2006-2008 Graduate Catalog 
    Jan 22, 2025  
2006-2008 Graduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Financial Information/ Student Services

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Tuition and Fees*

Tuition, per credit hour Cost
Graduate Resident
Graduate Non-Resident
Graduate Assistant, graduate course
$ 115.80
Fees, per credit hour Cost
University Support Fee
Activity Fee
$ 62.80

* Fees and tuition are subject to change each semester. For any question regarding fees and/or tuition, please check the SDSU web site or refer to the Course Schedule book for each semester’s fee schedule.

*Other tuition fees may apply for off-campus delivery.

Application Fee - non-refundable charge assessed all applicants for degreeseeking admission.

Activity Fee - A fee charged per semester to cover health, Student Union and other University services, such as: admission to plays, athletic events, athletic facilities, and partially funded judging, music and forensic programs.

University Support Fee - A fee assessed per credit to replace expendable supplies, defray cost of maintenance, repair and replacement of equipment, testing and other instruction related costs. Also to assist in providing services that benefit students which are not funded from other sources.

Late Charge - If you do not pay tuition and fees during the regular established payment periods, you will be assessed a late charge. If you fail to satisfy financial obligations when due, you will be administratively withdrawn from the University.

Payment Process
Consult the current semester schedule book for the appropriate time and method of payment.

Electronic Billing and Elctronic Payment of Tuition and Fees


All tuition, fees, housing, food service and miscellaneous charges to student accounts will be on an electronic billing (eBilling) system and can be viewed on a secured website via the Internet. Payment of the student account can also be made electronically (ePayment) through the secure website. Students can authorize parents, spouse and other individuals to view the eBill and may ePayment on their student account. For additional information, see eBilling and ePayment website at http://studentbill.sdstate.edu.

Email Policy


E-mail messages sent by the University to the university-assigned student e-mail addresses will constitute an official means of communication. It is the student’s responsibility and obligation to access official university e-mail messages in a timely manner.

Students can check their e-mail by using their university-issued e-mail accounts or by forwarding their e-mail to a system of their choice, if allowed by their home institution. If choosing the latter option, students will be responsible for keeping their forwarding information current. The University will have no obligation to track down returned mail due to a forwarding address that has expired or is incorrect for whatever reason. The University will only monitor returned e-mail coming from the university assigned e-mail account.

Payment Process


By the third day of classes, each student makes a full payment of charges based on the number of credits early registered for, residency status, and campus housing. Late fees will be assessed starting on the fourth day of classes. We encourage students to mail payment before registration day.

Payment of tuition and fees can be made directly to the University by cash, check or electronic bank transfer.

Payment of tuition and fees using a debit or credit card can only be made through SDePay, electronic billing and payment system. American Express, MasterCard and Discover cards are accepted by SDePay. Visa Card is not accepted. A 2.75% service fee is assessed by and payable to infiNET, host provider of SDePay.

Campus Card Debit System - Hobo Dough


The student identification card is used as a debit card to access prepaid accounts. In addition to its extensive use in the food service system, the ID card accesses prepaid accounts, called HOBO DOUGH, for bookstore, campus vending, laundry, photocopying and printing, and selected off-campus businesses. Upon graduation or leaving the University, these funds will be returned in full upon request. No service charges are assessed for active accounts. However, accounts inactive for six months or more are assessed a monthly service charge. If the service charge exceeds the account balance, the account is automatically closed.

Fees for Auditing Courses


Regular tuition and fees, per credit, will be charged for auditing a course. Registration as an auditor is by add slip after registration day. Auditing courses will be a matter of record (recorded on the academic transcript). Grades will be designated by the instructor as Audit Pass (AUP) or Audit Fail (AUF). Audit courses are not counted in calculating undergraduate or graduate full-time student status.

Thesis and Dissertation Fees


Students are responsible for paying all binding and electronic submission fees associated with their thesis or dissertation. Contact the Graduate School for acceptable payment forms and deadlines.

Fellowships and Assistantships


Application - A number of fellowships and administrative, research, and teaching assistantships are available to qualified graduate students admitted to degree programs. Recommendations for granting these are handled by the departments. Students interested in obtaining such financial assistance should write directly to the department in which they expect to do their major work. A minimum undergraduate grade point average of 2.75 or completion of at least 10 graduate credits with a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 is required for appointment as a graduate assistant.

Obligation - The Graduate School of South Dakota State University, as a member of the Council of Graduate Schools in the United States, subscribes and adheres to the following resolution regarding scholars, fellows, trainees, and graduate assistants. In every case in which a graduate scholarship, fellowship, traineeship, or graduate assistantship for the next academic year is offered to an actual prospective graduate student, the student, having indicated acceptance before April 15, will have complete freedom through April 15 to submit in writing a resignation of the appointment in order to accept another scholarship, fellowship, traineeship, or graduate assistantship. However, an acceptance given or left in force after April 15 commits the student not to accept another appointment without first obtaining formal release for the purpose. Students working on degree programs, including those on assistantships, are considered to have assumed an obligation to complete their graduate program before transferring to any other post-baccalaureate or professional degree program.

Financial Aid


Student financial assistance programs are administered through the student Financial Aid Office in SAD 106, or may be contacted at 605/688-4695. Graduate assistantships, fellowships, and traineeships are administered by the department or program involved.

Student Services


Detailed information on Student Life and Services is found in the General Catalog (Undergraduate Catalog).

Academic Evaluation and Assessment Office- Students needing testing information (GRE, TOEFL, etc.) should contact this office located in the Foundation Building, (920 9th Street, north entrance), telephone 605/688-4217.

Bookstore - The University Bookstore is located in the University Student Union for purchase of textbooks and other supplies.

Disability Services - Assistance is available for students with disabilities. Telephone 605/688-4504, TTD 688-4394.

Health Service - The Health Service provides outpatient services and is located on the second floor of West Hall. Information is available by calling 605/688-4157 for appointments.

Housing and Food Service - Prospective graduate students should inquire about rooms or apartments from the Director of Residential Life, well in advance of registration. The Residential Life Office is located in Caldwell Hall 167, telephone 605/688-5148. Information concerning off-campus housing is available from the Off-Campus Housing Assistance Office, University Student Union 062, telephone 605/688-5916.

International Student Affairs- International students should consult with the International Student Affairs Office concerning special requirements and additional expenses, Administration Building 101, telephone 605/688-4122.

Native American Student Advising - The Native American Student Advisor is available to aid Native American students and is located in University Student Union 065, telephone 605/688-6653.