2009-2010 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Jan 02, 2025  
2009-2010 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Services & Facilities

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Agricultural Experiment Station


The Agricultural Experiment Station is one of three activities at SDSU that define the Land-Grant University. The mission of the South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station (SDAES) is to conduct research to enhance the quality of life in South Dakota through the beneficial use and development of human, economic, and natural resources.

Serving as South Dakota’s Land-Grant Institution, SDSU is home to the premier research programs in the state. Research programs in SDAES directly support the teaching programs offered in the College of Agriculture and Biological Sciences and the educational programs delivered by the SD Cooperative Extension Service (SDCES). The SDAES extends the reach of the University through multi-state programs shared with other Land-Grant institutions that bring objective answers home to all South Dakotans. With an enduring mission of practical research, SDAES serves agriculture, enhances our quality of life, and brings economic development to South Dakota.

Research priorities are based in several theme areas relevant to South Dakota agriculture, including: biostress, agricultural production, natural resources and conservation, biotechnology, biobased energy and industries.

SDAES provides a base of new knowledge and service to South Dakotans. This new knowledge is effectively used by farmers, ranchers, homemakers, industry, classroom instructors, and Extension educators throughout the state. Courses in the College of Agriculture and Biological Sciences and in the College of Family and Consumer Sciences are especially strengthened by this new knowledge.

Much of the SDAES research is done at Brookings; however, a considerable amount is conducted at six field stations and at the West River Agricultural Research and Extension Center at Rapid City. Field stations are maintained to conduct research designed to solve local or special problems. Beyond this, research on farms and ranches, in wildlife areas, in watersheds and with cooperating businesses and institutions results in scientific investigation being conducted in nearly every county of the state.

Research may be grouped in the following subject matter areas: livestock, crops and soils, community and public affairs, animal health, fertilizers, garden and orchard, home and consumer, water resources and irrigation, forestry, insects, farm machinery, marketing, business management, farm buildings, pollution, range and forages, fisheries, plant diseases, wildlife, sociology, and stress in plants, animals, and humans. Much of the research is integrated through the Biostress Mission.

Research is financed by State and Federal appropriations, industry grants, and Federal and State grants. Research results are published in Agricultural Experiment Station or Extension bulletins, scientific journals, and a quarterly publication, Farm and Home Research. Many of these publications are available from County Extension Offices or the Experiment Station Bulletin Room on campus.

For information contact the Director, John D. Kirby, Agricultural Experiment Station, SDSU, Box 2207, Brookings, SD 57007-0291, phone 605-688-4149 or e-mail: sandra.rusten@sdstate.

Alumni Association


The purpose of the SDSU Alumni Association, a separate entity from the University, is to foster a spirit of loyalty and fellowship among graduates, faculty, students, former students, and friends of the University, and to direct and/or participate in an organized cooperative effort for the advancement, development, achievement, and honor of both South Dakota State University and its alumni.

The Alumni Association can be reached at 605-697-5198, e-mail: alumni@statealum.com or Box 515, Brookings, SD

Animal Disease Research and Diagnostic Laboratory


The South Dakota Animal Disease Research and Diagnostic Laboratory (ADRDL) is a public service laboratory that is totally integrated with the Veterinary Science Department. Career service personnel, professional diagnosticians and faculty operate the lab. The faculty is actively involved with the traditional roles of service (professional outreach), research and teaching/advising. State general funds and user fees pay for the Laboratory’s operation. The Laboratory is a reference lab and only receives cases by referral from veterinarians or state officials. The ADRDL mission is to provide high quality veterinary diagnostic services and research as a means to promptly and accurately establish causes of animal health problems. Such diagnoses will aid attending veterinarians and health officials in the treatment, control, prevention, and surveillance of animal diseases to the benefit of the SD livestock industry, other animal owners, and society at large. The ADRDL is one of 39 labs in the United States that is accredited by the American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians and is part of the National Animal Health Laboratory Network (NAHLN), as well as the Food Emergency Response Network (FERN).

The Director, David H. Zeman, can be contacted at 605-688-5172 or by e-mail: david.zeman@sdstate.edu

Career Planning Services (College of General Studies)


Planning for a career after graduation should begin with the first advising session at SDSU. The College of General Studies and Career Planning Services, located in Medary Commons, offer a variety of services designed to assist with that planning. Students from all colleges and majors are welcome to take advantage of the support offered in the following areas.

College of General Studies
It is not unusual for students to begin their university experience being undecided about their major, and the College of General Studies is designed to help students reach an informed decision. Students are assigned to academic advisors who guide the exploration of degree programs that will allow the integration of their unique characteristics into a satisfying career. Students take general classes required for all students, so they do not lose time toward graduation while researching their options. GS 100, University Experience, is a class offered to ease the transition to university life and familiarize students with campus resources. In addition, the College of General Studies offers three degrees: Bachelor of Applied Technical Science; Bachelor of Science degree in Interdisciplinary Studies; and an Associate of Arts Degree in General Studies; as well as a minor in Leadership Studies.

Academic Success Support Services
Developing effective study skills is a key to academic success at the university level. GS 143, Mastering Lifetime Learning Skills, is a two credit course offered to help students become more skillful learners. In addition, students may seek individual assistance with cultivating productive study skills, overcoming test anxiety and preparing for the CAAP proficiency exam.

The Wintrode Tutoring Program
The Wintrode Tutoring Program provides free tutoring to SDSU students in select courses. Students can access tutoring by scheduling an appointment or utilizing walk-in sessions. Students who access tutoring will receive assistance with understanding course content and developing study strategies that will help them be more successful in their courses.

Career Planning Services
The process of assessing interests and abilities, connecting them to careers and developing relevant academic plans can be exciting and frightening at the same time. Career consultants are available to provide individual assistance and interpret a variety of career inventories. Information on careers and SDSU majors is available through the website. GS 101, Academic and Career Exploration, is a one-credit course which begins by building self-awareness, adds knowledge of the world of work, and focuses on future career and academic planning requirements. All new GS students are advised to take this class.

Employment Services
Uncovering the best employment opportunities takes time and the effort begins with the foundation of experience developed as early as the freshman year. Whether a student is searching for part-time or summer jobs, internships, or full-time employment, the Career Planning Center offers assistance in learning effective job searching techniques. Services include individual coaching on resume writing, developing job search strategies, and improving interviewing skills, as well as special events such as practice interviews with area employers. In addition, the Career Planning Center works with SDSU colleges to facilitate job fairs and on-campus interviews for the numerous employers that recruit SDSU students. Students may register with the free online career management system to search job listings, post resumes, sign up for on-campus interviews, research employers, and receive email notices regarding job listings. SDSU hosts an on-campus branch of the South Dakota Department of Labor for the convenience of students searching for part-time and summer jobs in Brookings and the around the state. GS 489, Transition to Careers, is a one credit course offered for students preparing to make a successful passage from college to career.

Cooperative Extension Service (CES)


The SD Cooperative Extension Service (CES) provides an offcampus informal educational function of SDSU and encompasses the following broad areas of educational programming: Agriculture, Family and Youth Development/4-H. The mission of the CES is to disseminate and encourage the application of research-generated knowledge and leadership techniques to individuals, families, and communities in order to improve agriculture and strengthen the South Dakota family and community.

The Cooperative Extension Service brings the SDSU campus to every community across the State. Through the Extension educators and specialists, CES disseminates the findings of research and encourages the application of knowledge for solutions of problems and for opportunities encountered in everyday living. Much of the economic progress of families and communities can be traced to this unique type of non-formal, out-of-classroom learning opportunity provided to them for more than 90 years by SDSU in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture and county governments.

Approximately 50% of the funds supporting Cooperative Extension educational programs is appropriated to SDSU by the SD Legislature with 41% from Federal appropriations. Additionally, approximately $3 million is provided by SD counties in the form of in-kind support. Extension program emphasis is constantly changing to meet the needs and opportunities (circumstances) of people who help determine instructional needs.

Cooperative Extension Service staff and South Dakota stakeholders have identified the following core values:

Responsive - Extension will exceed client expectations in the timeliness and quality of programs and information presented.

Excellence - The motivating factor for Extension’s continued growth and improvement will be continued commitment to excellence.

Accountable - Relevant and useful data will be gathered and applied to decision-making about organizational changes, allocation of resources, program priorities, staffing patterns, and professional development for Extension personnel.

Credibility - Extension will address problems and issues with unbiased analysis and research-based answers.

Respectful - Rather than make decisions for the citizens of South Dakota, Extension will present alternatives and provide assistance in the decision-making process.

Catalytic - Through cooperative and collaborative partnerships, Extension will help cause changes across South Dakota.

The CES staff is dedicated to assisting individuals and groups meet the challenges of change in farming, ranching, marketing, the home, community, state, and nation. The press, radio, TV, satellite, interactive audio-visual, the Internet, educational publications, group methods and individual contacts are used to inform and teach. Students are encouraged to become acquainted with the CES staff on campus and take advantage of the information available in Extension publications to enrich their course of study. Extension also offers rewarding career opportunities for graduates in agriculture, family and consumer sciences, natural resources, and other social sciences.

For information contact Gregg Carlson, Interim Associate Dean, College of Agriculture and Biological Sciences and Director of SD Cooperative Extension Service, SDSU, Box 2207D, Brookings, SD 57007, or phone 605-688-4792 or e-mail: gregg.carlson@sdstate.edu or check out the web site at: http://sdces.sdstate.edu.

Crime Reports


South Dakota State University publishes an annual report each fall in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crimes Statistics Act. The report which describes policies, enforcement, statistics, and prevention information programs is distributed to all staff and students by accessing the web at www3.sdstate.edu; click on “Student Life” and then “Safety and Security.” The crime report is also available upon request from the office of the Vice President for Student Affairs.

Diversity Enhancement, Office of


The purpose of the Office of Diversity Enhancement is to promote diversity in all its aspects by advising the university community, developing and implementing diversity enhancement programming, facilitating minority student recruiting and minority faculty and staff recruiting, and working to eliminate discrimination at SDSU. Diversity is defined as a stimulating environment generated by a variety of perspectives, opinions, values, knowledge, ideas, and personal histories represented on campus by people and programs. This variety is expressed through, but is not limited to, differences in ethnicity, race, gender, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, ability, class, and age.

South Dakota State University is committed to maintaining an environment which respects dignity and encourages members of the campus community to achieve their maximum potential, free from discrimination and harassment. Students and staff are encouraged to contact the Director of Diversity Enhancement with suggestions and recommendations for diversity programming and questions or concerns relating to diversity issues on campus. The Office of Diversity Enhancement can be reached at 605-688-6361 or in the Old Foundation building (823 Medary Ave).

Endowed Chairs


An endowed chair is a prestigious faculty position supported entirely by private contributions. Individuals appointed to serve in such positions will be renowned in their fields of expertise and will add a special dimension of quality to the academic environment at South Dakota State University.

An endowment fund established by the late Dr. Ethel Austin Martin, a 1916 SDSU graduate, has, for two decades, maintained an ongoing program of visiting professorships in human nutrition and now supports in perpetuity an endowed chair entitled the Ethel Austin Martin-Edward Moss Martin Chair of Human Nutrition.

The Chair of Human Nutrition was established at SDSU to ensure scholarly instruction in the broad aspects of the science of nutrition. This is a continuing campus position with faculty rank filled by a nutrition scientist selected for qualifications in the science of nutrition, and for understanding, skill and experience in advancing the multidisciplinary approach to nutrition education. This position is funded solely by the endowment.

The Visiting Professorships will continue to be conducted periodically as a major multidisciplinary function of the Chair Program. Typically, visiting professorships are for a period of days or weeks. Programs supported by the Ethel Austin Martin endowment have no administrative affiliation with any one college or department of SDSU.

The program is interdisciplinary and, therefore, is administered directly under the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Dairy Science
The Alfred Chair in Cheese Chemistry and Technology in Dairy Science has been established in recognition and in memory of the late Alfred Gonzenbach and Alfred Nef for their contributions to the cheese industry and economic development through establishment of Valley Queen Cheese Factory, Inc., in Milbank.

The Alfred Chair was created on July 1, 1991, and is funded by the SA Education Foundation in Watertown.

The Alfred Chair will be a continuing campus position with faculty rank filled by a dairy/food scientist with experience in cheese chemistry and technology. The addition of the Alfred Chair, a prestigious faculty appointment, is expected to maintain national prominence of the SDSU Dairy Science Department in the dairy processing profession.

Electrical Engineering
The Hohbach Endowed Chair in Electrical Engineering was established through funds provided by Harold C. Hohbach, a Plankinton, SD, native and 1943 graduate of Electrical Engineering from SDSU. Mr. Hohbach is currently a patent attorney with offices in San Francisco and Palo Alto, California.

The purpose of the Hohbach Endowed Chair is to improve quality of education, research, and entrepreneurship. The primary focus is to develop applied research that will spur economic growth in the region, while supporting undergraduate and graduate teaching and promoting entrepreneurship among students.

The Hohbach Chair is a faculty rank position on campus within the Department of Electrical Engineering and is occupied by an individual with an established reputation in electrical engineering or a closely related field.

The Milton Nies Chair in Enterprise Economics was established by the late Milton Nies, who spent most of his professional life as a businessman in Bismarck, North Dakota. Mr. Nies was a native of Eureka, South Dakota and graduated from South Dakota State University with a degree in Economics in 1950. He had a strong interest in business planning and in assisting new business startups. He initially worked for United Accounts, a business he later owned. He was collaborating with the SDSU Foundation on the particulars of the Nies Chair prior to his death in 2003.

The purpose of the Nies Chair is to provide leadership in market research and analysis, business assistance, new enterprise development, and entrepreneurship. Regionally based products and industries will be emphasized through teaching, research, and outreach activities. This person will establish a close working relationship with the South Dakota Enterprise Institute at SDSU.

The Nies Chair is a faculty position that will be held by a nationally recognized leader in enterprise economics education and research who possesses skills in economics, business management and development, and entrepreneurship.

Engineering Resource Center (ERC)


The ERC, established in 1986, exists to serve the University, citizens, and industry in South Dakota. Five complementary outreach and/or technology transfer programs make up the ERC. Thus, the knowledge gained from one program often supports or strengthens another program. The five programs are: Engineering Extension; Office of Remote Sensing; South Dakota Space Grant Consortium; Local Transportation Assistance Program; and the University/Industry Technology Service.

The ERC may undertake projects directly or use project teams composed of students, university faculty, and non-university experts. These teams may be discipline-specific or interdisciplinary.

The mission of Engineering Extension is to assist the private and public sectors of the state with their technical needs for the purpose of economic development. The primary activities of the program are:

  1. Occupational safety and health surveys of the workplace for South Dakota employers.
  2. Training and workshops and seminars to update skills regarding technical needs and to certify individuals who are required to work under specific government regulations.
  3. Technical assistance that provides “hands-on” expertise that will solve safety and health technical problems for small industries, government agencies and others through industrial/mechanical engineering technologies.

The Office of Remote Sensing (ORS) works with multispectral, remotely sensed imagery, Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and geographic information systems (GIS) for natural resource studies and mapping and K-16 outreach in South Dakota and elsewhere. The ORS coordinates a state-wide activity called SDView, which endeavors to distribute selected satellite data to users across the state.

The South Dakota Space Grant Consortium is a program funded in part by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Consortium members are SDSU, SDSM&T, Augustana College and the EROS Data Center. Goals of the Consortium are to create an enthusiasm for aerospace sciences among students and faculty and to encourage them to pursue careers in related fields.

The South Dakota Local Transportation Assistance Program (LTAP) assists local governments with technology and information needed to operate their transportation related agencies. Staff members are located in Brookings, Sioux Falls, Pierre and Rapid City.

The University/Industry Technology Service (UITS) links University resources to industry, business and government to solve technological problems and enhance economic development in South Dakota.

For information, contact Kevin Dalsted, Director, Engineering Resource Center, SDSU, Box 2220, Brookings, SD 57007-0199; phone 605-688-4184; e-mail: kevin.dalsted@sdstate.edu

Environmental Health & Safety Office


The primary function of the Environmental Health and Safety office is to assist campus personnel in making SDSU a safe learning and working environment for faculty, staff, and students.

The EHS office is responsible for enforcing federal, state and local safety and environmental rules and regulations, including radiation, chemical, and biological safety; management of hazardous materials and conditions; management of indoor air quality in cooperation with Physical Plant; recycling of electronics, batteries, and heavy metalcontaining light bulbs; disposal of hazardous wastes and other functions relating to research, teaching and administrative duties.

EHS provides training in the various areas listed above, not only to be in compliance with regulations, but to be sure that all SDSU students, staff and visitors, have an enjoyable and safe experience at SDSU.

For staff and students with questions concerning any of these functions, or to download SDSU’s safety policies from the EHS web site, go to:


Or contact EHS at:

Environmental Health & Safety Shepard Hall 059; Box 2202, Brookings, SD 57007 Phone: 605-688-4264 E-mail: EHS@sdstate.edu

Facilities and Services


The Facilities and Services Department is a service department established for the purpose of providing the necessary support to the teaching, research, and service missions of South Dakota State University.

The Facilities and Services works to ensure that the buildings and grounds are operated and maintained in an appropriate and safe manner. Facilities and Services must approve modifications in facilities and grounds, facilitating code interpretation.

Facilities and Services is able to perform most building maintenance functions with in-house talents. South Dakota State University Electricians, Painters, Welders, Carpenters, Plumbers, HVAC Technicians, and Locksmiths provide service every day to the campus. The Engineering Section provides project management, master planning support, and maintenance support. The Mail Center processes all incoming and outgoing mail for SDSU departments. The US Post Office, located in Yeager Hall, provides personal mail services for campus personnel, including rental mail boxes and UPS/FedEx drop off.

Faculty and Staff are encouraged to note problems or deficiencies in the areas of campus that you use. Please contact the Facilities and Services with questions, comments or concerns.

Phone: 605-688-4136
E-mail: “SDSU Facilities and Services Front Desk” from global address list
Office: Administration Bldg 304
Visit at: http://facilitiesandservices.sdstate.edu/
Find: on-line service guide, customer forms, facilities information,
maps and contact information for Facilities and Services personnel.



Application Fee
Non-refundable charge assessed all applicants for initial admission unless you have previously attended South Dakota State University or another South Dakota public university.

Activity Fee
A fee charged per semester to support student health, student union and student activity programs such as: admission to plays, athletic events, athletic facilities, and partially funded judging, music and forensic programs.

University Support Fee
A fee assessed per credit to replace expendable supplies; defray cost of maintenance, repair and replacement of equipment; provide testing and other instruction-related costs while providing additional services that benefit students which are not funded from other sources.

Charge for Students in Majors with Laptop Programs
Students whose majors require participation in a laptop program will be charged $66.70 per semester for network connectivity. (Students who live in residential halls and are already paying for connectivity will be exempt.)

Late Charges Assessed beginning Fourth Day of Classes
If you do not pay tuition and fees at the regular established due dates, you will be assessed a late charge. A late charge may be assessed each time you fail to satisfy your financial obligations within established due dates. Failure to pay in a timely manner could result in you being administratively withdrawn from the University.

Field Trip Charge
Students enrolled in selected courses that involve field trips may be assessed for transportation, group admission, and entry fees. The amount charged will vary per course.

Aviation Flight Training Fees
Aviation students are assessed fees for flight training.  This per hour fee is used to defray the costs of aircraft operations, maintenance, simulators and individual instruction.  Fee costs vary depending on type of aircraft and hourly operating costs.

Special Expenses for Education Students
Education students enrolled in selected Education courses are assessed a fee of $148.85 per semester for Junior Field Experience, $297.90 per semester for Senior Student Teaching, and $148.85 one-time fee for Master’s Level Internships.

Special Expenses for Engineering Courses
A fee of $20.40 per credit hour is charged for courses in the College of Engineering. This fee applies to Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science courses as well.

Engineering/Science Lab Fee
$51.30 per designated course is charged to all lab classes in engineering, mathematics, and selected sciences. These funds are used for supplies and materials and to purchase equipment.

Special Expenses for Nursing Students
Uniforms must be purchased by second year nursing students. Transportation must be provided by the student in Community Health Nursing and selected independent experiences. Nursing majors enrolled in more than 2 credits of nursing courses are assessed a major fee of $443.20 for the Undergraduate program, $178.80 for the RN Upward Mobility program, and $178.80 for the Graduate program. Students enrolled in the Family Nurse Practitioner program are assessed a fee of $635.90 per semester; students in the Accelerated Track, $734.40 per semester. Students enrolled in Nursing, NACC, and HSC courses are assessed a fee of $20.40 per credit hour.

Special Expenses for Pharmacy students
Students in the Pharm.D. program are assessed a major fee of $1,641.60 per semester 5 through 10. For semester 11 and 12, there is a $102.60 per credit hour Pharm.D. clerkship (10 credit hours required). Students enrolled in Pharmacy courses are assessed a fee of $20.40 per credit hour.

If you are indebted to the University and do not satisfy financial obligations when due, you may be denied admission to the University. You may be administratively withdrawn from the University after notice from the University and you will not be permitted to register or receive a transcript of grades until the indebtedness is paid. This applies to your indebtedness to the University for tuition, fees, required deposits and board, financial aid, but not to student organizations.

Tuition, Living, and Other Expenses

Using Academic Year September 2008-May 2009
For current information see the web site:

All charges and procedures listed are subject to change pending Board of Regents action.







undergraduate on-campus per semester credit



graduate on-campus per semester credit



University Support Fee - per credit



Activity Fee - per credit



See accompanying text for the descriptions of fees for Engineering courses (including Mathematics courses), lab fees, and special expenses for Nursing, Pharmacy, and Education students. There is also an additional network connectivity fee per semester for students whose majors require participation in a laptop program.



Meal Plan, per semester

Students have a choice of 7 Meal Plans ranging from $824.45 to $1,486.45 per semester. For more detailed information, contact the Food Service Office or Residential Life.




Residence Halls - per semester $1,224.80 $1,771.60
Wecota Annex $1,224.80 $1,552.90
Caldwell $1,698.25 $2,203.85
Berg/Bailey Apartments $1,544.65  





Tuition - 16 credits



University Support & Activity Fees -
Health Service, Union, Students’ Association



Books and supplies (estimate)



Meal Plan (midpoint of range)



Residence hall rent






** Expenses will be higher if a student takes course work requiring lab fees or special discipline fees. See accompanying text.


All tuition, fees, housing, food service and miscellaneous charges to student accounts will be on an electronic billing (eBilling) system and can be viewed on SDePay, a secured website via the Internet. Payment of the student account can also be made electronically (ePayment) through SDePay. Students can authorize parents, spouse and other individuals to view the eBill and make ePayment on their student account. For additional information, see eBilling and ePayment website at http://studentbill.sdstate.edu.


Email messages sent by SDSU to students through university-assigned, jacks email addresses will constitute an official means of communication. It is the student’s responsibility and obligation to access official university email messages in a timely manner. As other email accounts may be blocked by the SDSU firewall, SDSU is only able to monitor student emails coming from university-assigned email accounts.


By the third day of classes, each student makes a full payment of charges based on the number of credits early registered for, residency status, and campus housing. Late fees will be assessed starting on the fourth day of classes. We encourage students to mail payment before registration day.

Payment of tuition and fees can be made directly to the University by cash, check or electronic bank transfer.

Payment of tuition & fees using a debit or credit card can only be made through SDePay, electronic billing & payment system. American Express, MasterCard and Discover cards are accepted by SDePay. Visa Card is not accepted. A 2.75% service fee is assessed by and payable to infiNET, host provider of SDePay.


The student identification card is used as a debit card to access prepaid accounts. In addition to its extensive use in the food service system, the ID card accesses prepaid accounts, called HOBO DOUGH, for bookstore, campus vending, laundry, photo copying and printing, and selected offcampus businesses. Upon graduation or leaving the University, these funds will be returned in full upon request. No service charges are assessed for active accounts. However, accounts inactive for six months or more are assessed a monthly service charge. If the service charge exceeds the account balance, the account is automatically closed.



A petition process does exist for students or parents who feel that individual circumstances warrant exception from the published refund policy. Contact the Registrar, SAD 310, for information.

Food Service and Room Rent Refunds. Students with a room contract or food service contract will receive a refund based on the unused portion of the fee at the time of withdrawal up to the 60% point of the period. The balance of flex plan dollars will be refunded at 100%.

Federal Financial Aid Recipients. The U.S. Department of Education requires institutions to use the Return of Title IV Funds policy for students withdrawing from school and who are receiving Federal Title IV student financial aid. Title IV funds refers to the federal financial aid programs authorized under the Higher Education Act of 1965 (as amended) and includes the following programs: Federal Stafford Loan, Unsubsidized Stafford Loans, Parent Loans for Undergraduate Students (PLUS), Federal Perkins Loans, Federal Pell Grants, Academic Competitiveness Grants, SMART Grant, and Federal Supplemental Grants. Also, the Federal Nursing Loans and Federal Health Professions Loans use the Return to Title IV Funds calculation.

A student’s withdrawal date is 1) When the student began the withdrawal process or officially notified SDSU of intent to withdraw by contacting the SDSU Registrar’s Office; or 2) The midpoint of the period for a student who leaves without notifying SDSU; or at SDSU’s option, the student’s last documented date of academically-related activity.

Return of Title IV Funds is based on “earned” and “unearned” financial aid as related to the period of time the student is enrolled. Institutional charges comprise the amounts that had been assessed (paid or unpaid) and are not used in determining the Return of Title IV funds for a withdrawing student. During the first 60% of the period (academic term) a student “earns” Title IV funds and other applicable aid on a per diem prorated manner based on a percentage of the enrolled period by dividing the number of days a student attended by the number of days in the period. Calendar dates are used, except breaks of at least 5 days are excluded from the calculation. A student who remains enrolled beyond the 60% point earns all aid (100%) for the period.

The “unearned” Title IV funds must be returned to the aid programs. Unearned aid is the amount of disbursed Title IV aid that exceeds the amount of Title IV aid earned based on attendance in the enrollment period. Uncoverable charges are derived from the unearned percentage calculation for the period multiplied by the institutional charges.

Repayment of unearned aid is first paid by any unearned (refunded) institutional charges. The student owes the difference between the total unearned amount and the refunded institutional charges.

Return of Title IV funds, by programs disbursed, are allocated in the following order: Unsubsidized Federal Stafford Loan, Federal Stafford Loan, Federal Perkins Loan, PLUS Loans, Federal Pell Grant, Academic Competitiveness Grant, SMART Grant, Federal Supplemental Grant, other Title IV assistance, other federal sources of aid, other state, institutional, and private aid, and last to the student.

Responsibilities of SDSU include providing information on the Return of Title IV Funds policy and procedure to students. This information is available at www.sdstate.edu and from the SDSU Financial Aid Office. SDSU is also responsible to complete calculations of the Return of Title IV Funds for federal financial aid recipients who are withdrawing from SDSU and to return any Title IV funds to the respective Title IV funds account. The student is responsible to repay any Title IV funds that the student was determined to be ineligible for via the Return to Title IV funds calculation.

Financial Assistance


General Information
Approximately 86% of the SDSU students attending full-time receive some type of financial assistance to help pay their educational costs. Financial assistance includes both need-based financial aid (grants, loans, work) as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), and other financial aid (scholarship, agency assistance, etc.) not based on need. Financial need is defined as the portion of educational costs not covered by family contributions. Average educational costs are determined by the Financial Aid Office and family contribution is calculated from information on the FAFSA.

The SDSU award policy gives priority for some federal financial aid programs to students completing the FAFSA before March 10. However, the largest financial aid programs, the Federal Pell Grant and the Federal Stafford Loan, do not have priority processing dates. Students must reapply for financial aid every academic year. Please refer to the SDSU web page for more information: www.sdstate.edu (Keyword: financial aid).

Need-Based Financial Aid Programs

  1. General eligibility requirements
    1. Admission in an SDSU degree program.
    2. Enrolled as a full-time student to receive full award.
    3. United States citizen or eligible non-citizen.
    4. Cannot be in default on a federal student loan or owe a refund to a federal student grant program.
    5. Selective Service laws require male students born after December 31, 1959, to be registered with Selective Service.
    6. Maintain Satisfactory Progress as described in detail in the SDSU Satisfactory Progress Standards (on SDSU financial aid web page). Satisfactory Progress is the measurement of a student’s academic performance (credits completed, cumulative grade point average, and maximum credits attempted) toward the completion of the student’s degree program. Students not meeting Satisfactory Progress Standards will have their federal financial aid eligibility suspended.
  2. Financial aid programs SDSU participates in all of the federal financial aid programs. Specific information is available on the SDSU web page at www.sdstate.edu. An SDSU Financial Aid award letter identifies the specific awards and other information is enclosed for the financial aid recipient.
    1. Grants are gift aid based on financial need.
      1. Federal Pell Grant awards are determined by a federal formula for the student’s first bachelor degree.
      2. Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant awards are based on Pell Grant eligibility and available funds.
      3. Academic Competitiveness Grant awards based on Federal Pell Grant eligibility for a full-time student who graduated from high school after January 1, 2006, for a first-year grant and completed a state designated “rigorous high school program of study.” Second year students must have graduated after January 1, 2005, and have a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA.
      4. SMART Grant awards based on Federal Pell Grant eligibility, full-time student enrolled in a federal approved major and have a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA.
      5. TEACH Grant for teacher education in “high need” fields and who agree to teach at a Title I school as defined by the U.S. Department of Education.
    2. Loans provide an opportunity to borrow money for educational expenses. Loans must be repaid. First time loan recipients are required to complete Entrance Loan Counseling.
      1. The Federal Stafford Loan Program is the largest financial need-based loan program. The Federal Stafford Loan is processed with financial institutions. The federal government pays the interest while the student is in school and during deferment periods. Interest and repayment begin six months after half-time enrollment ends; the interest rate is 6.8%, subject to change.
      2. The Unsubsidized Federal Stafford Loan can be used by students who are not eligible for full need-based financial aid as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Independent students may apply for extended unsubsidized Federal Stafford Loans if eligible. The student pays the interest on unsubsidized loans.
      3. The Federal PLUS (Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students): The parent processes a loan application for the student and makes a monthly payment beginning 60 days after the PLUS check is disbursed. Interest rate is 8.5%.
      4. The Federal Perkins Loan is an SDSU award based on financial need and SDSU award policy. Interest (5%) and repayment begin nine months after half-time enrollment ends.
      5. The Nursing Student Loan is for nursing majors based on financial need and SDSU award policy. Interest (5%) and repayment begin nine months after half-time enrollment ends or ending the nursing degree program.
      6. The Health Professions Student Loan is for pharmacy majors based on financial need and SDSU award policy. Interest (5%) and repayment begin 12 months after full-time enrollment ends or ending the pharmacy degree program.
    3. Work opportunities may provide part-time employment for students.s
      1. The Federal Work Study financial aid awards are based on financial need and SDSU award policy. Most jobs are oncampus. There are some community service job opportunities.
      2. Other employment opportunities may be available through the Career and Academic Planning Services and South Dakota Job Service.
    4. State of South Dakota no-need aid program information available at www.sdstate.edu (Keyword: Scholarships).
      1. South Dakota Opportunity Scholarship is for students who are South Dakota residents at the time of high school graduation who have a minimum ACT composite of 24 and met the Regents Scholar requirements.
      2. Dakota Corps Scholarship for new high school graduates from South Dakota who will major in a degree that will prepare the student to work in a critical need occupation.
  3. Scholarships The SDSU scholarship programs have increased yearly with additional scholarships for new, continuing, and transfer students. SDSU awards over 4,500 scholarships to undergraduate students. There are approximately 1,400 new-freshman student scholarships. A single scholarship application available from SDSU or from your high school needs to be completed and returned to the SDSU Financial Aid Office before January 25 for priority consideration for the new student academic scholarships.
    1. Selected new freshman scholarships.
      1. Renewable scholarships, upon meeting academic standards, include: Briggs; Lohr; May; Nichols; and many named Foundation scholarships.
      2. Jackrabbit Guarantee eligibility for new, first-time freshman students who score a 24 or higher ACT composite score. Scholarship is renewable when 30 SDSU credits completed each academic year and maintains a 2.5 or higher GPA. The $1,000 minimum in scholarship assistance can be met by any academic SDSU scholarship award.
      3. Many general, departmental, and talent awards are also available.
    2. Upper class student scholarships are awarded by the college/ department based on a student’s academic record through an annual competitive scholarship application process.
    3. Talent and participation scholarship awards are available by contacting the specific areas: 4-H: County Agents or Program Leader, SDSU Air Force ROTC: Professor of Aerospace Studies, SDSU Army ROTC: Professor of Military Science, SDSU Music: Music Department, SDSU Theatre: Theatre Department, SDSU
    4. Local and national scholarship information and applications may be available through your high school, various organizations and groups.
  4. Financial assistance may also be available through various agencies including Vocational Rehabilitation and other special services agencies.
  5. SDSU is fully accredited for Veterans Assistance benefits for qualified students.
  6. Please contact the SDSU Financial Aid Office, Box 2201, SAD 106, Brookings, SD 57007. Phone 605-688-4695, or e-mail: sdsu.finaid@sdstate.edu for specific applications, forms, and information. Additional information can be accessed on the SDSU Home Page: www.sdstate.edu

Foundation, SDSU


The SDSU Foundation is a private, non-profit corporation which seeks, accepts, and administers private gifts for the support of programs at South Dakota State University.

The SDSU Foundation manages total net assets valued at more than $100 million, including an endowment of more than $60 million. The work of the SDSU Foundation provides support that translates to more than $200,000 each week to assist the University in its missions of education, research and outreach.

Donations to the SDSU Foundation come in many forms including cash, marketable securities, real estate, equipment, personal property, and estate gifts.

A volunteer board governs the activities of the SDSU Foundation. Steve Erpenbach is the Foundation’s president and CEO.

For information on making a gift to SDSU, contact the SDSU Foundation at (toll-free) 1-888-747-SDSU (7378), send an e-mail to: steve.erpenbach@sdsufoundation.org; or check out the web site at: www.sdsufoundation.org

Information Technology, Office of


The Office of Information Technology coordinates all areas of information technology (IT) at SDSU. Under the direction of Dr. Mike Adelaine, the Vice President for Information Technology, programs, services, and support are provided to the University community.

Administrative and Research Computing (ARC)
ARC provides computational resources for large-scale research on campus. Analysis and computer programming for management information and student information support are also ARC priorities. For more information, call 688.6134.

Classroom Technology Services (CTS)
This group is responsible for all technology-enhanced and DDN classrooms located on the University campus. This includes the initial installation of equipment, its maintenance and upgrades. For more information, call 688.6312.

Information Security
This team ensures University data security and establishes protocols to protect information, users, and the University. Questions or concerns should be reported to the Support Desk (688.6776) immediately. For more information, call 688.4988.

Information Technology Operations
This group is responsible for the daily management of the OIT and coordinating IT units and services, as well as managing the eSDSU Laptop Center, the Faculty Upgrade & Redistributed System programs, and the Student Technology Fellows. For more information, call 688.4988.

Information Technology Services (ITS)
ITS serves as the primary point of contact for all students, faculty, and staff needing tech support, through its operation of the Support Desk. Equipment loan, repair, and the maintenance of general use computer labs are also the responsibility of ITS. For more information, call 688.6776.

Instructional Design Services (IDS)
This team offers faculty services in instructional design, distributed learning, and the use of integrated media in the classrooms. They also provide students and staff with training in a wide variety of software programs and applications, as well as instruction in the use of equipment. For more information, call 688.6312.

University Networking Systems and Services (UNSS)
UNSS provides the infrastructure upon which technology systems are built and assures internet access to the campus community. In addition, they maintain the server farm, on which the majority of institutional software and applications are run. For more information, call 688.4988.

Intercollegiate Athletics


South Dakota State University is a Division I, National Collegiate Athletic Association member and offers competition in eleven sports for women and ten sports for men. The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) governs competition for both women and men. Women compete in cross country, equestrian, indoor and outdoor track and field, volleyball, basketball, swimming, golf, tennis, softball and soccer. Men compete in cross country, indoor and outdoor track and field, football, basketball, swimming, golf, tennis, wrestling and baseball.

South Dakota State athletic teams have experienced broad based success. They are recognized regionally and nationally each year for the athletic accomplishments and academic achievements for their student-athletes and coaches.

Every undertaking within South Dakota State University’s Athletic Department is driven by a relentless commitment to excellence. We are committed to providing each and every student-athlete with a comprehensive collegiate experience. Academic achievement is important because it is the fundamental purpose of the student-athlete experience. Social responsibility is also a vital component. We expect to contribute to the well-being of our campus, community and state. Positive student-athlete experiences and competitive success also define our program because they are integral to the student-athlete’s growth. Our vision is to be a premier student-centered collegiate athletic program. We are working tirelessly to create a special place where student-athletes can develop life skills that lead not only to athletic success, but pave the way for victories long into their lives. The important work of creating that setting is the heart of our mission: to passionately and relentlessly create an environment, rooted in sportsmanship and ethical conduct, where motivated student-athletes can develop into lifelong champions. We are guided by a stringent set of values that will not be compromised: honesty, equity, academic integrity, fiscal integrity and social responsibility with the expectation of competing at the highest level.

For general athletic department information call 605-688-5625, for athletic ticket information call 605-688-5422 or 1-800-JACKS-TX (SD only) or e-mail: tamara.loban@sdstate.edu

International Affairs


The Office of International Affairs (OIA) serves as the administrative unit at SDSU where programs and activities designed to assist the entire University and its constituents in gaining an international perspective are initiated, coordinated, and managed. These activities include semester or year-long student and faculty international exchanges, short-term study abroad programs for students, international seminars for faculty, as well as on-campus programs designed to help internationalize the university.

The Office of International Programs (now Affairs) was established in 1988 and initiated its first international agreements for exchanges with Yunnan Normal University, in Kunming, China; with Chungnam National University, in Daejeon, South Korea; and with Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, England, among others.

Today, through the efforts of the OIA, SDSU has agreements with two dozen international universities, on six continents, and holds memberships in several prominent national and international organizations, including the Association for International Education Administrators (AIEA), the American Council on Education’s Internationalization Collaborative, the International Student Exchange Program (ISEP), the Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE), Cooperative Center for Study Abroad (CCSA), and the College Consortium for International Studies (CCIS).

For more information about the Office of International Affairs, please contact the Director at 605-688-4706, Karl.Schmidt@sdstate.edu or SAD 315, Box 2201, SDSU, Brookings, SD 57007-2098.

Intramurals and Recreational Sports and Sports Clubs


The purpose of the Intramural Program is to provide the opportunity for all activity-fee-paying students, both undergraduate and graduate, to participate in organized and informal sports as regularly as their time and interests permit. From informal settings such as open swim and gyms, to league play in traditional sports such as football, basketball, softball, and volleyball, it is hoped that the individual will develop a life-long positive attitude toward physical activity. Activities are organized on an individual, team, and club basis. Leagues are established for women, men, and mixed competition activities. Teams can be formed from residence hall, independent, and organizational groups.

Opportunities for students include managing and participating, with employment opportunities supervising and officiating. Sport clubs offer specialized participation ranging from a social setting on campus, to instructional programming, to competition with clubs from other universities within the region. All program offerings are governed by an elected intramural council, and activities are scheduled and supervised by the intramural staff. Since there is inherent risk of injury involved with all physical activities, it is recommended that participants have their own medical insurance.

For further information, contact the Intramural Office at 605-688- 4724 or website: http://www3.sdstate.edu/Athletics/Intramurals

Library, Hilton M. Briggs


Library services and collections are housed in the spacious Briggs Library, which is named for President Hilton M. Briggs, who served the University from 1958 to 1975. Library collections consist of more than 650,000 bound volumes, 573,000 government documents, tens-of-thousands of online resources, and extensive archives and special collections.

More than 1,800 journal titles are received currently, with another 31,000 titles available electronically in full text format. Information from these publications can be located using a collection of more than 135 citation and full-text databases covering the literature of disciplines relevant to the SDSU curriculum.

Book and periodical holdings are conveniently available on open stacks for use by students and faculty during the 98 hours the library is open every week.

A wide variety of other resources and equipment is available in the library including wireless networking and more than 60 public computer workstations providing access to the Internet and library databases, and to software such as MS Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. In addition, Briggs Library contains 11 group study/conference rooms for student use, more than 30 individual study rooms for faculty and graduate students, a resource room for the visually impaired, three computer labs, several informal lounge areas, and photocopiers on each floor. Special collections of archival, state and local history, and curriculum materials are available for students, faculty, and researchers.

The faculty and staff of Briggs Library are proud of the services they offer to the SDSU community, as well as to distance students and faculty at Sioux Falls, Rapid City, and other locations throughout South Dakota and the U.S. They respond to tens-of-thousands of information requests annually through personal contacts and via telephone, e-mail, and instant messaging. Each year they teach more than 300 classes on information literacy and use of library resources.

Hilton M. Briggs Library is a founding member of the South Dakota Library Network, which provides electronic access to the holdings of 70 academic, public, school and special libraries of South Dakota. Using this system, students and faculty at any one of the cooperating libraries can initiate computer searches of the entire database of approximately 4.3 million titles that are available through interlibrary loan to students at any member institution. In addition, each year the library’s interlibrary loan staff acquires over 4,000 copies (mostly electronic) of journal articles and over 1,000 books from other libraries worldwide to supplement the resources the library normally provides for SDSU students and faculty.

Logos, Seals, Cariactures, Wordmarks Official University Symbols


University Relations approves the use of the name or logo of South Dakota State University (in any form) for printed publication or for any type of merchandise, i.e., hats, t-shirts, mugs, etc., to be distributed. The merchandise items must also carry a corresponding club or event name.

NOTE: All SDSU logos, seals, caricatures or word marks are
licensed and cannot be used without permission.

Official Name:
South Dakota State University or SDSU (no periods)

Official School Colors:
Blue (PMS 287) and Yellow (PMS 109)

Athletic Teams Nickname:
Jackrabbits or Jacks

These names (or wordmarks) are registered:
South Dakota State UniversityTM
Hobo DayTM
Dirty LilTM
Weary WillieTM
Cereal BowlTM
Oak Lake Field StationTM
Midwest Market AnalysisTM
Garden LineTM
Go Jacks®
On Call®
Today’s Ag®
Beef Bowl®
You can go anywhere from here!®
Jackrabbit Guarantee®
Pride of the Dakotas®

For information on usage, please contact:
Office of University Relations
Box 2230
South Dakota State University
Brookings, SD 57007-1498

Telephone: 605-688-6161
Fax: 605-688-6357

McCrory Gardens


McCrory Gardens is recognized as one of the top small ornamental display gardens in the United States. It is operated by the Department of Horticulture, Forestry, Landscape and Parks. McCrory Gardens has grown to its present stature primarily through donations by Friends of McCrory Gardens, professional associations, and corporate donations. Primary goals are teaching, public education, and ornamental plant research. It is composed of a 20-acre public display area and a 45-acre arboretum.

The Gardens are open daily from dawn until dusk; no entry fee is charged but donations are encouraged. Trees, shrubs, ground covers, annuals, and perennials are featured throughout the gardens. For more information, call 605-688-5136 or e-mail: david.graper@sdstate.edu



The South Dakota Art Museum’s collection of over 6,000 objects consists of paintings, photographs, textiles, sculptures and Native American art and artifacts. The Museum has a dynamic exhibition schedule featuring our permanent collection of paintings by Harvey Dunn, children’s book author/illustrator Paul Goble, the Marghab Linen Collection, Native American art, in addition to rotating exhibits from outside sources.

The museum is located on the Medary Avenue at Harvey Dunn Street. The museum is open Free to the public Monday through Friday from 10:00am to 5:00pm, Saturdays from 10:00 to 4:00 and Sunday’s from noon to 4 pm. The museum is closed on state holidays. Visit the museum store to find unique handmade gifts, books and music by regional artists, and an outstanding collection of books on Native American history and culture.

For more information or to schedule a group tour, call 866-805-7590 or 605-688-5423, email sdsu.sdam@sdstate.edu or visit our website at www.southdakotaartmuseum.com.

The University’s Agricultural Heritage Museum collection of 100,000 objects interprets South Dakota agricultural history and rural heritage. The museum is concerned with human experiences that were shaped by the state’s diverse environment.

The museum is located on the northwest corner of Medary Avenue and 11th Street in the old Stock Judging Pavilion. The museum is open FREE to the public Monday through Saturday from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM and Sundays from 1:00 to 5:00 PM. The museum is closed on state holidays.

The museum gift shop is an excellent source of South Dakota history books, unique gifts, and the official SDSU Christmas ornaments. For further information or to schedule a group tour, call 605-688- 6226, e-mail SDSU.agmuseum@sdstate.edu or visit our website at http://www.agmuseum.com.

Print Lab


The Print Lab is an on-campus-printing department located in Yeager Hall, SYE 102. There is a charge for all Print Lab work, and the Print Lab only prints university-related materials.

With the advent of desktop publishing programs, writing and designing publications such as newsletters, brochures, posters, flyers, etc., has become much easier. Although nearly every office on campus has this capability, generally a publication designed “in house” does not necessarily mean it is “print ready.”

To ensure projects are ready for printing, electronic pre-press procedures require University Relations or Ag Communications to prepare the computer files for the Print Lab. These procedures apply to the simplest business form or letterhead to the most complicated fullcolor brochure. Additionally, the offices of University Relations and Ag Communications are charged with the responsibility of overseeing the consistent quality of publications, for both internal and external audiences.

Other than reprint orders and business cards, work done at the Print Lab must first be routed through University Relations (605-688-6161) or Ag Communications (605-688-4650).

Print Lab also has three manned copy centers on campus:

Ag Hall Copy Center (SAG 125), 605-688-4921
Biostress Copy Center (SNP 105), 605-688-4417
Print Lab Copy Center (SYE 102), 605-688-5111

For more information about the Print Lab’s services, call 605-688- 5111, or e-mail brenda.quam@sdstate.edu

Residential Life - Housing and Food Service


The Department of Residential Life administers programs and facilities for all on-campus housing. Complete information and policies are printed in the Department of Residential Life Handbook and Planner and Family Student Housing Information booklet. The Residential Life Office is located on the first floor of Caldwell Hall. The phone number is 605-688-5148.

Residence Halls - Residence Halls at SDSU are living units where students study, meet other students and are challenged to develop as individuals. Generally students who are not two or more years beyond graduation from high school are required by the Board of Regents to enter into residence hall and food service contracts with the University. Details on the Board of Regents’ requirements can be reviewed by contacting the Department of Residential Life and/or are listed on the department’s web pages. Requests for release from the residence hall obligation must be in writing using the form available on the department’s web page and postmarked on or before June 30 for fall semester and December 1 for new Spring Semester to avoid a monetary penalty. Currently, residence hall double rooms rent is from $2,350 to $3,260 depending on the assigned hall per academic year. Students not required to live in on-campus facilities but wish to, should contact the office for availability or may contact the Off-Campus Housing Assistance Office; the phone number is 605-688-5916.

Residence Hall Confirmation Fee - The Residence Hall Application Information is available to students after they are admitted to the University. The housing application is on-line available at http://studentaffairs.sdstate.edu/ResidentialLife/ under forms. If individuals do not have access to a computer they may contact the housing office to have hard copy materials sent to them. A $50 Confirmation fee must accompany all applications for residence hall space. The fifty dollars will be credited toward the student’s Hobo Dough account. Any person whose written request is granted for release from the residency requirement that is postmarked on or before June 30 for fall semester or December 1 for new spring semester will have the $50 dollars refunded. Any person who is canceled at their request after these dates will forfeit the Confirmation Fee.

Married Student Housing -78 unfurnished, one-bedroom apartments and eight unfurnished, two-bedroom apartments are available for rent on campus. Currently, rent for the one-bedroom apartments ranges from $255-$340 per month. Rent for the two bedroom apartments is $402 per month. Each apartment includes a refrigerator, stove, and all utilities. To be eligible to apply for Married Student Housing you must have been accepted to SDSU, a spouse and/or at least one dependent will reside in the apartment with you and enrollment in a set number of credit hours are required. Contact Residential Life Office personnel for more information.

University Apartments - Four-bedroom apartments for single students are available in the Berg/Bailey apartment complex. Monthly rent, including utilities, dishwasher, stove, refrigerator, and air conditioning, was $1,480 per person in 2007-2008 and an increase is expected this coming year. Nine-month contracts are available and a $50 confirmation fee is required when assignment is made. Contact Residential Life Office personnel for more information.

Food Service - SDSU Dining Services is committed to providing a food service program that is both economical and of the highest quality. SDSU’s Dining Service utilizes a Student I.D. “One Card System,” that allows access to all food venues and meal plans. Larson Commons is an “all-you-can-eat-facility,” while students can also choose to eat at Jack’s Place at the Student Union and Medary Commons, along with convenience stores and Java City specialty beverages. There are several meal plans from which to choose, offering the student considerable variety to pick a plan that best meets their particular eating needs. All SDSU students living in residence halls are required to purchase a meal plan. Complete information about the Dining Service’s meal plans, costs, hours of operations and programs is included with the Residence Hall information and a brochure is distributed to all students. Other food programs are available for off-campus “commuter” students, faculty and staff. The Dining Services office is located in the University Student Union. The phone number is 605-697-2550.

Service Learning


South Dakota State University provides Service-Learning opportunities for students through the SDSU Service-Learning Program, and the International Partnership for Service-Learning and Leadership.

The SDSU Service-Learning Program assists students and faculty in arranging service-learning courses utilizing any of a variety of service sites and varying lengths of service. Course credits are provided in accordance with the amount of study/service, and grades are based on the learning that takes place. Special costs are involved. Study may focus on a particular culture, social system, agency, skill set, or other chosen topic. Application and consent are required. Contact the Office for Diversity Enhancement at 605-688-6361.

A variety of SDSU departments have established service-learning courses and students are encouraged to contact specific departments for information. Assistance in this can be obtained from the Office for Diversity Enhancement (605-688-6361).

The International Partnership for Service-Learning and Leadership is a private academic organization with which SDSU is affiliated in order to provide semester-long service-learning opportunities on American Indian Reservations for students from around the globe. A maximum of 15 credits are earned. Special costs are involved and arrangements are made through the IPSL office at 815 Second Ave, Suite 315, New York, NY 10017 (212-986-0989) or contact the SDSU Office for Diversity Enhancement (605-688-6361). Application and consent are required.

Student Affairs


The Division of Student Affairs provides services and activities that are designed to help students gain the greatest benefit from their University education. The following departments are included in Student Affairs: Admissions, New Student Orientation, Office of Enrollment Services (Disability Services, Financial Aid, Records and Registration, and Scholarships) Residential Life (Judicial Affairs), The Union, TRiO Programs/ Multicultural Affairs (International Student Affairs), University Dining Services, and Wellness (Intramurals and Club Sports, Recreation, and Student Health & Counseling). A brief overview of each department follows. If you have questions or need information about any of these areas, contact the Vice President for Student Affairs office in SAD 318, phone 605- 688-4493. The specific programs and services offered by the departments are listed below and elsewhere in this catalog.

Admissions - The Admissions Office assists students in attaining their educational goals by providing quality services and accurate information that will enable them to make an informed and appropriate college choice. In addition, the Admissions Office processes all applications for admission and determines residency status for entering students. Questions concerning enrollment information, admission and transfer evaluation should be directed to Admissions Office, SAD 200, South Dakota State University, Box 2201, Brookings, SD 57007-0649, phone 605-688-4121.

Office of Enrollment Services

Disability Services - Disability Services coordinates services for students with a wide range of disabilities. Services include coordinating testing accommodations, the acquisition of alternative format texts, classroom accommodations, referral to other service agencies, and coordinating additional services based on the individual needs of the student. The phone number for the Coordinator of Disability Services is 605-688-4504.

Financial Aid - The Financial Aid Office administers student financial assistance programs, including federal and state financial aid, and governmental agency awards. The phone number for Financial Aid is 605-688-4695.

Veterans Affairs - SDSU is a fully accredited university eligible to provide GI Bill educational assistance for qualified veterans and dependents. Eligible dependents and veterans should contact the Veterans Service Office, SAD 108, South Dakota State University, Box 2201, Brookings, SD 57007, phone 605-688-4700, for application forms and information concerning their benefits.

South Dakota resident veterans who served on active duty during a declared war or who participated in an U.S. Department of Defense declared conflict or hostility and who have no remaining VA benefits may qualify for tuition assistance through a South Dakota state program. To determine eligibility, veterans should contact the Financial Aid Office, SAD 106, or phone 605-688-4702.

SDSU is also approved for processing a state program which provides reduced tuition for South Dakota National Guard students. Please direct questions about this program to the Registrar’s Office, SAD 310, South Dakota State University, Box 2201, Brookings, SD 57007-0498. The student is responsible for submitting a national guard tuition assistance application to the Records Office prior to the Drop/Add deadline of each semester they seek benefits.

Records and Registration

The Registrar’s Office assists students in meeting their academic goals through a variety of services that include on-line registration, adding and dropping classes, accessing final grades, academic transcripts, and coordinating the semester course schedule. Records and Registration staff are available to help students to understand the variety of policies, procedures, and deadlines that are in place. The phone number for Records and Registration is 605-688-6195.


Students receiving the Jackrabbit Guarantee or the South Dakota Opportunity Scholarship may find information and advising on continuing scholarship eligibility, renewal, and retention. The phone number for Scholarships is 605-688-5201.

TRIO Programs/Multicultural Affairs

International Student Advising - This office administers policies and provides a broad range of support services relative to the nonimmigrant status of international students and scholars. Services include interpretation of immigration regulations, advising, outreach, handling official documents, and maintaining records. An extensive orientation program is conducted by the office prior to registration each semester. The purpose of the office is to facilitate the attainment of the educational goals of students from countries other than the United States. For further information, contact the office at SSU 065, SDSU, Brookings, SD 57007, phone 605-688-4477.

Multicultural Affairs - The Multicultural Affairs Office (OMA) at South Dakota State University develops campus initiatives that demonstrate the valued practice and philosophy of multiculturalism within the university community. Programs and activities developed by the office promote high achievement among the increasing number of minority students at South Dakota State University. The Multicultural Affairs Office enhances and complements the University mission by broadening the social, cultural, educational and recreational experience of students. OMA offers support to students of color, implements multicultural and diversity programming, assists in the retention of students of color, advises cultural organizations, and coordinates the Minority Peer Mentor Program. The office is located at SSU 065 and can be reached by calling 605-688-6653.

Native American Student Advising - SDSU provides an adviser for Native American students to aid them in their adjustment to university life. The adviser assists students in the areas of financial aid, academic planning, and personal concerns, as well as providing information about Native Americans to the college and area community. For further information, contact the office at 605-688-6129, SSU 065.

TRiO Student Support Services - TRiO Student Support Services is a federally funded TRiO grant program designed to support students in achieving academic success. To assist students’ success at SDSU the following support services are available through the SSS Program: 1) scholarship opportunities to help with college costs (minimum $300); 2) individualized support in managing academic pursuits; 3) personalized financial, career, and social support services to ease transitions through college; 4) tutorial services in a variety of course areas (including math, English, and basic sciences); 5) referral assistance to other campus support services; and 6) priority registration at the beginning of each academic semester. Since services to students are individualized, participation in the program may substantially increase participants’ chances for success at SDSU. The ultimate goal of SSS is to increase the number of students who are retained and graduated from SDSU. To be eligible for services, a participant must fit one of the following criteria: 1) a first generation student - neither parents finished a 4-year college degree, 2) an individual with a documented disability that impacts ability to be successful in an academic program, and/or 3) an individual from an economically disadvantaged family who needs financial assistance to attend and be successful in college. For more information on Student Support Services, visit the office in SSU 065. Phone 605-688-6653.

TRiO Upward Bound - Upward Bound is a federally funded TRiO grant program designed to support high school students in their preparation for successful college entrance. The program provides support in areas of tutoring, mentoring, cultural enrichment, college tours, personal development, and academic preparation to ultimately have students enroll and graduate with a college degree. The students attend a residential summer academic program at SDSU delivered in cooperation with the Office of Academic Affairs. We are committed to exposing our students and their parents to the college campus environment and having South Dakota State University faculty and staff play a major role in their campus experience. Upward Bound can be contacted in SSU 065 or by phone at 605-688-5933.


The Union


The Union provides an opportunity for student involvement with the campus community and a connection to the University. The department manages and operates the Performing Arts Center and the University Student Union, which includes services such as the Information Exchange, Outback Jacks, Central Reservations and State Technical Services. Students can cash checks, send faxes, play billiards, rent outdoor recreational equipment, get off-campus housing information, reserve sound and lighting services for programs, and dine at the Market or at Jacks’ Place. A full-service coffee, espresso and smoothie bar are also available at Java City.  The department also facilitates the advising and support for student organizations. The Student Activities office works closely with the University Program Council (UPC), Greek Life, and manages the recognition of student organizations. The department also coordinates the New Student Orientation program for the summer,
fall, and spring.

The Collegian publication, Students’ Association, Student Legal Services, KSDJ 90.7, Greek Life, University Program Council, Dining Services: the Market and Jacks’, the Bookstore, Card Services/Hobo Dough, and fifteen meeting rooms including the Volstorff Ballroom add to the already extensive list of student organizations and services housed in the University Student Union.

For more information regarding the Union call 605-688-4960 or fax at 605-688-4973.

University Relations


University Relations (UR) is located in the Communications Center between the Administration Building and the Rotunda. This office offers a number of services in two broad categories to the campus.


  • Announcements of university activities and events of special interest to the general public via newspapers, radio, television, and the SDSU website.
  • Promotion of student, faculty, departmental, and college accomplishments through news releases to area media. For media needs, contact Andrea Kieckhefer at 605-688-4541 or e-mail: andrea.kieckhefer@sdstate.edu.

Publications University Relations works closely with the campus Print Lab, the on-campus-printing department located in Yeager Hall, SYE 102. With the advent of desktop publishing programs, writing and designing publications such as newsletters, brochures, posters, flyers, etc., has become much easier. Although nearly every office on campus has this capability, generally a publication designed “in house” does not necessarily mean it is “print ready.”

To ensure projects are ready for printing, electronic pre-press procedures require University Relations to prepare the computer files for the Print Lab. These procedures apply to the simplest business form or letterhead to the most complicated full-color brochure. Additionally, the Office of University Relations is charged with the responsibility of overseeing the consistent quality of publications, for both internal and external audiences.

University Relations offers writing and design services for brochures, flyers, post cards, posters, newsletters and magazines for departments and colleges.

UR produces the e.connect, a weekly Web-based listing of campus special events, activities, general announcements, and position announcements for distribution to staff, faculty, and administrators; and Today at State, a twice weekly listing of campus special events, activities, general announcements, and interview announcements for distribution to students.

University Relations approves the use of the name or logo of South Dakota State University in any form. All SDSU logos, seals, caricatures or word marks are licensed and cannot be used without permission.

For publication and printing needs, contact the Office of University Relations at 605-688-6161.

Water and Environmental Engineering Research Center (WEERC)


The Water and Environmental Engineering Research Center (WEERC) is located in the College of Engineering at SDSU. Formerly named the Northern Great Plains Water Resources Research Center (NGPWRRC), WEERC conducts research, education and outreach activities through principal investigators who are faculty members in the Engineering College. WEERC projects are funded by governmental agencies, cities, and industry, and are focused on engineering solutions to water resources and environmental problems. Recent project topics include municipal and industrial water and wastewater treatment, water supply and wastewater disposal systems, environmental remediation, hydrological phenomena, and hydraulics of natural and engineered systems. These projects often involve collaboration with other SDSU departments or off-campus units. WEERC also maintains an environmental chemistry laboratory in Crothers Engineering Hall in conjunction with the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department. The laboratory supports research projects, environmental engineering courses, and outreach/service activities.

For information, contact Delvin DeBoer, Director, WEERC, SDSU, Box 2219, Brookings, SD 57007-0096; phone 605-688-5210; e-mail delvin.deboer@sdstate.edu.

Water Resources Institute (WRI)


The mission of the Water Resources Institute (WRI) is to coordinate research and training at South Dakota State University and other affiliated educational institutions and agencies across the state in the broad area of water resources. It administers funds received from the U.S. Department of the Interior, as made available through the Water Resources Research Act of 1984 and from the state of South Dakota. Funds received through these sources targeted for research are directed toward solving state, regional, and national water problems. The institute currently supports undergraduate and graduate students as well PhD candidates in our mission to train the next generation of water scientists. WRI supports and conducts water research of significance to South Dakota and the North Central Region. The Institute maintains a laboratory which is open to students and researchers for use of microscopes, centrifuge, and other lab equipment in conjunction with research projects.

The Water Resources Institute co-sponsors the Eastern South Dakota Water Conference, an annual event held in Brookings. Water is an important piece of the economic future of South Dakota, and this conference served as a mechanism to educate participants on this resource. The Water Resources Institute also co-sponsors the Big Sioux Water Festival in Brookings, SD, which has hosted more than 15,000 4th grade students during the past fifteen years, and makes presentations at water festivals in Huron, Aberdeen and Pierre. Other youth-based programs include “Lakes are Cool” at the NeSoDak Outdoor Campus, and the Aberdeen Youth Sport Fishing Day, as well as adult limnology workshops.

WRI also provides service to the public related to identifying and solving water quality problems. This includes recommendations with interpretation of sample analysis and providing informational materials related to the potential solution to those water quality problems. The Institute also provides a specific service to irrigators by providing recommendations on soil and water compatibility. These services are available to all South Dakotans.

WRI is located in the Agricultural Engineering building and is associated with the College of Agriculture and Biological Sciences.

For more information, contact the Water Resources Institute by phone at 605-688-4910, by e-mail: jennifer.pickard@sdstate.edu, or on the Web at http://wri.sdstate.edu.

Wellness Center


The new Wellness Center allows SDSU to provide not only highly effective health and wellness services, but fresh opportunities for student learning and outreach to the Brookings community. Services and programs provided are detailed below.

Student Health Clinic and Counseling Services

The mission of Student Health Clinic and Counseling Services is to promote the health and wellness of the University Community, to enhance student retention, and to support academic and personal success. All SDSU students are eligible for services. Hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. when classes are in session. During summer and academic breaks, appointments are scheduled from 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. (No appointments on Wednesdays.)

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Programs - SDSU, through the Department of Student Health and Counseling Services, provides alcohol and drug abuse information and prevention programs to the campus community. Alcohol and drug abuse assessment is available on an individual basis. Counseling and medical services are available to students and referrals to other agencies are available to everyone on campus. Call 605-688-6146 or 605-688-4157 for information.

Health Education and Prevention Services - The Health Education and Prevention Services are sponsored by the Student Health Clinic and Counseling Center. The program emphasizes awareness, prevention, and response to sexual assault and date rape. Closely related issues of alcohol/drug abuse, STIs (including HIV/AIDS), and unplanned pregnancies are addressed. The Counseling Center supports student peer educators who are available to present awareness and prevention programs on the above topics for student organizations, classes when requested by the instructor and residence hall student staff training. The counseling staff is available for victim assistance and response in case of sexual assault or violence. A close working relationship is maintained with other community agencies involved in prevention and response to violence and sexual assault. Confidentiality is assured at all times for the student/victim. Individuals with questions or personal concerns are asked to call the Student Health Clinic and Counseling Center at 605-688-6146 for assistance or information. 

Student Health Clinic - The Health Clinic includes primary care for illnesses and injuries, laboratory diagnostics, reproductive health, immunizations, and pharmacy. Spouses and dependents of students, and SDSU employees are eligible for services. You may call 605-688-4157 for further information, a medical appointment, or medical record assistance.

Counseling Center - Counseling Services provide individual and group counseling to students and SDSU employees with emotional, behavioral, and/or academic concerns to promote retention and success at SDSU. Common issues include mood disorders, substance use/abuse, relationship concerns, and personal and professional growth. Call 605-688-6146 for further information.

Additional services include nutrition education and health promotion with a student-run organization advocating for healthy
lifestyles – Helping Everyone Reach Optimal Health (HEROH).

Community Fitness and Recreation

A varied menu of activities and programs are offered including: cardio and weight equipment; aerobic, martial arts, and spinning classes; walking/running track; pool; three gyms; a climbing pinnacle and bouldering wall. Staff provides personal orientation, personal fitness evaluations, and design a personal program to meet your fitness goals.

There are 24 recreational sports including flag football, 3-on-3 basketball, volleyball, and softball with more than 5,600 participants annually. Eight club sports such as hockey, rugby, and bowling compete regionally giving SDSU students additional recreation opportunities. Fitness and Recreation are open Monday through Thursday, 5:30 a.m.-11 p.m.; Friday, 5:30 a.m.-10 p.m.; Saturday, 8 a.m.-8 p.m.; and Sunday, 1-5:00 p.m. Summer hours are Monday through Friday, 5:30 a.m.-9 p.m.; Saturday, 8a.m.-5p.m.; and Sunday, 1-5:00p.m.

For further information regarding the Wellness Center and it’s services, you may call 605-688-5386.