matter, as required by generally accepted auditing standards (GAAS), professional ethics, legal responsibilities, and other selected topics.Credits: 3Prerequisites: P, ACCT 311 or consent of instructor.

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AGEC (Agricultural Economics)

  • AGEC 271 - Farm and Ranch Management

    Farm or ranch business from viewpoint of continuous profit and efficiency. Basics of farm management applied to selection and combination of enterprises, level of production, size of business, labor efficiency, and machinery efficiency. Types of farming, tenure and leasing, risk, prices, credit and starting farming. Business and production records, their analysis and use in budgeting and planning future operationsCredits: 4Prerequisites: P, one course from MATH except 021, 101, 100T.Corequisites: Corequisite course AGEC 271L.

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  • AGEC 352 - Agricultural Law

    Legal rights and duties of parties to agricultural business transactions: sales, secured transactions, real and personal property, business associations, labor relations, bankruptcy, water and drainage, and livestock. Emphasis is on South Dakota law.Credits: 3Prerequisites: P, BADM 350, junior standing.

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  • AGEC 354 - Agricultural Marketing and Prices

    Principal factors which affect the supply, demand and prices of agricultural commodities. Market information in forecasting price trends. Evaluation of alternate marketing strategies, e.g., futures trading, other forward pricing instruments. Alternative agricultural marketing institutions.Credits: 3Prerequisites: P, ECON 201 or 202

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  • AGEC 364 - Introduction to Cooperatives

    This course will address the concepts and business principles of the cooperative form of business. Cooperatives differ from other businesses because they are member-owned and operate for the benefit of members, not investors. The course is designed to provide students an understanding of cooperatives that is legally consistent and realistic.Credits: 3

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